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Tempest Fitzgerald

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Everything posted by Tempest Fitzgerald

  1. ( That's ok...I think my star numbering and direction are off.) Neverland
  2. Thrid star to the left then straight on to morning...
  3. The brush of his lips were as gentle as butterfly liting briefly and she could do nothing more than allow appendage manipulation as if her actions were at his command. As he turned from her, ability to breath seemed to reappear as if miracle granted by divine providance. With his back facing her, Aurore was unable to resist the opportunity to appraise his form semi-hidden in linen shroud. Noticing Sterling's movement for over shoulder view, she dropped her eyes swiftly, " I shall attend to your requests immediately, monsieur." The doorway seemed a thousand leagues away...
  4. "Befriend, monsieur? Muninn has made the choice of befriending, I was simply there at his hour of..." The words intended to complete her statement died before passage of voicing when Aurore realized how near the Englishman had come while she was distracted. The word "amends" was repeated without sound and what little boldness was still in her sway retreated post haste. She looked fleetingly to his face then to the flooring below, "Monsieur, it was you that wished to leave, not myself...I would prefer that you stay and regain your stregnth." Aurore remained stock still, her single movement only that of slying another fleet look to his face then away again.
  5. Aurore wore a bemused expression as he fumbled with words and simply nodded in answer. She looked beyond him to where the crow paced mahogony furnishing and made a shooing motion. If quizzical could be produced on avian structure, so it would have ocured and she made the motion again with success. With nimble hop and stroke of noir pinions, the chamber contained only they two once again. She stole a glance to his face, "I shall have the water heated and the tub brought here, then. It should not take overlong and I assure that it is of no trouble. I do entreat you to rest until all is at ready, though." Aurore backed two paces, unsure as to what should be said...unsure of what to do.
  6. Skeleton's From The Closet ~ The Greatful Dead
  7. Aurore concentrated to keep her line of sight focused on Sterling's face, at lack of words. A flurry of movement on window's ledge came as a welcome interruption. The large bird cocked its' head to inspect the interior then hopped to land on the bureau below. A scowl formed on her expression in disaproval before returning her attention to where he continued to adjust the length of bedsheet. "Pardon monsieur, but I was going to suggest that perhaps you might have desire for a bath to be drawn. I am sure it would prove refreshing after your discomfort of these past hours." Inwardly she cursed herself for weakness in the moment. What was it that was unsettling her so about this Englishman? It had started with that afternoon at The Three Crowns, when she had accompanied Sabastian there on a matter of buisness. The propritor there had a taste for a specfic brandwine that was hard to come by normally, but hard to come by was not always the case if the price was right. While she waited for Sabastian's return from private discussion, Sterling had entered and what ensued there after was a blur of moments. Henry Morgan taking the floor, the usual loud clamor of voices as common became even more crowded and the man that now stood before her laid low. Aurore had kept placement in the dark corner as calls for a doctor were pleaded, resisting the urge to come forward and to his aid; the voice of Andre' playing in her mind, "It is none of our concern to become involved if it does not involve us directly." Aurore secretly hated her eldest brother at times for his callousity. But in this foreign land with equally foreign ways, Andre', Sabastian and Christophe were all she had to rely on. Gone were the caravans; gone were the comforts and cruelties of Navarre and France...gone were the rest of her family, victims of predjudice. Perhaps that was it. Somewhere in her heart of hearts, Aurore believed that by giving aid to Sterling, she might put akward balance to the scales of injustice vs. justice. That was what had run through her young mind initially, but something had changed in the scheme of things and she was unable to place a finger on it. Her normal bold manner seemed to have deserted the field and Sterling's words of anger had ravaged what was normally untouchable. Vulnerabilty was not a good suite for her, one so normally in control and sure of surround...
