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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. hey - i saw a monkey run off with a flaming banana!
  2. and let us not forget the PIE RATS! eh, pphil?????
  3. i have no idea where i saw the statement that jack sparrow had kidnapped someone's child at the pa ren faire and i went to read the message and have been here ever since
  4. i can eat bacon by the pound and have the witnesses to prove it!
  5. he fixed it the way i like it, just so!
  6. deceit nothing, just plain old trickery!
  7. porn from me? yuou have got to ber kidding - you know me better thasn that! well, i never!!%@^$#^%!$#^%$&*
  8. i am now 500 posts away from pirate legend!
  9. no, i say! but if you ask micely - it may change to yes
  10. gone are the carefree days of youth
  11. i'm beginning to feel like a giant at 5 - 8
  12. ^ birthday is 6 days before mine
  13. cool - my 'dance name and pub name are both turned on by old radios maybe these are the ones that play the old broadcasts of mystery theatre! i love them!
  14. ^ italian < wish my whole life were faire \/ favorite plce to vacation
  15. never trust a man who drives a sleigh and plays with elves
  16. thanks for the heads up, rumba
  17. lady snow's faerie dust and fantasy emporium isready to set up shot. permoits and insurance in place - let the fun begin!
  18. for those of you that are parenfaire folks - greg and kate ramsey - artistic directs of the faire - are no longer with the faire. they have been hired as house parents at the mikton hershey school. hey wil be greatly missed last season greg was aidan namara - on the crew with grace o'malley and kate was the queen
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