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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. i'm not really too much different in the land of the dane. i'm a natural born flirt and everyone knows it, but i'm also quite harmless and everyone knows that too. faire season is the best. the other nine months of the year are getting ready for the next season. i spend most of my online time here and in parenfaire.net. everyone that knows me also knows that faire and pyrates are my favorite things. i would never go to an event out of garb and my boys would kill me if i even thought of taking them not in garb. i'm looking for new garb ideas and pieces everywhere i am. the biggest difference between faire/pyracy me and nepa me is the language, though i have been heard using b.f.a. and pyrate speak outside the gates. though i drink rum here and really don't like it or most liquors outside the 'pub'. my main libation is pepsi and pepsi/vanilla. go figure. btw - most of my closest friends call me snow and have for a long time. 'snowflake' has been my nickname for the better part of 3 decades.
  2. don't touch that dial!
  3. in a strange port.........
  4. didn't ye know that ye have to kiss a lot of horny toads before ye find yer handsome prince?
  5. aye! someone who knows who cardinal puff is!~ taps glas down 3 times - flips glass arund 180 degrees - once a cardinal - flips glass around the rest of the way - always a cardinal! drink up!
  6. aye, of course we'll be there! being season pass holders, it's a must! and, of course, wouldn't miss fling! it's only 11 weeks away!
  7. must admit, you are far better than i with wirds, but that's about what i was trying to say!
  8. i guess for me it's about 50/50. i love the fantasy, and i'm still grounded in reality. this is one place where i can just let my imagination play. i love pirates and all about pyracy. and the members of the pub also share that passion and it's o riot to cmein and play. lady snow is also the persona i use at faire - me being the rennie than i am. i am alo a member of 3 ren sites (which all happen to belong of mine). and there is a part of my garb that i have known to wear in my dane life. i hope that isn't too confusing or not the answer you're looking for.
  9. tropical breezes
  10. (just in case you didn't notice, i had the hot tub moved to moonlight lagoon)
  11. unless the vinyl sheet floats really good in the hot tub, you could drown playing twister! could always play 'cardinal puff' - we've got plenty of rum!
  12. you do have good taste constance. even my boys know all the songs on the 3 parf cd's inside out! my youngest aspires to be a rakish rogue! 'put your shoulder next to mine and pump away!'
  13. if you check the post time - we were doing it at the same time. see no one thinks in the same way!
  14. that was yesterday - today the cold returned full force!!! unreal and unwelcome! wishing for balmy breezes and some fyne company, grub and grog!
  15. me likes the way ye think pphil! i'm a native to brooklyn, but we moved to rockland county when i was four and then to south jersey a couple years later. found my way to your neck of the woods years ago! :)
  16. i love your ballad cap'n!
  17. now that sounds like the best party! play on and dance on!
  18. Lobster, to celebrate what we look like after a day at the beach. Red Wine. Bacon. Red meat, raw off the bone. Cranberries. hmmm...that's all good for a start. and how about - red velvet cake johnny walker red red hots red flannel hash killian's red red-skin potatoes?
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