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Tempest Fitzgerald

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Everything posted by Tempest Fitzgerald

  1. The expected knock on door's burnished wood reset the room's mood. Entrance was granted, soon followed by the sluggish procession of pall bearers of copper brilliance. It was settled heavily afore empty hearth, the cool water contained within the lower third sloshing in accompniment. Delaney was the only one in the number that dared cast a glance beyond where Aurore stood to the Englishman, and that was for the briefest of moments. Then began the relay of hot water from a large cauldron standing where spit had the night before. It was delivered with steadfast action and as five and ten minutes passed into history, the large polished vessel sat at full capacity and the room regained its' former peace with the closure of door. Near at hand stood a small table now ladden with cheese, bread and local fruit. The four poster bed had regained its' noble vissage with fresh linen and all put to rights. The only thing left in evidence of former chaos was the linen mantle that Aurore kept as shroud. "As you requested, everything with the exception of tome to read. But that can be rectified as well...If that is what you truly desire." She lightly taunted.
  2. Barometer Soup ~ Jimmy Buffett
  3. Aurore stood motionless, but for the fall of linen, lufting downward to pool about her ankles, "Comment....pour? Quelle affaire?" She stepped closer to where he sat, voice lowering to soft texture, "Pour desir et plasir? Je voudrais..." She raised a brow and leaned to his ear, voice dropping to a whisper with proximity. At that same moment, as large hand hammered copper basin was hefted indoors of quiet domicile, two riders set out from differing origins. Both intent on the same destination; both at break neck speed. One passing horse drawn vehicle and its two passengers, the other over cane field and around those that kept it.
  4. There is a fly in my swill!!
  5. The breeze wafting thru open wall portal playfully stroked exposed skin as they lay in quasi lucid state. His nearness gave Aurore a sense of comfort and security unknown to her. Things that in their awakening were both welcome and frightening. Demons and angels whispered to inner hearing, speaking of bold venture and caution. Ignoring both councilorships, she nuzzled closer against his warmth. Some hidden avian balladier colored outdoor expanse with the rise and dive of intricate serenade, lulling her closer to sleep. The easy rhythm of his breathing lulled her futher and as consciousness made for full departure, a quiet rap sounded on chamber door. Aurore's eyes opened and inwardly she cursed the disruption. Carefully untangling herself from his embrace, digarded bed linen was quickly retrieved and adorned. The door was opened slightly and she regarded the slight form of her aid de camp. The young gerl's cheeks were tinctured rose and she seemed as though unable to meet eye contact. "Oui?" " The water is ready, Mistress..." "Very good and thank you, Megan. If you would, give me a few moments before bringing all here." "Yes, Mistress." The door was closed softly and she turned to see Sterling watching her. Aurore smiled with a hinted mischief to his appraisal.
  6. Aurore's brow furrowed briefly and then smoothed as she refocused on him. "Rien..." She offered a soft touch to his near cheek before raising from the deep sink of padded clutch, crossing to the open window and looking downward. She searched the surround finally finding what was sought and called down, careful to not expose current state of dress. "Monsieur Delaney..." The man in question paused current labors to sheild his eyes from the brightening light, "Aye, Mistress?" " Be so kind as to have water prepared and the copper tub brought here when temperature is correct. Merci, monsieur." Her dark eyes followed Delaney's trek until out of sight then she turned. Visually she caressed Sterling's form momentarily, then rejoined him on mutable surface. Aurore's movements were calcultated in their intentions, and as they met face to face, the smile of former nature returned. "It will take some time for your bath to be readied..."
