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Tempest Fitzgerald

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Everything posted by Tempest Fitzgerald

  1. Sabastian continued to wear expression of secret amusement as he leaned close to sister's hearing. Aurore's eyes flit away from Sterling briefly in reponse to what was whispered. Her brother drew away fixing the other man with impish grin before walking nonchalantly toward's the door. Gaining thresh hold surround Sabastian paused with a nod to Sterling, punctuated with smug bearing. "You are successful, monsieur...Do not dare a mockery of my conclusions." He lingered a moment longer, chuckling at some private joke then moved into the hallway and on to the stairwell. Aurore' kept placement, the linen mantle held white knuckle tight in one small fist. Heavy breath was exhaled as if great repreave were granted on Gallow's Day. She looked like a lost waif, eyes cast to the smooth plank flooring just afore Sterling's standing. When she spoke, it was with ghostly half cast of normal tone, "My brother was testing you...and myself, as well." Uncertainty plagued Aurore's being and greatest fear lay in what he might read in her eyes if they were elevated to his own.
  2. Christophe made sure footed up the slight incline of path that lead from clear stream to paddocks balancing ackward burden of wooden pails. A contrast of color caught his attention near garden's edge and he bent slowly to rest his load on soil below. Slipping quickly to the concealment of nearest tree trunk, he stayed stock still and waited with patience learned in past Parisian occupation; patience that struck pay dirt with a minute's passing. Trickster's smile floated his expression as she was sighted again darting from cover to a stacking of empty barrels. Christophe allowed her to find sanctuary, then crossed the space between with stealth, and hesitating on wooden barrier's opposit side. Christophe waited to see if she would dare the open in order to gain rear entrance, then quickly navigated around blockade to see her crouched in a pool of satins. "Bonjour madame, I think you are too early for the Ball and apologize that we were not better notified to accommodate your arrival..." Christophe leaned against exterior wall support cassually, the smile widening to Lilly's start.
  3. Spotted Dick (easy now....)
  4. Sabastian eyed Sterling with amusement, stepping around him and over to where kindred watched interchange. "Well said, monsieur...Though I profess that as well you might tout your words of fine turned rights and wrongs, you know nothing of what we have endured." He moved behind Aurore, placing a light kiss on her cheek before refixing full attention to Sterling, "Perhaps you are correct to say I assume too much in regard to yourself...But, as to the Lady, as you call her, I have loved her since the day she took first breath and shall do so long after you tire of her charms. I know her better than you ever will, for it is a brother's duty to do so."
  5. Sabastian chuckled wryly to current turn of event, " An apology, monsieur? You are bold to demand anything more than has already been taken. And what would you know of our ways beyond what you obviously picked up in a word here or there?"
  6. Sibling glowered at sibling with not another word in stubborn defience. It was Sabastian that broke off first, leaving the post so rigidly held. Moving along the parameter of the room, Sterling always regarded in peripheral view, he came to stop in front of laden table. Sliced mango was decided upon after aloof inspection and consumed. Another was selected before Sabastian turned fully around to face them. Unknowing of Guest's language prowess, he chose French as verbal rapier. "Fine, Renard....I will give into your wishes, but only with this emparting of wisdom. Enjoy your company, but do not be fool enough to think that you are anything more than a trinket to be used and cast aside." The mango slice held was eaten with slow chewing motion as Sabastian moved back towards the door. "You are unwise to consider it any more than that and may wish to find some other place for offering yourself as Gadje sacrifice...Andre' will not stay away forever. If you are lucky, your little swim has not left you with a lifelong regret not so easily disposed of...or accepted." *********************************************************** The Gatekeeper's watched the carriage draw near with mild interest, the woman in its' care more so. One glanced to the other then to the man who's approach seemed over careful, something that did well to arouse their suspicion. "Lost yer way, sirruh?" one queried while the other eased back the lock on concealed pistol.
  7. Aurore was infuriated, and though quite aware of Sterling's movements within the room; his whisperings an intricate weave of concern and uncertainty; her attention stayed centered on the other. Taking hold of well used linen, she made to raise from water's hold and heard his words ringing with caution. Advice was noted then set to the side, she stepped from copper basin and returned soiled shouding to its' usage of before. Daint footpad traced a course around her drafted protector and the tense stance that mantled his form. It was only then that she looked away from transgressor to Sterling's face and the kaleidoscope of emotions that fought for ground on his expression. Such a vision only stoked Aurore's temper to a higher level and she recentered on where Sabastian stood. Through hard set jaw, she answered his question. "Non...I am not married. If I were, we would not be in the current situation for I would have never allowed such to present itself..." Aurore glared at Sabastian while he, in turn gave her a sharp look briefly before returning full attention to the Englishman. "Well, I must say," His dark eyes slyed from Sterling to sister. " I had suspected that it was not la Oiseau Chantuer that captured your interest, and as I recall, I stated as much not overlong ago..." A fluid stride was taken forward and native tongue put into usage, "What are you thinking?! Here? You brought him here?! You are fortunate that it is I and not Andre' who has made it here first!" He chuffed incredulously, and eyed the other man as if in appraisal. Aurore closed the distance quickly, stabbing a finger into the center of Sabastian's chest, "Who are you to lecture me? What next? Will you act in Andre's stead and scream the mantras of our past? You are the last one qualified to preach virtues!" She whirled on heel and moved back to where Sterling remained bemused to the flurry. Stopping in front of him with a protective manner overlaying her stance, the smooth plains of her youthful expression turned to sneer as she snided with distaste, "Gadje Gadjensa, Rom Romensa..." Sabastian's brow drew together and he bit down hard to restrain stinging retort.
