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Posts posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. Here are some of the ships I've seen:


    Constellation -- Baltimore, Maryland


    Clipper City -- Baltimore, Maryland


    Pelican -- Montreal, Quebec


    Elizabeth II -- Manteo, North Carolina


    Bluenose II -- Lunenburg, Nova Scotia


    Hector -- Pictou, Nova Scotia

  2. stackable Lays chips

    Arr, Christine, those are so wicked! I have a great fondness for them as well as Pringles.

    Guinness! It's a meal unto itself!

    Indeed, mate, indeed!

    Trying out that POTC cereal.

    Arrgh! Ye can't find them anywhere in the Southeast! One of me housemates is out vacationin' in Nevada and I instructed him to go to an Albertson's and buy a box for me. Me fingers are crossed.

  3. i think ye needs another drink, ciaran love!

    William, dear Sir, another drink fer me and Lady Snow, please. Gramercy. (places crowns and head on counter)

  4. Mister PEW sent word up to Ciaran that the Captain wished his presence when the eighth bell was sounded, and the second watch commenced. The Lookout yelled down, 'aye, sir', as Tom Fitch and John McGuinty departed ship and raced along the wharf and out o'sight.

    Turnin' back to sea, Ciaran felt a rush of excitement. Soon the Watch Dog would be leavin' this cursed place and heading out fer new adventures. Ciaran wondered if everyone aboard were as ready as he to leave La Margarita behind.

  5. (As he finishes off yet another drink, Ciaran attempts to enjoy the conversations around him tonight. Mindlessly, he puts his hand in his coat pocket and feels something brittle and fleshy.)

    "What the hell," he shouts, and throws the thing onto the bar.


    Blimey! I jes found some of that bacon I snatched up 'bout a month ago in here!

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