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Everything posted by Fancy

  1. Duchess, you crack me up... and your point is right on... I know it needs to come up a bit over, or the hang-over will happen... I just don't want it to come way over (like the one in the pic appears to do) and diminish anything that might otherwise be pleasing... omg, this whole thread has me thinking of Rumba's siggy... I'm indeed laughing at myself, for here is a whole thread seemingly dedicated to the support of my breasts! LOL!!! oh well! I'm sure this thread may help someone in the future as well as helping me right now. And I really do appreciate the help!
  2. hot buttered rum
  3. well, actually it's not complete silence.. there is the hum of my computer, the tick of my clock, the sound of laughter from the kids outside playing and I am breathing.
  4. indeed! I can easily listen to the sound of silence.
  5. silence... there's a baby sleeping in my house right now. (babysitting.)
  6. no......... melted butter :)
  7. oh, hon, you need a day of sunshine and relaxation! Today I am walking on sunshine! I have been all week!
  8. C'mon Mad Jack, let's join them under the waterfall Remember how much fun a waterfall be and how good it can feel? :: stands under the waterfall... the warmth of the sunshine and the water feels wonderful flowing over my body... my wet hair clings to me and follows the curve of my breasts, waist and hips... ::
  9. stands startled for just a moment... then begins to move in a sultry walk with the music towards Mad Jack... I walk a circle around him, one hand touching his bare chest, shoulders and back... eyes looking wickedly at him... as the music plays and the fires burn.... then I move close to his chest... even our legs are touching and I move with the music against him....
  10. to order? to have fitted? good manufacturers? or could I even make my own? I want supportive and eye-catching, yet not too "out there" and comfort. I'm also willing to pay for quality.
  11. this is what I've been having my eye on for a while... my only reservation with it is the bodice... it seems to come over the bust instead of under. dress
  12. I too am quite dizzy with all the suggestions and links and advice... but it's a good dizzy because I didn't even know the proper place to start. I was about to just purchase a whole outfit at once and be done with it.. but now I"m wanting to be fitted... to make sure it looks good and feels good. I am willing to shell out a few bucks for the bodice. I think it'll be worth it.
  13. Aww... now you're bein' the sweet one Christine... I wonder where all the gents have gotten off to... think they're playin' in the fire? It's a guy thing ya know. (with us, maybe they're playin' with fire )
  14. Diego, yer pullin' out the oldies... I had ta cheat to figger this one out... in the meantime... here's another... You wink, I laugh 'cause we know A little hug leads to a foot rub Then a hot tub Then a French kiss on a bear rug Do you like it Do you like it How about this Wanna try it? Oh, oh, oh
  15. the viking kittens and the immigrant song.
  16. It's a beautiful solid white, quite a contrast to my tanned body... yet a little damp, so it's clingy... just barely enough to cover... ye can even see that I have no tan lines... ... but it will do nicely. Hi Christine.. love the flowers in yer hear... Everyone ready for a party?!
  17. Blazing saddles
  18. Gilda Radner... wasn't that her name? no, I'm thinkin' of Rosanna Rosannadanna
  19. you're welcome it's nice to have company
  20. balls.. um... nevermind.
  21. Toga! Toga! Toga! but... alas, I have no sheet, only this skimpy little towel... :: sigh ::
  22. Wow!!! I surely do appreciate the help and comments and advice of everyone! Having never worn a bodice, I'm not sure what I want... I know I do need something of great support... I'm a size... well... um... well endowed shall we say.... I love soft leather, and don't mind taking things to be cleaned. Factors I reckon I'm focused on would be... support, pleasing appearance, comfort, ease of care. ('tis better to look good than to feel good. ) I intend on checking out ALL the sites y'all have mentioned and I really do appreciate all your help. I had figured that the bodice would be the most difficult item to fit right.
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