  8. The morning was still fairly young when Sabastian requested the retrieval of his horse. The chambermaid Molly lay comfortably curled in tosseled linens, barely stirring when he had whispered of later rendevouz. Stepping out into the open, the young man streached like contented feline, intaking a deep breath of the slightly muggy morning air. A series of light tinkeling drew his attention to the large black horse waiting patiently with ears forward. He smiled smuggly knowing that his older brother dissaproved of the ornimentation gracing Sabastian's choice in tack, the bright silver contrasting so greatly against the beast's midnight hide. With carefree vault, he gained the horse's lofty perch and was about to leave yard's confine when his name was called. Turning in the saddle, he placed voice to face and turned mount to view the large frame of Mister Franklin pulling a small object from weskit straining to contain the man's wide breadth. A nod of acceptance was given as the sealed paperment was turned over for inspection, its' light coloration a blare of contradiction to the olive tincture of Sabastian's hands. His quick eyes fell upon the bright crimson seal, drawing a quizzical look to wolfish features. The dark equine shifted its' footing then came to rest, turning its' head to view Franklin with mild curiosity. Leaning forward, a small knife was retieved from the soft tawny folds of right boot and the seal was broken. Birds of a feather flock together, And so will pigs and swine; Rats and mice will have their choice, And so will I have mine. One brow raised to the sing song prose, followed by a roll of amused chortle. An impish glee danced in Sabastian's dark eyes as he addressed the large man standing near, "I would ask who this came from, but I think it goes without saying. Eh, ami?" "Aye, came from tha' dandy at The Shipp. Did you wish to reply?" Sabastian rubbed his chin unconsciously, his lithe frame shaking in silent mirth, "I will think on it, for now." "There was a bit o' upset at there last eve an' the place be a wreck." Franklin continued, "Templeton is all inna fluff this morn jus' go'in on about the costs an' whatnot." " Was it a good row?" "Oh, one could say it near rivaled the one two weeks past when the Allister lads stirred it up." Sabastian's frame convulsed with more rapidity as he remembered the night, " That was a good one, as I recall...Pity I did not see the newest reindition. Any other word?" Franklin relayed the night's events with finite detail. Upon finishing, the large Yorkshire man waited calmly for the "order of the day". " Have you seen Andre'?" "Aye, he was down near the Crawles at sunup, talkin' to that shipwreight Mister Mallory." "And my sister?" " Jason said she has not come into town yet this morn. That late in'na day jus' past, she an' Christophe showed up at the cottage with some fellah on'na horse sling." The wolfish features pinched briefly, " Who was it?" " The boy said he was not sure, it was all hush hush like. But he said the man was in'na sad state. When I saw Jason, he said he had jus' made town and was sent by Christophe with a dispatch to be delivered to some fellah named Symms up a' the Three Crowns." "Mon dieu," Sabastian whispered under breath. He fixed the large man with serious look. "Does Andre' know anything of this?" "I doubt it, Jason acted real standoffish about the whole thing. I think Christophe may have been thorough in his instruction, 'cause the boy made me sware not to mention it if I saw your brother." Sabastian rolled his eyes and exhaled heavily," Very well. I will tell you the same then. In fact, find the boy and make yourselves scarce until I can sort this out. I am going back to the cottage." The large horse was turned again to the accompniment of minute ringings of headstall bells. Sabastian held the animal in check long enough to glance over his shoulder, " And Monsieur Franklin..." "Aye?" "Please tell Molly that I might be delayed and see that she is tended to." Sabastian flashed mischievous grin as he left the bull of a man's company. The edge of town was gained quickly, but the large mount was reigned in to a slower pace at the sight of carriage leaving the old mill up ahead. As Sabastian neared the horse drawn vehicle, he brought his own transportation to halt. Doffing his hat with sweep, he wished them both salutation of good morn, then spurred his mount on. The woman was easily recognized, her companion seemed familiar. He pondered lightly Rieley's identity while crossing the stream that fed near mill. If this had been a different morning and under different circumstance, Sabastian might have paid call on the matron of grain. He would flirt and she would call him a scamp, it had gone on like this for some time...
  9. Aurore reached the landing and hesitated, questioning her train of reasoning then moved forward. Her sight was cast downward as the thresh hold was achieved and when she raised her eyes her assured footing paused. Her normal bold air had already been shaken by Sterling's actions in the yard below and now retreated her being completely. "Mis....Pardon..."
  10. Instinct told her to give Sterling his wish, to allow him to leave and return to those that were of his kind. He was Gadje and from another world far from her own. But something nagged insistantly at the corners of her mind and would not shake free as she watched his deft retrieval of clothing. Without thought, Aurore raised herself and followed behind ignoring the cautioned look given when passing Christophe. This would not do, this curiosity could be dangerous...Nevertheless, into the cottage she went and stepped softly the incline to upper floor.
  11. Aurore's confussion overwelmed her normal structured thinking and her heart raced like a small sparrow trapped with desire for freedom. His touch startled her and she considered the ramifications if specific others had been present to view his actions. Now as he kneeled afore her, Aurore observed just how pale his complexion had grown. Lowering herself to his level she was unable to meet his eyes, "Monsieur, you look not well at all. Please allow me to have you returned to the room above."
  12. The urge to bolt screamed its want as he looked down upon her. His soft query further unsteadied her fortitude and her mind raced to find words for reply. Sterling's unwavering focus caused her to look down to grass that shown brilliant green in morning sun, "Je...Pour quoi?..." She stole a glance to his face then away again, "Because there are times when one who has advantage should share its rewards with those deserving... I.." Aurore's speech staggered to halt and she tried to concentrate on anything that excluded his near standing.
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