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Posts posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. Gramercy, William. I was jes being lazy and wanted to be waited on! :huh:

    (hops out of tub, runs over to bar, pours to big drinks, runs back to tub and hops in)

    Yer drink, Lady Snow. Cheers!

  2. Sounded like Arthur from Kent's voice, didn't it, Lady Snow?

    Arthur! Wait! Mate, would ye be so kind as to fetch a couple drinks fer Lady Snow and me? There be money o'er here to pay fer 'em, and fer yours! Wait, Arthur! Helloooooo!

    Someone, anyone, could we please have a couple cold drinks?

  3. (out o' his clothes and into the hot water)

    Arrrrrrr! (Ciaran slides down into the tub, bubbles up to his chin whiskers)

    "Captain PEW," Ciaran calls. "There be a couple gold coins in me breeches thar fer ye, if'n ye'd be so kind as to go over to the bar and retrieve two fresh drinks fer Lady Snow and meself."

    Lady Snow adds a sincere "please" to Ciaran's request.

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