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Everything posted by Hetha

  1. *Tickles him back, as they start a veritable tickling session, laughin like crazy*
  2. *sniffles* Can't go this year!! *tears rolling down cheeks*So expensive, and gasoline is so outrageously pricey!!! I miss my dear "home away from home." Might be able to get one weekend, but no more..
  3. Awwwooo, they sound adorable! I'd love to see a pic sometime. Unfortunately, I haven't quite figured out how to post a pic in the "post reply" or "new thread" box quite yet. My pics are also quite stashed away on a CD I can't find, but if I can dig them up for ye Fancy, I will.. and pics of my calico lass, by the name of Pixy(named after the popular '80's straw candy) she was so sweet and I miss her terribly.
  4. LOL You know what I mean, smartarse! *pokes PPhil's ribcage to start a tickle match!*
  5. That's fascinating! You are well read and studied...The geisha were an insteresting bunch of girls, did a little study there. So few REAL geisha anymore, as there are many a tourist in Japan, who like to dress as one for a day. Sad really. It's too bad I could not be taught ninpo or something cool like that, at such an early age..kind of feel like I missed alot of opportunities, so that's part of why, I am so risque! I take opprtunities when they come, and live each day, as tho it were my last, for it may be, and most importantly, no regrets, no guilt. Why carry guilt, it doesn't serve, past the learning of a lesson and showing a bit of doubtful remorse. I can't stand, when people browbeat. No need! It's like, people feel, that I haven't "got it" when in fact I have. Ever feel like that?
  6. Heard of them?!*raise eyebrows* I have, but never knew what the term was that they were called by. Enlighten me.(Really I should be quite interested, no sarcasm intended)!
  7. Thank ye everyone!
  8. Actually, the naginata, is an interesting weapon, much like the glade, anyways, I have done little research into medieval Japan, and some into China. The 'Tales of the Minamoto Clan,' struck my interest. Also, tales of the women who feuled the iron mines, and made weaponry, such as cannons, were fascinating. Especially seeing as they protected their homes alot, while the men were away. Much the same as the Scandinavian women, when their husbands sailed. Scandinavian women also carried a set of keys, and were considered the head-of- household. They owned property, could divorce their husbands, and were considered equals, in business and profit. Rarely was the case of the sailing women, but they did exist, and created many a fantastic tales for the skalds. The seax and gandr, were merely household use items, but hte weapons of the skialdmaer, the labrys and buckler, sword and quiver and bow, are the main things most remember the shield maiden carrying.No, M' afraid i'm not very well read!(sarcasm) But that is a nice and cool gift to give to your 16-year old, I'm sure he loves it..good luck with the tape
  9. ::Roflmao:: Don't worry, ye almost got me! Unfortunately, I never found me a willing Master to teach me your particcualr arts, but at age nine, I was very interested in them. Thought I could move like an invisible shadow among shadows. At least that's how my classmates treated me:( So, to make lemonade out of lemons, I sought a teacher, and in finding none, I had to wait, until I ran across a Kung Fu Master, quite a few years later, then a Kenpo instructor, for small children, then a Tai Chi workout tape, and you get the picture.:) But my heart sought the martial feminine arts, and I thought I could blend my preternatural leanings toward the martial arts, into something more familiar. And so, I learned the swordsmanship, of my ancestry instead. BTW a 'seax,' is a small axe, and a 'gandr,' is a utility knife!
  10. *Shows PPhil her 'gandr'* See the ivory inlaid handle? Quite effective and useful. *Shows him her 'seax'* May look like a 'labrys', but it's a bit smaller. Your 'ashiko' are nice, do they hold you up quite well and sturdy?
  11. Very nice! I likes very much! Anything else you wish to ..err..um show me? *Wonders if I should show him my 'gandr' and 'seax.' I wonder if he'll show me next his shuko?*
  12. Aye! Same 'ere lass! Tho lately, mine has been having nightmares, and seeking my lap, more often than usual. He's just a big, sweet baby tom puss,(about 5 human years, and 11 lbs. American Shorthair, tuxedo perfect coloring; pedigreed) His name is Erasthmus Mc Keon, but everyone just calls him Razz. He keeps getting up on the counter now..grr..he knows better..
  13. I used to have more, but had to give them to different homes:( Miss them terribly! I can't resist their plaintive sweet mews and vocals. My favorite is the song"I'm lonely in the Bathroom Hall," and lets not forget, the alltime classic,"Wake up! You Lazy Human, Wake Up!"
  14. *Huge cat-ate-the-cream grin, spreads across Hetha's face* That would keep me WELL covered!
  15. My darling spoiled cat, meowing for food! (He still hasn't gotten a job, since he lost it , as a firehose, for the FW Fire Dept. He got neutered! Poor baby, has been playing our guilt strings ever since!)
  16. *Takes small cup of rice wine* And to one day, making our own! *Takes sip*
  17. Sorry about leaving in such a rush PPhil! If ye don't mind, I haven't tasted rice wine..would ye mind me trying some of it? Couldn't find the source of intrusion yet..
  18. Good morrow Captain Tito! I think I be joinin' the fun for one...If ye don't mind the extra company.
  19. The territory of simply being "Me," I suppose. M' tend to be openly, and admittedly, tenacious, and can be rather domineering at times, but M' know where my limits are,(weel most o' th' time). Sometimes I must be reminded, when M' steppin' on someone's feelins a bit, otherwise, I won't know it, til someone gets mad at M'. M' try not to, and M' apologies, when I do, but I canna help being honest and open.
  20. A keg of Guiness fer me, William!
  21. *Steps in cautiously* William, I might also need a stiff drink! Not real happy right now! Mind ye, only after the Mercenary.... If I have done anything to upset or offend, I am sorry.
  22. Wow! A man who truly is after my heart! Impressive!
  23. Ah, there ye are William! Thank ye, very much fer the Spanish silver! and the tip;)! Drop by sometime, I hear yer an exceptional archer! If ye ever needs to rid some aggression again, my fine and handsome friend, feel free to drop by! I could use someone to set up an some outside archery.
  24. Thank ye, Mad_Jack, ye art quite kind!*Takes one of the offered bottles, and sits gently on the sand* Cheers!
  25. It be an honor to train thee,*pulling out broadsword gently and tapping each of lorien's shoulder's* I now dub thee Skialdmaer Lorien Stormfeather! Rise and be recognized! Huzzah! Hail to Lorien, Honorary Skialdmaer to Hetha! Ye'll make a fine one indeed! *I whisper*Come see me at the Dragon & Tiger Den later, for yer first lesson.(located in"The Way to a Pyrate's Heart")
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