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Posts posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. Ye be lookin' a little wet around the ears there, Jack! :lol:

    Well, Lady Snow and I are hoping that William has some sponge cake. And there be a bathtub o'er there behind that screen, but I'd advise against walking that way. Captain Siren is hurling wet sponges, but ye've already discovered that! :lol:

    Join us fer a drink, matey? I'll buy.

  2. “Ah, Ciaran you seem well rested. Let’s see what I can get ye. Some coffee o’course, there’s some fresh skillygalee, hard tack, and I think I still have a few a few slices o’ ham layin’ about here somewhere. How does that sound to ye Sir?”

    Ah, hard tack and ham will suit me fine. Gramercy.

    (Ciaran seated himself, with a cup of Mr. Gage's hot coffee, on a small wooden bench)

    Tis good to be back on the open water, is it not, Lazarus? I had my fill of La Margarita.

  3. (Ciaran awakened from the slumber of the dead -- his first solidly sound sleep in many days. As he swung off his hammock onto the wooden floor, he stretched and yawned. The sun were now up, a bit o'er the horizon, and the sounds from the deck spoke of a promising day ahead.

    The lookout made his way to the galley fer a bit of coffee.)

    Mornin' to ye, Mister Gage. What can ye offer a hungry brother on this bright morn?

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