  8. Gaelic Storm ~ Special Reserve
  9. Le cheval noir gained full stride having cleared cane field's uneven terrain. Under normal circumstances, Sabastian would have opted for familliar back way from Shanty Town to home; but though that route could prove shorter, it had to be navigated with care. Speed was what he desired now, one of the attributes which had brought current mount into his possession. The disturbance of bell ladden tack interwove with pound of hoof on dirt road surface; a thunderous fugue spurred forth by the want of destination's aquiring. The road took a slight dip, curving to the right then inclined again. Two men standing at pillered gate heard the approach before vissualizing origin, and as the large horse and rider crested hill, they were already at work to hove elegant blockade wide allowing entrance. The mount never slowed its' driven pace as it swung thru arched portal, leaving behind clouts of dust in blurred ink wake. The gate was returned to original resting point, its' keepers unaffected to what had just transpired. Townie Chestnut lazily lashed its tail in effort to disuede small flying antagonist in day paddock. Its' large liquid eyes trained on the man that had earlier offered sweet delights for consumption and a thorough brushing. If said equine had been offered choice of residence, it could surely be deduced that remaining here would win favor. The stranger had a gentle touch and an ingrained knowlege on what was prefered and what was not. Perhaps it could be imagined that Chestnut was envious of the large Bay receiving undivided attention now, as it stood eyes half lidded and one hoof raised to balance on tip. Christophe spoke softly to twitching ears, as the Bay 'blew butterflies" in response. No rope bound large companion, it was perfectly pleased to be attended to and had no desire to roam. The day's offering of sun and humidity caused glean of sweat to form over exposed torso, deserted shirt hanging on nearest paddock post. The Frenchman forced focus to tasks at hand, keeping his back turned to the second floor windows that laid open in near-far distance. The Bay raised its' large head, ears cocked forward to some unseen. Christophe paused, casting coup d'oeil to the direction of Bay's interest, slate tinted sights narrowing slightly as the sun snuck from behind passing drift of flimsy cloud. It was a far off sounding that played to his hearing, but its sending gained stregnth and Christophe rested brush encumbered hand over the wide curviture of equine back. The rhythem of hoof placement called recognition, futher confirmed by the chiming of small bell chorus. Tossing the brush into a small wooden bucket, Christophe stood away from dissapointed comrade, daring a glance to windows hung high. Into the clearing afore stone structure standing, broke horse and rider to riffle the peace. The muscled mount drew up sharply, scattering a stately promonade of peacock entourage. Again Christophe dared a look to loft heigth then back to where Crown Prince of Beggar's Ball dismounted. Soft boots struck ground in unison with balanced assult and a boy hurried forward to attend mount's lathered needs. It was a rare ocurrance that the Frenchman felt a lack of options, but this exceeded the rarity with grand pagentry. He watched as Sabastian laid a hand on the boy's shoulder in warm manner before centering attention to where he stood. Christophe made no effort to cut the distance betwixt, hoping that in the blink of time involving other's trek, would raise an option so desired. The space between was halfed and still no course of action presented itself. The Frenchman shifted stance with inward discomfort and continued to watch the disconcerting smooth of the other's movement. "Ou est Renard?" "Elle est dans la maison..." Sabastian eyed Chistophe strangely then turned to gain the front door, "Bien...Merci, ami." Sabastian closed the door and paused to scan the empty foyer. Movement drew his attention to Magen moving from one room onto another, "Petit?" The girl froze like a frightened deer, not daring to look directly at the caller. "Where is Renard?" The girl shook her head in negation of asked information bringing a crease to Sabastian's browline. Magen waited a moment longer then scurried to next chamber. Something was out of place and it was begining to nag his already unsettled calm. The stairs were taken upward, foot fall a whisper to the polished surface below. The landing was achieved with stealth and Sabastian lingered taking in the proximity with intense interest. A muffled sound of water splash brought his center to the guest room and its' closed door. There was a taint in the air which brought forth a scowl to wolfish features, further increasing the speed of his pace to door in question. Portal barrier was thrown back and the scence presented first brought an expression of shock, quickly replaced by something more dangerous. Sabastian's eyes traveled from his sister to the man in her company and stayed there. Without wavering cold attentiveness in regard to interloper, Sabastian removed riding coat and held it in Aurore's direction; wishes unvoiced but very clear. "Now this is a rather interesting turn of events," Sabastian stated with tinge of venom. " What has gone missing, has now been found under my roof. I trust there is a fitting explination." Gatekeepers, ever dilligent to duties with which they were entrusted, noticed a second stir of dust rising road's serpantine course....
  10. eruption **ahem..snigger**
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