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Tempest Fitzgerald

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Everything posted by Tempest Fitzgerald

  1. *On her way to the Apothecary for supplies, notices the posting and pauses to read the text.* Very odd... *Looks upward to the deserted Kate and puzzles momentarily* Very odd, indeed... *Starts to resume trek and hesitates as a sudden thought is realized...* I assume I shall have to depend on my private stock to obtain a decent quality Cognac...bugger... *Glances back to the Kate in brief, then continues on....*
  2. *Watches Mad Jack and his bearers traverse the deck, overhearing the Quartermaster's sly of comment and tries to stifle a laugh. Composure regained, she turns her attention to him; though the set of expression is formal, the amusment glinting from her eyes betrays thoughts...* Dorian..., that is to say...Mister Lasseter, I do thank you for your assistance in this matter. *Her eyes catch his fleetingly before focusing to the bowsprit* It is my hope that things come down to a dull roar for sanity's sake. Either way, I do think that this evening dictates the need for loose calico clothing and a bottle of dark cane rum to toast the sunset upon its arrival...God knows I could use a dram now, but duty calls.... *She nods to him then turns to gain the Ward and the suprises at hand...*
  3. You know how to whistle, don't you?
  4. Well, lass. If you need someone to stand about looking irritable, I'm your man. I can scowl down my nose at strangers with distinction. *********************************************************** *Closing her eyes, she considers William's statement, unconciously pinching the bridge of her nose as a headache makes itself known...* ************************************************************ Beg pardon, I o'er heard yer conversation.... Tempest, r' Ms. Fitzgerald... I suspect ye be wonderin' 'bout th' reported death o' th' first mate, Phil... twas a falsification... he be alive n' well... right, he be alive fer sure... ************************************************************ *Squinting at first note of Dorian's voicing, the small brow furrows in reaction to the facts presented. Rolling her eyes skyward...* Thundering Jayz... *Armand advances with the requested decanter of red wine and a goblet, stopping midstep he looks quizzically upon noting the off feeling eminating from his mistress...Advancing further, her fills the goblet and hands it to her.* Merci beaucoupe, Armand...*She downs the goblet in one pull and hands back for a refill to Armand's startled expression. He fills it and hands back* Gentleman, what we have here is a finite comedy of errors which has done a fine job of ranckling my patience...a fine job indeed... *She focuses upon Dorian and William's faces in turn before looking into the depth of the goblet....* There are days in which you get the bear....and days in which the bear turns the tables...*The second goblet is drained as the first was and shaking her head in disbelief, she hands the goblet back to her Steward. With a nod of acknowledgment, she turns to take her leave...* A fine mix of confusion...You will excuse me, please? ************************************************************ :: the smile fades from his face as one of the crew comes swaying about on the pier, hails M. Diego and trips over a cask, knocking himself out by running into a piling...:: Well.... an tha' be one o' 'r lookouts... ::rubs face with hand:: Mayhaps this day be shapin' up rather interestin'ly... :: looks to the Surgeon :: Temp... Ah, Ms. Fitzgerald... I 'spect tha' lad is in need o' yer speciality... If ye would be so kind? :: points to two Able Seamen :: You there! Fetch tha' lad offin' th' dock! Take 'im ta th' sick bay! Be quick about it! ************************************************************ *Hearing the ruckus, she hesitates then looks over the side to the docks below and drops her head with a side to side motion. Looking back to Dorian, she points to a general direction below and amits a heavy sigh* The table's just turned again, I fear....
  5. *Stops mid-stair and returns to the Main deck upon the hailing* Pardon?...That is to say, you queried? *Walks over to where William stands* Ah, Mister Wake...I must apologise. It is, you see, a matter of that so called establishment of buisness that holds the remains of our departed brother. I did send my Steward to make request for his remains to which they replied that they did not exist within their posession...Upon the delivery of said tidings, I myself went to the establishment to which I was informed of the same...Pah! Skullduggery, I tell you! But, have you know worries, I do have connections of high order that shall resolve this issue post haste!...The very idea!
  6. *Stepping upon the Main deck with a harried air, muttering in low tones as Armand follows quickly behind* Tis a blackguard affaire...An establishment of high reputation, pah! ... *Stopping abruptly and glances to Armand with disgust and irritation layed across features, continuing to the stairwell with determined step* We have no remains of that descript, the little scrub said...Merde!...Pure invention que tout cela!!...I shall speak with the magistrate in this matter and there shall be hell to pay before the morrow's end. *Pausing before going below to her quarters...* Armand, je voudrais un bouteille a' vin rouge, s'il vous plait. *Continues down below deck...*
  7. *With a knowing smile* Just what the Doctor ordered...but do take heed. Too many of those will remind you just how much of a wolf in sheep's clothing that concoction can be...
  8. Midori is a melon flavored liquore, it is very smooth and tastes like Kool-Aid. That is what makes it dangerous. To a tall glass, I would suggest two fingers of measurement....You can always increase, though to proportion of flavor I think two is best.
  9. Ah, William...You are a gentleman after my own heart for I do have a downfall for Cajun / Creole fare. A helping, if you will! Good morn to you, Mister Lasseter! May I suggest Midori for the Lemonade? A very nice touch.
  10. With luck, he will hold that demeanor throughout his whole life and be able to roll with any adversity that the real world throws his way. What a charmer he is.
  11. He is a handsome little gent, William. And there is that famous smile! Thank you for sharing the pic with us. It is great watching him grow!
  12. Ah yes...Those hours ring well to my memory. Then it's a plan! A day of lubberly behaviour is much in order! Savor every moment, dear William..for I know I am. Christine! You have a pet Aussie ?! I love Aussies, I do; and never have I met one that was not an absolute joy to be around.
  13. Much Ado About Nothing...
  14. Six of one...half a dozen of another..
  15. Today is a day for recooperation... I attended a large celebration on Saturday and did not make it to the rack until 3 AM. Last evening, six of us attended an outdoor performance of " The Life and Death of King Richard the lll "...( The wine and Food did flow with much abandon!! ) Did not hit the rack until almost 4 AM. Taking it easy today...
  16. Dearest William...You do me such kindness with a proffering of temptation! I thank you from the bottom reaches of my heart! Happy 4th to you and your family, as well!!
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