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Everything posted by Fancy

  1. room with a balcony
  2. a daily buffet of Buffett... yep, makes for a sunnier day... 'specially when I'm lyin' in the sun... listenin' ta JB... drink in my hand... ... makes me happy!
  3. I'll have two... for starters.
  4. this I know.
  5. Hey! me too! I listen to at least a few songs every day!... a JB fix.
  6. does that make it last even longer??? passionate sex.
  7. yeah, yeah... that screw against the wall drink ye've mentioned.
  8. Yes, I do. spiked punch
  9. struttin' naked through the crosswalk in the middle of the week... tis a great song!
  10. well, are ya gonna make me one? oops, sorry bout that. um... margaritas...
  11. ... and screw? (sorry, couldn't resist)
  12. I want my Jr. Mints! I'm mad as hell and I don't wanna take it any more!!!
  13. all of the above...
  14. Mmmmm.... so, where do we get them?
  15. We need more fruitcakes in this world!!!
  16. Mmmmm... sounds delicious... would ye share one with me?
  17. Ok... :: presses Morgan against the wall... and leans in closely to ask... very nicely :: will ya tell me about this "drink?"
  18. I thoroughly agree! now playing... growing older but not up.
  19. Jimmy Buffett!!! Meet Me In Margaritaville!!!!!
  20. ding ding ding! You win!
  21. I can ask very nicely....
  22. take a wild guess at what I'm listenin' to right now.
  23. Aye, Coconut Telegraph. one more... But now she lives down by the ocean She’s takin’ care to look for sharks They hang out in the local bars And they feed right after dark
  24. that sounds good.. wait, is that a drink?
  25. Ahhh... fond childhood memories....
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