  7. Just beyond the main house existed a small ravine divided by the snaking switch back of shallow stream. Bordering water's choreography were simple, but well made structures of those beyond the talons of service. The burble of stream flow harmonized with trinkets suspended on porch overhangs, pirouetting at gentle breeze command. Here dwelled those of age or handicap in tranquility, grateful that their time in the hot Jamican sun was now something of choice and not expectation. There were fifteen buildings in all, snugged between sturdy trunkes of native tree, the boughs and fonds aiding in shelter against orb rising to glare steadfast on terra firma. The black mount picked its' footing nimbly while crossing liquid expanse and without direction turned to gain the proximity of specific wood palace where a small basket tempted with overflow of mango. Sabastian reined in, eyeing shanty and open doorway that gaped like empty maw. Papillion was assisted down to soft turf, but he kept his seat somewhat hesitant of what the summons might entail. There were practices contained in structure's unintimidating aperance that may have been considered kindred to his own beliefs, but there were aspects of it that were unsettling to his conditioned senses. A voice lured from within, it's owner unseen. It's texture always made him think of dry leaves fallen and caught in cyclonic Autum zephers; like aged parchment crumble in wretching clench. Again the voice sounded, " Why you gon' keep your elders waitin', boy? Ant not'in here gon' bite..." He slyed a look to Papillion, who acted as if he were not there as she offered basket bounty to the Noir. Slowly swinging from lofty perch, the soft soled boots struck firmer ground; stirring dust into breeze grasp. "What you stan'in' round for, boy?" The ancient voice taunted, a small intertwine of humor threading its' stern overlay. " I gon' be ded an wisked away like dat dust you be kickin' up iffin you don' hurry along." Her last wordings brought discomfort to the pit of his soul. The disembodied voice's owner had not seen anything in years...she was blind. "Daydreamin' of dos' pretty town gales, got no time for dem that be not pleasin' to yer seeing senses?" Sabastian stepped lightly upon porch surface which emitted tiny creak in response. "A dey come...you be jus' as wrinkled up as me and den dos lil gales will not be givin' you no mind..." A ripple of laughter bounced the dim holdings within. He crossed the thresh hold, removing the hat of plummed splender and dropping his vision to flooring in respect. "Don' you jus' look de charming prinz, der boy? All spiffed up in fancy trapes...You come 'ave a seat now and listen good to what I has to say. Listen wit' yer soul and heart cause de ear can lie..." Sabastian's eyes adjusted slowly and with careful tread, found an old chair in which to sit. The air inside walled border was opresive still, regardless of the utilitarian window cover's movement. A single candle burned close to where she sat; giving of just enough lumination to hint at the Vodoun Woman's face. Defussed light and shadow danced as oddly paired partners over the gaunt, wrinkled features and sunken lids hidding useless orbs. "Two night's ago, Ol' Man Owl come to me an' sit on dat ledge," One boney finger was raised in indication of the where window cover continued its struggle with the breeze. "An he speak to me of tings dat concern you an yours, boy. Las' night, I have a dream..." Her laughter sounded again, but berift of its' former amusement. "I see t'ree blackberds an' two udders who don' call dis island native, perched up in de knarl of de banyan. Two dem berds be wearin' crowns, behin' de one wit'out be anot'er berd dat not be like dem in soot feather. Anudder small berd wit flame hue..." The single flame wavered almost to extinguish then regained stregnth, and her aged voice continued, "Dis odder berd be bigger den de t'ree and dey all four be watchin' de ground below. Slinking in an about dat ol' tree be a pack a hounds beyin' an snappin'. Dat flame berd keep tauntin' dem ol hounds an keep gettin' bolder by droppin' lower in de. Dem ol hounds keep jumpin an one manage to steal crown from one de sooty berds an scattle while anudder one he grab dat pritty red berd and pull em down. Now der be t'ree blackberd an dey odder one left up inna banyan...Dem hounds go away, chasin' de fir's one..." Momma Rose leaned forward, "But dem ol' hounds will be back, now....An' now dey got de taste for dem in'na banyan ...." She grew silent and momments passed with the quiet so heavy as to weigh down the breath in his lungs. "You go on home now, pretty prinz....Takes care of yours....Dem hounds be comin'...." *********************************************************** Aurore woke with a start, her heart raced and she raised suddenly as if confused to her surroundings.
  8. chameau et prostituee **ahem** soiled dove
  9. LOL!!! Peaks and valleys
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