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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. there's always - we live by the rules, we die by the rules
  2. i'm in total agreement with all of you. i just don't understand why some people thing they have the right to make the world miserable for those of us that are happy in it! how about a round of {{{{{{hugs}}}}}}} and drinks?
  3. mmmmmmmmm...i guess the word for that right now is relieved. i've had a black cloud hanging over my had and was quite depressed. this being since i lost my job too months ago and have been hanging in limbo since then. but things started looking up today. so keep your fingers crossed (and you legs, eyes, swords too) that this be a continuing trend.
  4. looks scrumptious, william! be they baby's breath sprigs in them vases?
  5. this is all so interesting! i can't wait til they can give a definite id tot he wreck! :)
  6. congrats to ye sir hawks on yer latest elevation to a higher position! ray -- another round fer my mates!
  7. you force your cabin boys to walk the plank outside their window on the second floor for conduct unbecoming a pyrate
  8. x marks the spot
  9. never give up hope pphil!
  10. much congratulations on the new branch on your family tree! he is really beautiful! enjoy him to the fullest - they grow up way too fast!
  11. muppets take manhattan
  12. a, pphil - first hide the evidence and then act the gentleman
  13. aye! boone's farm apple, strawberry hill and wild mountain grape. buck and a quarter a bottle - yes those were the days!
  14. i'm with you on that one, nelson. i've started reading that book and you are so right. they had to bring up some identifying objects. and, or course, we know that there were no german u-boats off the coast of nj in wwll, or any other war, right? sure we believe that. they also proved how dangerous deep diving is being they lost some of the dive team.
  15. count something........
  16. have you tried looking for a hat box? i'm sure there are still merchants that carry them. you could check with milliners. that do come in all sizes. when we go to faire, all the weaponry stays in the trunk of the car til we get to the faire grounds. after the end of last season, we hadn't gotten around to taking the hardware out of the trunk before we went to canada in january. it was funny in customs coming back cause they wanted to (and did) look in the trunk. seems you can sneak weapons in but not out. they let us through. some of the garb was there too and they know about ren faires. but it was funny. as for blondes having more fun - i wouldn't know since i have been no other color to compare it to, but i have loads of fun.
  17. king's - you look quite sharp, indeed! nice look. cap'n pete - yes, i would say that the hat does complete you're look. and i do like your pyrate skirt.
  18. who will dump him for keira knightly
  19. the same goes for ren speak. it's just so easy. 'lady, good den, see thee anon, i thank ye, pritthee..........
  20. oh, there be an excellent ale brewed by scott at the swashbuckler's called by name of skullsplitter ale! onion rings sound delish. havem't had a good basket of them in a long time. to good times and good friends!
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