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Posts posted by CaptainCiaran

  1. (Ciaran watched as the Captain and company walked past the galley. After their footsteps were no longer heard, he turned back to Lazarus and Mister Flint)

    Mister Flint, it is. I am Ciaran, one of the lookouts here aboard the Watch Dog. Yer apology is accepted. No harm were done by yer comrades, but there be little need of runnin' down here, unless there was an emergency.

    (finishes the food and drink)

    Mister Gage, gramercy, that was jes what I needed.

    Good day gentlemen.

  2. Arr, gramercy Mister Gage. Aye, a bit of soft tack will do fine.

    (rubbin' his head) I was jes knocked down by two of the men I saw briefly up on deck earlier. They were in a big hurry, runnin' they were an didn't bother to stop when they collided with me.

    Who are these new hands?

  3. (After helpin' his mates up above on deck, Ciaran decides to grab a bite of grub from the galley. Walkin' alone down the corridor, though, he is suddenly pushed aside and knocked to the floor by two men he does not recognize.)

    Blimey! Watch where yer goin'! (he shouts, as they disappear out o'sight)

  4. Ahoy and Welcome to ye, fargon. Explore and have fun here at the Pub -- there be lots to see and do.

    (turns to Ray our bartender) I'll have a Carling's Black Label, mate. Fargon, or maybe Rummy, be payin'.


  5. (Walkin' quietly down the hall to the Confessional Closet, Ciaran hears...

    Thanks fer th' offer, but this be no Brokeback Pyrat thread!

    B) Blimey! Maybe I could jes look through this here keyhole and see what's goin' on.

    (looks down the empty corridor, then smartly falls to his knees and looks through the skeleton key hole)

    Floria waves a cookie at Mad Matt from under the bed


    Wonder if anyone needs a glass of milk? ponders Ciaran. (considers the idea, but decides against it. Hears someone comin' down the hall, so he quickly jumps up and runs!)

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