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Monterey Jack

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Everything posted by Monterey Jack

  1. Nah, well...not since 96 0r 97. And I ain't tellin ye which faire it was down near Fresno either!
  2. While half of our party invited the Kings guards to the pub, the other half crept into the royal camp at midnight and made off with the throne and toilet papered the processional canopy.
  3. You won't even need to dye them , really, as dye and stain often bleed through to the hands...unless you want that effect. Just wipe em down with mink oil or neatsfoot oil. they'll darken up real quick!
  4. Aye, that's what I did. The hardware store gloves have this little elastic wrist band stitch on em. I just ripped it out and wrapped some jute around em. EagleCrafts also sells a pattern for gauntlet-style gloves, which I'm sure ye could modify.
  5. The ones I have for my mountain gear are moose, and will probably be too heavy as you said; that, and how many moose (meese?) will you find on Hispaniola? I've been looking into the Arrawak culture, but so far nothing on tanning. I figure the buccs would adopt the locals customs and do it the way they do. Guess I'll have to opt for goat fer now, and just keep it looking as "naturally" tanned as possible. Pig is far more likely though. I'd be happy to let you know what I find. Seesm we're both on the same course here!
  6. Patrick~ In the drawing its showing leggings on the buccaneer, What, in your opinion would they be made of? Tarred canvas, wool, leather? If leather, I'm curious about what other methods of tanning were available to a buccaneer other than brain-tanning. I work with leather on a daily basis and brain-tanned, even the commercial stuff is too expensive. I ask because I'm about to make mine and I don't want to have to use brain-tanned if i can help it.
  7. I just signed on usin me real name on that one; looks like it should be interesting!
  8. I'd be interested in a pair o tens, especially if the cost is split into two payments. I can have the 50% deposit to ye when the time comes, just let me know.
  9. <slappin th' forehead> Didn't even think to check with Greg! Thanks for the leads, folks! here's to ye!
  10. I've failed miserably twice in making my centerseam mocs, so am altering my costuming to include actual shoes from the 1700s. Townsend has some nice ones, but I'd like options. Anyone else know of dealers in period footwear that aren't boots? I'm wearing out my search engine!
  11. Just added: Col. Dwight McLemore will be teaching a Masters Class in Tomahawk and knife, both formidable boarding weapons in the colonial period. Col McLemore will also be teaching a class on bayonet fencing as well.
  12. I do both, but prefer it under the coat. Easier to disrobe before a fight, or if you choose not to take the coat off, you can get that whole "gunfighter" attitude going by slowly lifting the coat back to expose the sword.
  13. Just forwarded the link to my wife; she'd very excited! Thanks for all the help!
  14. Thanks for the referrals; I doubt we'll get waaaay down into the leeward islands, but its good to know there's something for everyone in the more "popular" islands. Me, I'd be happy with a hammock a bottle of the Captain, and a spot on the beach in Tortuga.
  15. Thanks, Mike, Looks like I'll have to be a bit more "discriminating" myself!
  16. Greetins! My wife and I will be headin to the Caribbean next year and we're in a bit of a fix. WE want to go someplace with lots of pirate history to it, museums, treks, landmarks.....pubs..... However we will have our 8 year old daughter with us as well as another family. Any idea where the best child-friendly spots are but where the adults have equal time? I don't want to end up in a Caribbean "theme park" for 2 weeks. Jamaica seems the most likely, but I've read some posts about Nassau too.
  17. Feel free to log on and drop me a note on the yahoo groups list and I'll give you some info on how to go about hosting one of these seminars. the link is maritimecombat@yahoogroups.com As for belaying pin; we're doing some work on that as well, based partially on an 1895 text on truncheon and the idea that it was not a weapon one specifically trained in, but an "weapon at hand" used by average seamen in an emergency.
  18. I've been coining the phrase "Traditional Buccaneer"; which seems to smooth over the Pirate image with a lot of the historical re enactors. I'm thinking of creating a yahoogroup for just that period. Ye think it'll fly? As to the muskets, I considered a long version Bess, but period-wise and for the region the doglock works so much better. Middlesex Village has a French 1717 that would pass, and it has sling straps! Only 69 calibre , but as I'm not planing to take down a bear or assault a Spanish Fort I think it'll do.
  19. I just signed on to the Muzzleloading site yesterday, but also am on two Western Martial Arts forums, three stage combat forums, Swordforum, Historical trekking, Fand I war, and my own yahoogroup for maritime combat. I need a life.....
  20. http://tennesseevalleymanufacturing.com/ca...ategory=barrels I think I will "bother" the people in the Earlier period... then they will be glad to get rid of the Buccaneers and Pyrates...... Interestingly enough.... it is a time period of many changes to gun ignition systems.... GoF... there is so much to read there.... I've just looked at a few topics... will have to read more..... OH yah... did you see the discussion on grenade launchers.... your page is listed..... That's the tricky thing; mention re enacting among historians and the often scoff; mention pirates and buccaneers among re enactors and you get the same thing. many of the rev war and 1812 groups I've talked with seriously look down on pirate and beccaneers...which I suppose is also historical taken in the right context! Got an email back from the webmaster of the Muzzleloading site saying they've tried the period we're looking at before and hadzero -to -little response. He politely recommended I look elsewhere.
  21. Same here; I'll add my voice to yours and see if we can't get something started.
  22. Right now, just detailing out my leather pirate coat and waistcoat. Both are a 1750s military pattern from distressed leather with British half-pennies for buttons. All hand-sewn with linen thread. Took me damn near 60 hours in all. When my new cutlass and dirk arrive from Darkwood Armory I'll be hand-carving a leather carryin case for em as well as a baldrick and a sword belt... so I can switch out as the occasion demands.
  23. Thanks for the help, guys; those are all sweet looking muskets. GoF: I agree about the look of the Fowler; Are we still talking 1690s to 1720's on that piece? The other thing is that Loyalist's doglock has its stock cut down in the picture, but that's not the way they offer it; they say it has to take a plug bayonet....which they are still developing. I wonder if that's true of the one at Discriminating General? I'm off to hit that muzzleloading site. More later
  24. I'm sure this won't be the last; response has been great so far, and this is only the second one. The third will be in August in Michigan.
  25. Greetings all, I've been looking at this "buccaneer" musket offered up by Loyalist Arms and am considerin purchasing said musket. I was hopin some of you would have some feedback on the piece. I planned to use it fer my traditional bucc kit. Loyalist has always been good to me, I just would like feedback on the weapon itself. http://www.loyalistarms.freeservers.com/do...oglockmusk.html Thank ye!
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