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Everything posted by Captain_Jack_Sparrow

  1. I'll be goin t'me college in semi-full regalia... boot coat...jewelry...maybe a sash and a belt or two....
  2. The little wench needed it....and 'er parents talk about bringing up their children with morels? Wench, please.... little whelp wouldn't respect a blad o' grass ifin it weren't prefectly vertical
  3. Dear lord that non-piratical family has issues...I want t'hug the Baurs right now...
  4. Is that right? Well thats interesting... Sorry t' 'ear that mate More fer th'rest o' us then I suppose
  5. Student, full time.... [aka-unemployed]
  6. Ahoy there Inigo! Welcome to our little pub...Im sure 'owever ye've 'ad enough welcomes as this is what? th'24th page? Aye...so we'll skip th'formalities and righ' t'th'drinkin'! Have a pint...or 7
  7. The Blood Diamond be the the Flagship o' me real personna.... Not Jack's...there be times I rue the day I decided t'make this name...then others when I jest don't give a damn!
  8. Be afraid...be very afraid. ...especially when I start to lick myself... Ack...gag...barf... O_o O dear god....thems some interesting visuals there, mate
  9. I feel great I'm off on a cruise in 4 days and Im not tired, though it is 3:20 am! also your new Avatar scares me, phil...
  10. nice to see your face in here there Jack she winks.... *he eyes it hungrily and grasps it gingerly in his right hand* *His eyes light up* O_o *he downs the hole thing in one gulp* Cor that was exceptional, love....Oi...Drinks all around on Ol' Jack!
  11. People get the "Tocatta and Fugue in D Minor" auditory reference without knowing it. They see a really big pipe organ, and a villanous character playing it, so you get this "Phantom of the Opera" vibe, yeah? It's not a rip-off, per se. Yeah, it's a circuitous route, but it works! Oh, I misunderstood - I thought you were referring to sections of the music other than the Phantom of the Opera stuff. (While I own more soundtracks than I can count, I have never been very interested in classical music. Well, except Gershwin who basically did soundtracks from what I hear when I listen to him.) I still think it would have been far more appropriate to Davy Jones. The Kraken is just a big monster, Jones is the soul twisted by madness. He's more phantom-esque. Layers within layers of meaning. Well when you think about it, the only one able to control the Kraken is Davey Jones. Davey's Theme is puncuated by the pipe organ, and intermittantly in the Kraken's peice the pipe organ is heard, to me this symbolizes, that same sort of forboding evoked in Jones' Track, and the Kraken seems to further personify the rage and anger of afore mentioned Davey Jones. They're linked, Master and beast, so it would only make sense that bits of Jones' Personality would be personified in the terrible beastie that he alone controls. Also, go see the film again, and listen closely, Kraken's track is used whenever Jones' or his crew are doing something generally nasty. [that being whenever they appear on screen] Thats the way it works with film, reoccuring themes to help set the mood, that in essence is what a soundtrack is meant for, not only to drive the scene, but make it sunconciously recognizable as a "threat" to the audience and to give the film more depth. Oh also its very hard to find a soundtrack these days that hasn't borrowed music in some fashion, even if they are just in the credits, take Anchorman: The Legend of Ron Burgandy, or There's Something About Mary for instance, the soundtrack is nothing but borrowed music. Of course there are those that are original, such as John William's Scores or James Newton Howard, but as you said its easy to pick out which peices are theirs as they have a generally noticable style, so in essence they're borrowing from themselves, which is still borrowing mind you.
  12. You mean he stole that too? Is anything good in there not borrowed? Even if there wasn't would it truly matter? The Man has done a fair number of stand alone and original peices
  13. Man I want that Album...
  14. Aye but we must remember Neither Badelt nor Zimmer composed two hornpipes as I recall it is a traditional, if not traditional sounding, pirate peice by Skip Henderson.
  15. *Jack steps in* Oh... I'll have a pint o' rum ifin ye please.
  16. What I find most amazing is the fact that Hans Zimmer adapted the music from Klaus Badelt's Soundtrack from CotBP, making it wholly different yet wholly recognisable.
  17. Hmmm the code is alright...maybe its the site ye be linkin from... 'ave ye tried photobucket? or image shack?
  18. it may be a problem with yer coding mate... Pray tell what sort did ye use, and what is the URL for each?
  19. I saw th'special sneak peek this evening at midnight...and I must agree with Lady B, it was one hell of a ride, and I plan on seeing it again this afternoon!
  20. Well thats quite a sad occurence mate, I've dealt with things of that nature in the past, but I can't pull them out of my memory at the moment. Though I hope you haven't lost ALL faith in the youth of today, myself being one o' them. [i'm 19, and I try not to be a dipshit] :angry:
  21. thats fitting, as Mr. Richards was partial inspiration for Jack....nevertheless...I can't wait to see 'ow that plays out
  22. Aye, with that MSN Red carpet dealie they showed the press footage a couple of times...it was very entertaining
  23. Your friend...were 'angin out...with Depp? O_o Lord I need t'move t'California
  24. Oh man thats funny...he was asking the woman interviewing him for that Webcast, if she liked to ride Johnny Depp, and she was responding with things like, Yes I love the ride its great funny stuf... you had to be there
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