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Tempest Fitzgerald

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Everything posted by Tempest Fitzgerald

  1. Aurore moved to the bureau where crow had marched earlier, produced a key which opened locked drawer, "I am not sure, but I would say that there is an interloper about. Pray it is an accidental incident..." An onlong wooden box was retrieved and lid opened, givimg air to matched dueling pistols and accompanying kit. With practiced percission, both were checked and primed.
  2. Aurore handed weaponry over to Sterling, her eyes steady on his face as she answered query, " I am unknowing. I have not seen him for some time, though I am sure he will appear with the bell's summons." Sabastian wheeled from outside view and left the room, turning towards the rear section of the house. When he returned, a large blunder was clasped in his grip. The weapon was inspected as instructions were issued, "Stay in the house, petit. If Christophe shows here, inform him that I will be out front getting to the bottom of what this is about." "But, 'Bastian..." "Non! Stay here!" The door was slamed shut and the three became two.
  3. "I hate when they get the words wrong..." Boys of Summer
  4. Sean Roberts crested the slight road incline with anticipating of pending evening revelry. His duties for the day were put to bed and being rid of town was a welcome thought, though he wondered if this night would prove more sedate than the norm. The Galloway man was considering the ill fate of poor Molly Shea when something caught his eye ahead. Or rather the lack of something, which caused him to check mount's progress. Squinting, he tried to decern whether his eyes played him foolish and the contrast of bright sun versus the heavy shade was of no aid. The horse was eased forward and drawn up once again. Raising a hand to shield the glare, Sean's first impression was confirmed...The gate was unattended and a deserted carriage stood near. He directed mount into near tree cover and held position for a few minutes to survey the area. "Not'in'....Bloody hell." He said dismounting then leading four legged companion into the open. Secret greeting passed between equine brethren as Sean looked over wheeled vehicle. Carefully stepping around mobile barrier, he flushed to wall fortitude and froze once again. Something was out of sorts, the gate was never abandoned...for any reason. Peeking around stone arch support produced nothing of worth to solve anomaly; the usual view of a normal day, duties being tended to in the same clockwork motion as would be expected. The unsetteling feeling that built in the pit of Sean's stomache churned a notch higher and he slunk past gate exposure to opposit side. Suspended above was a large brass bell, weathered pull chain dangling like ornamental tail. Sean debated momentarily then clicked his tongue softly to call mount closer, the gate pushed inward for access. A hard slap was issued to dusky hindquarter, launching equine comrade up drive as the chain was claimed. Tropical stillness was obliterated with warning peal and Sean lept to carriage seat, dissengaging brake. The bell's announcement might have well been Gabriel's horn for the reaction it caused within the compound, and the carriage was driven hard up the wind of cleared access. Deep in folliage cover hound trio stopped investigation of insect curiosity, ears pricked and howl joined harmony with the fading of brass song. Upstairs Sabastian stood suddenly, the question that he was about to ask forgotten. Goblet was disgarded carelessly to table surface, causing rouge river spill. He glanced to Sterling and any clouding caused by port influence dissipated with rapid retreat. He moved to open windows and scanned outside area as Chamber door opened with Aurore's return bearing Sterling's requested possessions. Sabastian looked over shoulder to the sound, "Where is Christophe, Renard?" In the Drawing room downstairs, Christophe set Lilly down on over stuffed chase, issueing a look of silent warning. She stared daggers in his direction as exposed windows were secured as he spoke candidly, "Now madame, you put yourself at ease and I will find something to indulge your palet." He smiled ironicly, "Then we will 'ave a nice chat regarding your being so far from 'ome, non?" The last window secured, Christophe moved to the doorway keeping Lilly in veiled observation. Reaching for fine tooled knob, his posture stiffened with clarion's call. The door was opened and he turned to her, " My most sincere apologies, Madame. It appears that your sherry will 'ave to wait."
  5. Mexican Poker "Five card, no see 'um"
  6. A shadow of bemusement lit upon Sabastian's face," Pardon? Who? I know nothing of this Lord Darnely. He has no connection to me and mine." He grew quiet, contemplating for a fleet then shook his head. "Non...I cannot raison what this man or his cur have to do with us. Though I might be able to find out what this debt is that he wishes to collect on actually is. Again, I tell you to stay clear of this, monsieur. This Killingsworth is not back home in London and has transgressed grievously..." Inner pain rose to Sabastian's expression and he turned away quickly to mask it by refilling goblet's want.
  7. Aurore wanted to argue the point, both cases as to why she had not desire for either to leave out on fool's errand. But to push her case would be an act of futility and regretfully, she gave into what was requested. Sabastian drew from goblet and considered before answering, "The gentleman...if one were to say of such, is newly arrived and holing himself up at The Shipp. A paon of the worst ilk, but a fine example of the breed. He is called Reginald Killingsworth, quite apriori. We crossed paths the other night and I disrupted his plans of a night 's pleasure, insulted him in turn. It was that warning insult that has played me foul and cost me even greater..."
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