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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. i've been known to do a bit of drawing .... but i also turn these into paintings or group drawings together to make scenes of figures for paintings
  2. aye one more lovely reason to keep this ol' heart beating ....welcome to this fyne port lass ....and as ye be small fry to these waters i'd be having a black rum if you would be buying hope you always enjoy your stay in these waters
  3. maggie i can hardly wait to see the rest of your pics ....i missed not being there this year i am going to do my damnedest to be there next year!!! hope to see you there again!!!
  4. aye i missed going this year because of a car accident and a bit of a conflict with some classes i'm taking ....but i have to agree with maggie ...the place is lovely and for the most part the people residents and tourists are great bunch ....i do plan on coming down again hopefully next year and vending WEAPONS & MY ARTWORK ( I DO TAKE COMISSIONS....HINT-HINT!!) ....... still time for those gifts for twelfth night!!! yes hopefully the whole thing will get sorted out in the next year so that it can be a place that more pirates want to come to ....we had a fantastic time last year with the get togethers and the activities at the fort and yes the sails are a required thing to get the full pirate effect so here's to the crew i missed this year and here's to the crew that i hope to be part of for years to come
  5. had a good day made4 pies (2 black rum walnut pumpkin pies & 2 scots minced meat pies) and a 28 lb turkey and enough of me prize winning dressing to sink a frigate ....and there was enough wine to refloat it and then got back to my humble abode and found that the water heater had burst and flooded the house ....lost about half a years drawings but it could have been worse i could have come home to no home at all
  6. DAMNATION!!!! some land lubber scuttled my wheels for the trip down this year. he had no insurance and my company isn't payin' me enough to get a car i'd drive the nearly 2500 miles round trip
  7. aye lass there is a sutler relatively near you in valley forge G Gedney Godwin's i have the number around somewhere or you can check online by doing a search hold on i found the link My Webpage they carry correct period buttons and can get you as many as you'd need the shop is about 2 miles from the national park
  8. http://piratesinparadise.com/index.html what more do you need patrick??? the fest is pretty PG on the surface .....after hours or in the hotels(moonlit beaches ) ....that is between you and the powers that be
  9. time consuming??? they weren't in a hurry to get to the mall or to watch american idol and when you could support your family for a few months on the production of such a chest .... you take your time and do a damned good job
  10. the process of removing the metal would have been done with a hammer and chissel and then a file to smooth the edges
  11. now me pretty dutch lass you have a fyne looking chest this ol' pyrate fancies ......the best pyrate chest available these days is a numbered account in the grand caamans just ask the execs from enron and tyco
  12. hhmmmmmmm the wierdest thing seen at a ren faire??? how about a xena weekend where the costume winner was a 68 year old woman with outlandishly huge silicone breasts and more wrinkles than a truckload of old bedsheets!!! :) what xena had to do with the renaissance i don't know other than the show traveled through time faster than the speed of light
  13. sounds like a nice idea ....a bit of a trek for the lad and i but we may be coming down that way during that time anyway ...i get to see me daughters for twelfth night would be a good time to meet some of this scurvvy lot and the food is great at bube's
  14. ok rummy i'll admit it might take me quite a while before i saw you were wearing buttons when i looked at your bodice .........but i do love those lovely eyes ...yes i have noticed those and a great smile too
  15. john mayall and the bluesbreakers "another kinda love"it's gppd to have satellite radio ...have it in the car and at home ....great to travel with
  16. when you get back in production you can certainly count on my order and an order for my son for at least 3 pairs each!!! hold fast to your dreams lad it will happen!!! :) :) :)
  17. back to the subject at hand ...can you post a pic of the garment might be something i could be interested in and no need to dignify "fertilizer" with more effort than it's worth, christine!!!
  18. well pirate weekend is a few weeks past and this coming weekend be the final weekend for the ohio ren faire ...hope any of you that might be coming either day will stop by my friend's booth and say ahoy to the ol' gunner ....the brazin' lady in front of the dungeon of doom
  19. aye rummy i 've got a clockwork heart so as long as the gizmo's working i'm sure the shock won't be too much for me but if it is i'm sure i'll pass with quite a smile on me mug :angry:
  20. or try this response: damn!!! another transvestite pirate wanting to steal my duds!!!!
  21. i'd trade a wooden iron bound chest for a fyne treasure chest like that ....got a blacksmith buddy who's making the band and hinges and hasp for a fyne chest ...the wood bits are fairly easy to make with a simple shop of tools ...i'll post pics as soon as i can .....if only rummy would
  22. shame you don't have an actual picture of the slops on your site ....or are they thet type worn by the fellow who you made the waistcoat for or are they petticoat type
  23. i'd vote for a pirate over another friggin politician any damn day .... you can trust a pirate i'd have to say i'm half-n-half re-enactor and entertainer
  24. a man finds a magic lamp and the genie pops out and is told he only gets one wish ...the man thinks and says he'd like to go to hawaii but he hates to fly so can the genie make a bridge so he can drive... the genie balks at this and says he should ask for something a little less labour intensive ... the man thinks again 'tell me what do women want????" ..... the man asked the genie of the lamp ......as the genie answered that question rolling up his sleeves " do you want that bridge to hawaii 2 lane or four"
  25. i must say that the acceptance by many groups of those of us who aren't 100% period authenic is heartening ......... as for boots i have always thought that whatever boots or shoes were gathered as booty by the crew was distributed to those it fit ....rich, poor or what have you ....if i was on board a ship in the carribean i would most likely be barefoot while on board but on shore i would wear the best i had to give the impression i was a successful marauder ... and i have the period shoes as well but i have saved those for more reserved events in colonial reenactments as in those in valley forge or williamburg ..but depending on the unit i am with depends on if i drag out high boots for the cavalry/dragoon regiments.... and hand sewn mocassins for the forager groups ...the periods were not as finely defined as we'd like to think there were periods when the older styles remained available for years after they had been a fashion fauxpah in polite society of the day... the same as polyester leisure suits can still be found today ....so i'm sorry but some folks need to take the "rods from their rectums" and lighten up a bit and the costume shop pirates need to understand that there are some other folks who strive for the "real deal" for themselves we need to share our joy of the lifestyle we're trying to emulate whether it be in great detail or in a lesser dedication to the fine minutia of period thread counting
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