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Everything posted by OryginalCinn

  1. Yay! Orlando! You can go to Margaritaville...and Disney World, if you're so inclined. :) I've decided to go there, too. Forever!
  2. Wow, I'm completely impressed!! Too bad I already rented a one bedroom.
  3. That annual pass is seriously burning a hole in my pocket! :) Skot cleaned the kitty litter box?! I knew I should have asked him to be my roommate!
  4. Captain, Diosa, Paisley & Micah, Skot, Deadly Aim, Sheila & Nigel - I had the *best* time seeing all of you and pirating at Disney & Mt. Dora. I can't wait to be in Florida on a permanent basis.
  5. I'm home & was finally able to view them - fabulous, Paisley!! :)
  6. - you can't have fun playing a game unless you cheat. - you hope someone catches you cheating so you can say "Pirate!"
  7. It seemed like a good idea at the time? Umm... well, I love Mexican food, the people we ate breakfast with that morning had recommended the place, it was on the list of approved places that the Disney company recommends, and we happened to be right near it when we were hungry. Never again, though, sister. I learned, if the hard way.
  8. Unfortunately I was still recovering from food poisoning, so I barely saw Castaway Cay. Blah. Will have to come back. I did manage to get myself to the wonderfully quiet adult beach and relax in the sun for a few hours. I was going to put my feet in the water, but there were fish. Fish scare me.
  9. If it makes ye feel better, the worst case of food poisoning ever nearly made me miss the party. Don't eat Mexican food in Nassau! BAD! Eat only the food the nice Disney people give you! Dragged my sorry pirate rear to dinner so I could get the souvenir menu and bandana, ate one slice of pineapple and bailed so I could get up to the deck for the party. Was sorry to miss the Jack Sparrow Fruity Pork (though just reading the name of it was nearly enough...) The show and fireworks were really fun and everyone was into the party. They had Stitch dressed as a pirate, yay! Shame that Mickey vanquished Capt. Hook but I suppose that's to be expected. I wore my gorgeous pirate coat & boots, but I added my Mickey pirate bandana (complete with ears) for the Disney touch and everyone kept asking where I got it (came from WDW but they don't make it any more) and didn't notice the good stuff. Figures! Am much recovered today and have some time left to enjoy the ship before landing back in Portlando tomorrow.
  10. Yes, I believe I've done both to you. And if not, I'll just have to try harder.
  11. I know how to make nice to the Disney people. 'Sides, they like pirates.
  12. Aww, but Nigel without a pun would be like TBM without a pink wig...
  13. I am happy to report, from the internet cafe onboard the Disney Magic, that they ARE having the pirate party night on this cruise. However, they don't usually take the Magic on four night cruises so I don't know if this is part of the regular itinerary or not. What the heck, as long as I get to see it, I'm happy. Also, Barbossa's costume is still on display at MGM Studios. :)
  14. Tried to look at the pictures and got a message that the site I requestied was not allowed on a Disney Cruise ship! I'll have to wait til I get home! Heh!
  15. Don't worry, I've destroyed all the evidence. Heh. Pais - Dead Packas Tell No Tales ...unlike pink sharpies and sharp nails
  16. *sigh* I have actually pared them down completely at the moment. Just for you, baby. What's the third thing that scares you?
  17. So am I. I'll show you the best bars at Disney World if you like. Heh!
  18. While I've watched the film an obscene number of times, I've only watched each of the voice overs about once, so I was basing my opinion that Jack is a better swordsman than Barbossa on the one fight Barbossa participates in during the film. However, if it says in the voiceover that Barbossa is meant to be better than Jack, I'll totally accept that. There isn't all that much to judge him by in the film. BTW, I'm a huge fan of Indiana Jones, too - much more than Star Wars.
  19. I have no problem with Barbossa coming back in the sequel. :) I suppose I always thought of Will being there to balance Jack out rather than Barbossa.
  20. If Jack and Barbossa would have continued the sword fight, Barbossa would have won. I recall seeing Jack run away from him, never the other way around, Barbossa is simply the better sword fighter, and so i Will. Let me state first that I like Jack and Barbossa equally, though in my opinion Jack is inequivocably the hero of the film. In fact, there is not one single character in the film that I dislike in any way, or find boring or even annoying. I love every minute of this brilliant picture. I'm actually a Will Turner fan, but I won't even open that can of worms although we might have some interesting debates. He is easily the best swordsman in the film. However, Jack steals the film and makes it unique. I still maintain that there is no proof in the film that Barbossa is a better swordsman than Jack. Barbossa won his fights because he was unable to be killed. If you recall, Jack stabbed him first. Jack also was well aware that he was cursed and could not die himself, so the "running away" was not to escape but to move the fight - he had to get near Will to remove the curse at the opportune moment so that he could kill Barbossa. They were on equal ground all along, and I am sure that they would agree that the clear winner of the fight, whether it was ended by sword or pistol, was whoever was still alive at the end. Being pirates, fighting fair did not matter to either one of them. The only one who cared about a fair fight was Will.
  21. Thanks for the hints, Pearl! :)
  22. I don't remember seeing Barbossa win any fights fair and square either.
  23. With utmost respect and deepest regard to everyone in this thread and to the film itself, I have to disagree. Jack was a far better pirate than Barbossa was. He was far more crafty and wily, and his "cartoonish" nature was more often than not a facade to hide what he was really up to. Barbossa got by on brute strength, and he was able to amass all that swag simply because he and his crew couldn't die. Let me also just mention that I LOVE Barbossa, and think he's a wonderful villain and character, but he's far more typical of a pirate than Jack. Jack is way more interesting, especially in the few moments when he drops the foppish facade and you catch a glimpse into what his real thought process might be. I cannot imagine any film with Johnny Depp as Jack Sparrow being boring for even a moment. Besides, he's got Will, Elizabeth, & Norrington to balance him out. The villain is totally negligable.
  24. This sounds almost like the exact tour of Key West that you gave me, dear Nigel. A good one indeed.
  25. Is he recovered? Just in time for m'next stop in Portlando...
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