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Posts posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. (Ciaran runs to the Cabin Buoy and fetches his fiddle, returnin' to the Tsunami Kate as smartly as possible)

    Arr! Lady Snow and Mercenary, let's have a party!

    (Ciaran begins playin' an Irish jig)

  2. (The lookout took the rifle that Mister PEW offered. Although he always preferred a pistol, Ciaran was proficient in the use of a larger gun and this one had a good feel about it. Knowing that the rifle were half-cocked, loaded and ready to fire, he handled it with extra care. This god-forsaken island had already robbed the Watch Dog of two crew members and Ciaran was determined that Mister PEW would not have his head blown off, as had poor Mister St. Anthony, at least not by a gun under his command. Mister PEW seemed to intuitively understand this, in the way that Ciaran handled the rifle. Neither man said anything about it, but a brief moment of eye-contact between the men acknowledged such thoughts.)

    Aye, Sir, we are indeed ready, as ye say, 'fa what may fall 'pon us'.

    And what, pray, my good Sir, do you think this night may bring? Fer she be a strange evenin'. There be somethin', a feelin', aye, almost wicked in this night's air.

    (With those words, Ciaran climbed carefully up into the riggin', braced himself against timbers as steadily and comfortably as possible, held the rifle in such a way that she would be smartly ready if needed, breathed in the cool night's air, and waited.)

  3. (Ciaran waits on the Watch Dog's deck while Mister PEW goes below to retrieve a rifle fer the lookout. There is still much noise and activity in town ... echos of laughter from late-night revelers, the sound of singing off in the distance, and the occasional firing of a gun. Here by the harbour, lanterns from the ships cast their eerie reflections upon the small waves coming into shore. Ciaran's eyes are sharp, like a cat in the night. He scans the wharves, as well as the decks of the nearby ships fer any unusual movement.)

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