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Posts posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. Hail and Faire Meet, Sea Wolf Bjarn. I be Captain Ciaran from North Carolina. I also am well-acquainted with Canada, having spent much time in the Maritimes, the Avalon, Quebec and Ontario. Where in Vinland do ye reside, lad?

    I'll have a glass of Screech. Gramercy.

    Enjoy yer stay in our port. But watch yer back. Here there by pyrates!


  2. GoF, this might not be a good idea, as I'm jes thinkin' aloud as I type.

    Rather than ye havin' to try and repost all the graphics, is it possible to jes list the people in the contest and have those who want to vote jes take the time to click on their names and see their banner? Ye could still group five names at a time. It would be the same as if we were searchin' individually on a mate.

    Does that make sense? Jes a suggestion to make it easier on ye.

  3. Aye, heard of her passin' this mornin' too. Thanks for posting it here, Christine.

    My thoughts on this have to do more with how the love...the bond...between two people can sometimes be so very powerful, so everlasting that when one dies the other soon follows. Now most of us can probably think of an elderly couple where this has occurred. Somehow though with Christopher and Dana I think the same amazing spiritual, soulmate bond exists. It's as if she has gone on to be with him.

    I do feel very sad though for the children they've left behind.

  4. (The lemur takes one look at all the dirty dishes scattered around the bar and on tables, turns and jumps out the window. As wide-eyed as the little monkey-like creature had been, Ciaran quietly walks back over to Lady Snow and has a seat.)

    Blimey! Can never keep good help, y'know. Two more drinks here. Doesn't matter much what kind they be.

    (leanin' close to Lady Snow) M'Lady, been meanin' to ask ye how all the lawsuit and deposition had turned out...or if'n ye've learned anything about the case yet that ye can say. Hoping fer the best, luv.

    just got back from a deposition all afternoon. had a major accoident at work a few years ago cause of an inherent safety flaw on the equipment. filed a product liability lawsuit and the com,pany (both former empolyer and manufacturer of the press) are trying to make it look like the whole thing was all my fault and not theirs in any way! the ones with all the money, make it really difficult for those of us little people who don't. and try to make it look like we're just looking for an easy buck.
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