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callenish gunner

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Everything posted by callenish gunner

  1. i used some old military officer's gimping i had a yard or so of it so that's what i decided to use ...i got the blank from an amish hat company in lancaster pennsylvania i got several blanks from them before they do the final steam shaping for the boxy amish hats i paid i think $15 or17 per blank....bolman hats in adamstown, pa...i used to do a lot of hats for the theatre and for rev. war re-enactors when i lived next to valley forge
  2. followed some of the same precedures and here is my latest efforts
  3. the dates are the day after thanksgiving until dec. 3rd!!!
  4. was yer byrd drunk too??? he looks a bit typsy
  5. i be checking in an' out all eve lass stop back and have a drynke with me
  6. aye a comely gunner's mate that be ..
  7. patrick i'll send you some stuff on hampton as soon as they post the new updates ... would love t' see ye there ...perhaps for pip we could try to shedual a day and all meet in miami and rent a van to drive down t' key west and split the cost for the time ..... what do ye think lad
  8. bunny be claimin' she was here an the place be empty .... funny not hyde nor hare of her
  9. i think i did base it on him lad good eye where'd that lad drift off to ...not seen him around almost as long as you lad
  10. i think i did base it on him lad good eye
  11. and they claim men never ask for directions .... how easy could it be to tap a link .....
  12. i be postin' the link but n'er a lass t' be spied in these waters
  13. one of the sketches for a painting i'm working on and petee i think i downloaded a shot of you that i'd like to use for a charcter as well
  14. what about lizards??? nice pyratical pets easy to care for ...they eats the other vermon onboard except for the rats and besides m' capt edward teach be so handsome and spikey :)
  15. lad i've looked at the poofy pirate shirt and it looks ok but i really like the leather waistcoat they show as accompaniment to it
  16. aye lad an excellent show !!!! looks like ye had a grande tyme even without me but i will be back there next year for certain!!!
  17. i could have the money in about 3-4 weeks after my mid-month check have they firmed up the deal ....and will they be shipped directly or to a central locale and distributed from there .... i will also have several all steel murdoch pistols for sale at the end of january for $225 each
  18. if more pyrates begin to plan now they will be plenty of time to firm up plans for next year's festival ...i will be going anyway i can even if i have to fly in and ship my tent and goods fed ex.!!!!
  19. placing m' order for various and sundry flintlocks and other weapons and a new tent to sutler from so i'll be ready to be there next year and perhaps a few other venues before pip as well just look for Vagabond Armoury!!! and let me know you heard it here first!!!
  20. i much prefer period pieces to most of the modern settings ... there is sense of tyme and place to those stories ....and even when you see people treated poorly you can understand it historically ... but the modern genre of action films treats everybody like crap and everyone is just out for themselves it seems ........there is no honour in the characters ... and i really don't need to see a lot of what they show in the new stuff ...i don't need to see splattered brains to know that a fellow's been shot ... and without that much graphic scenes the story can be watched by more of the family .... me mum doesn't need t' see the horrors o' what i've seen in battle ....nor do my kids ...i also don't want the entire world being turned into one giant disney fantasy like the cartoon version of the stories they've done ..... but that just be my take on it :)
  21. havin' a bad enough tyme keepin me son's paws off the goodies
  22. i would love t' find the 1934 version of treasure island on dvd
  23. been piecing together a whole new outfit to come and sutler at key west for next dec. i will have a couple of tents and weapons for m'self and others and will probably have a lot for sale as well .....blades and flints .... the only thing i won't have will be shot ...got t' keep it family friendly :) and i'll make sure i bring an extra 2 dozen candle lanterns (& candles) for the pub to use....
  24. wish could come down t' see the battle but i even think mardi gras will be out for me this year...classes and "responsibilities" hope all goes well and the event is successful!!!
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