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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. believe me, having had the pleasure of acting alongside our favorite pyrate poet, a riot is putting it mildly! and he's only a danger to jimself to boot.
  2. kids grow up way too fast!
  3. magic monday (at least that's what my oldest thought they we singing when he was a kid)
  4. i think it's the cutlass
  5. we sing alternate lyrics - landlady - 3rd line - and i take you upstairs and show you the rest parents instead of caressed embraced and sometimes forgive (but not too often)
  6. mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  7. my oldest and youngest have ancestral ties to the stuarts (as in mary,queen of scots)
  8. You mean you still have a 3 1/2" drive on your PC? How retro. that's him, our retro-pyrate phil
  9. no! but, we can still have fun, yes?
  10. oh, but yes it was. you do have a way with it!
  11. pyrate has no need for trickery - me cutlass will run ye through quite well!
  12. ^ has a great sense of humor
  13. love it, phil! there's even a site to find your future method of demise! iu'm getting done in by cannibals - a primitive island is not the place for a vacation!
  14. I was about to post something snide..... but then remembered that I have been to Utah... Salt Lake City infact...... nice wide streets, and a great plaintarim...... OK so no snide comments .............................. good thing - would hate to have to send the spirit of joseph smith after you
  15. ^spyro the dragon (i know - but i like it!) <working the pa 500 race at pocono this weekend \/ favorite shanty
  16. tjis is tooooooo funny
  17. you have way too much time ion your hands, but i love your imagination!
  18. what a rip off!/is that a six-gun in your pocket...
  19. what choo talkin bout willis
  20. you have an unusually strong psychic talent in the area of Precognition This means you have an uncanny ability to look into the future and anticipate what is going to happen. By knowing something's going to occur, you can even change the outcome of events for the better. like i didn't already know that. the one problem i have is that i know when people close to me die, at about the moment, without being told and it's not fun. ~snow
  21. well, don't mind if i do , thank-you muchly! i'd like to propose a toast to my youngest who's all excited bout his elementary promotion ceremony and presentation to middle division! he's been on honor roll all year and if you listen to him, he acts like he's getting his master's! cheers all! (clinks root beer mugs, well, he is only 11)
  22. much luck - what job are you interviewing for?
  23. i even made it onto the 25 year love a-faire documentary cd!
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