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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. actually, i am a card carrying wnech - as in the internatioonal wenches guild - and take no offense at all!
  2. i still love my first real sweetheart and he's not my husband either, but it's much better this way - way too much histiory betweeen us. oh and we are still close
  3. lions and tigers and bears-oh my
  4. 5 servings of fruit daily wine made from grapes grapes are fruit drink 5 glassews of wine daily for fruit rda
  5. sounds like a poem i read as a kid
  6. la la la la la la...
  7. lots of love and happiness being wished from the east coast to the west! and a round on me!
  8. 'be he live, or be he dead, i'll grind his bones to make my bread'
  9. i've seen the aurora in jersey, pa, and canada and i've never seent he colors - they were white, but just as awesome!
  10. ^cutlass <have a good case of 'bodice burn' \/where would you like to be right now
  11. i heard the news on the way to work this morning! too young!
  12. due to finances, i'm only at faire on saturdays this season - except 1st and last when we're doing the whole weekend!
  13. ^sorry, can't help <anxiously waiting for saturday \/favorite comfort food
  14. Your Seduction Style: Ideal Lover You seduce people by tapping into their dreams and desires. And because of this sensitivity, you can be the ideal lover for anyone you seek. You are a shapeshifter - bringing romance, adventure, spirituality to relationships. It all depends on who your with, and what their vision of a perfect relationship is.
  15. 40%; you're soooo close...if you would spend some extra time investigating Taoist thought and practicing arts such as yoga or taiji, you might discover the hidden Taoist in you sure surprised me! good one pphil
  16. heart and soul, i want to be adored...........................
  17. vocabulary lessons are not what i want you to give!
  18. well, i do have a pin - i got it from you pphil! going to faire anytime soon ? opens this weeknd. can't wait to see you and ant again. empty hats won't be there this weeknd, being they are still i sterling. they'll be back next weekend. tell anticus and mad mike i said 'hi!'
  19. don't know where i saw it but- there was a picture of a mime down on the ground with a tape outline around his body with the line 'a mime is a terrible thing to waste'
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