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Captain Jacob Badger

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Everything posted by Captain Jacob Badger

  1. ifin ye types in' Grianne ni mhaille' or 'granuaile' ye gets a history o' the grany hersel'..... Also ifin ye go's t' the ''no quater given'' links page, ye can see an old ''Black oak'' flag which is synonymous wi' the o'Malley clan....under 'defiant women: Granuaile...... hope it helps......
  2. Steven king's...Classic horror themes......
  3. The birdies in the twees.....'tis dawn again ye see..
  4. Zanotti 'ave been makin' firearms since the early 1600's......still family run I belive.........type in 'Zanotti pistola'.....you may have t' translate site as its in italian I think.....hope it helps......an' yes.....pictures please....
  5. 'you hate the........... ........ ..........
  6. various trance chillout album.....niiiiiice!
  7. T'day....mostly hungover.....arrrr :) ....shhhhh!....too loud!
  8. have you seen a tumble weed?.....i've lost some
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