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Posts posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. Aye, Sir, tis a very strange night fer sure. It be accurate to say, I suppose, that me aim be true, as I rarely miss me target. I'd be most obliged to hide in the riggin' with the pistol I won durin' the auction...the gun belongin' to the late Monsignor Diego.

  2. Arr. Welcome to ye, LongTom. A mighty fine port ye've sailed into and our Pub offers lots to experience. Make yerself at home, mate.

    (turnin' to bartender)

    Ray, a Stoli's on the rocks. Gramercy.



  3. I am eating the end of my Girl Scout Thin Mint Cookies
    I'm eating some of the Thin Mints too

    I run in the opposite direction everytime I see the Girl Scouts! Thin Mints have to be about the most addicting food on the planet! I love 'em, but will eat an entire box in a day if not careful!!! :lol:

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