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Everything posted by CaptainCiaran
(William saves Christine and Ciaran from the horrors of the rat with the fabulous buffet!) Woo-hoo! (fills plate with food) :)
Mama mia!
(Saturday comes and goes. Sunday morning finds Christine and Ciaran nearly skin and bones from starvation. Sunday night rolls around and finally Ciaran says....) Blimey, Christine. We've had nothing to eat in days. Where be William? Where be the cook? Where be anyone? I haven't enough energy to cook, but I'm gonna try and crawl back to the kitchen and see if there be anything to eat. Try not to move; conserve yer energy. (Ciaran crawls off and hours later re-emerges, exhausted, draggin' himself back across the floor to their table) Lass, this be all I could find back there. We must try to eat it so's we don't die. Have yer beer ready to wash it down. Er, um, ye go first, m'dear.
cream sauce
Quebec City (long story short, one of Grace O'Malley's direct descendants is a dear friend of mine living in Quebec City)
Nice website, Capt. Grey. It's fast to load, easy to maneuver, and clear and concise -- all things I really like in a website. I like the layout and colours you chose as well. May ye have great success with the site and thanks fer telling us about it! Ciaran
(still laughing at William's last posting....) Arr, the coffee hit the spot. William, what kind of Saturday mornin' breakfast might there be?
I've worked with folks over the years who would get migraines that would sometimes wipe them out for days. My brother gets them occasionally, too. Thank the goddess there are more over-the-counter drugs available now and more information available.
manual labor on a hot day
Christine I be glad yer feelin better. I have discovered this summer that if I take Aleve or any type of Naproxen, within 30 minutes I develop the halos/vision problems associated with migraines, but not a full-blown headache. It is one of the minor side effects of Naproxen. Anyway, I'm completely fine if I take ibuprofen or aspirin, though. Jes thought I'd throw that out, as sometimes medicines we take to help something, can actually make things worse!
(As Armand swung wide the door, Ciaran carries the unconscious cook into Surgery. The Doctor quickly cleared a table against the far wall and instructed that Christine be laid upon it.) Madame Docteur, Armand, pardon-moi pour ma intrusion! J'ai trouve la cuisiniere sur le plancher. (Ciaran lays her on the table and steps back as Tempest begins to examine Christine. He turns slightly toward Armand.) I had heard that the cook had been experiencing nightmares since our encounter with the Dark Lament and was not feeling well. I went into the galley a few moments ago and she was not there, so I knocked on her chamber door. There was no answer and as I looked inside I found her like this on the floor. She hit her head, it appears, as she fell. (Ciaran points toward the gash.)
(His shift finally at end, and the extra time spent watching as the anchor and barge crew return safely, Ciaran finally leaves the nest and deck, and heads below. As his stomach rumbles he decides to go by the galley to see what the cook might have fer him to eat. Walks inside but finds not the cook nor any sign of cooking having recently occurred. 'Tis odd,' Ciaran thinks. He walks to the cook's quarter and raps upon her door. No answer. Raps again and then opens the door and finds Christine unconscious on the floor, a bloody gash upon her forehead. Ciaran scoops her up in his arms and carries her to the Surgery. Kicks the door gently with his foot, as he holds the cook in his arms.) Doctor Fitzgerald! Armand! Ouvert, s'il vous plait!
"Hit the Road, Jack"
(Zombie approaches TK and opens doors. Walks silently, trance-like to bar.) Coffee. I need coffee.
Feeling as if I've been washed over by a tidal wave and am now trying to wade through all the emotions and information. Some of ye know that I've been experiencing a lot of neck-back problems this summer, which have greatly worsened over the past two months (tingling arms, loss of some fine motor skills, limited ability to drive my car, etc). Have worked extensively over the past few years with this problem by utilizing chiropractic medicine, massage therapy, traction, exercises, improved posture, and more. Had an MRI done a couple weeks ago and met with the neurosurgeon on Wednesday. Not good news. Degenerative problems with five of my cervical discs (neck) with two being now in awful shape. Surgery recommended as soon as possible, unless (here's the bright light on the horizon) I can hold out until the FDA approves trials of a cervical disc replacement which has been developed in Europe with great success. If I have traditional surgery now, those two worse discs would have to be fused together, then the other three within a couple years, which would in essence remove almost all my mobility in my neck. Not good, mates. The FDA is poised to allow trials of the disc replacement to begin here, perhaps before xmas. So, my neurosurgeon and I have decided to take a gamble that the FDA will actually allow this new surgery before I am in an emergency state and I would be a primary candidate for disc replacement. So, have cautiously agreed to an injection of cortisone into my neck before Labour Day. That 'might' buy me a bit more time. Heavy sigh. The worst part right now is having more and more loss of fine motor skills and the constant nerve tingling in all of my right arm and partial left arm. My neck and shoulder are so stiff I can hardly move at times. And, the medicines to help 'ease the pain' make me sleepy, nervous and have headaches. Anyway, I am hopeful about disc replacement so will keep that as my focus. Sorry to go on so much, but just wanted to update ye all mates. Ciaran
spare change
William! Ye be needed out front.
(Ciaran unlocks the door and makes himself something to eat) Pours himself a big cold beer and sits down alone.
saloon girls (what the hell? there were can-can girls when I posted this???)
No can do