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lady snow

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Everything posted by lady snow

  1. looks delightful. what have you go to washit down, mind you, milkwouold make singing difficult.
  2. like the bloody mark
  3. welcome aboard! i be the lady snow - if'n you need anything, come see me, i'm sure i could help you out. ray - a round in honor of our new member!
  4. apples they like them too
  5. need alittle something to sustain me through rehearsal tonight and not clog the throat since i need to sing......hmmmmmmmmmm got anything handy?
  6. with palm trees swaying
  7. mmmmmmmmmmmm thank ye kind sir! that sure hit the spot. all warm and cozy now!
  8. and there are a few of us (over 50 to boot) that still have no extra weight to lose. can't seem to put it on - never could.
  9. pieces of eight
  10. we did drop a bunchof degrees here! got any hot toddies behind the bar there sir?
  11. and dream of some
  12. to paddle off for
  13. alone on the tropical
  14. looks sorta like the i have the same kind of luck as mooch does! i actually got hit by a car as i was crossing the street the other day. i didn't really get hurt - scraped hand and a bruise on the inside of my knee- but i was totally stunned that she actually HIT me. not that i'm not big enough to see or anything, it was broad daylight and everything!
  15. awwwww....come on jack - whatcha afraid of?
  16. i get mutts in my email everyday. one of these days i'm going to get into nyc when patrick is there for a mutts event. goot to get a little pink sock!
  17. Disorder | Rating Paranoid: Low Schizoid: Low Schizotypal: Moderate Antisocial: Low Borderline: Low Histrionic: Low Narcissistic: Low Avoidant: Low Dependent: Low Obsessive-Compulsive: Low all low except for one...very interesting
  18. hey jack! i think it's totally cool that you have mooch as your avatar! i am a huge mutts fan!
  19. yes, there was music too!
  20. back to the original topic - i met my mate online in our mah jong solitaire gameroom. after a couple months of chatting in the room, im's, pm's, email and the such - he said that i needed him, packed his van and moved 2800+ miles east! we discovered that we had a lot of mutual interests and quite a few separate interests that life was great. had a ren wedding in vegas and lived for the parenfaire and now he's gone. nothing is going to be the same again. we were true soulmates and i really miss him. faire this season is going to be the hardest since we spent every weekend there the past 5 seasons and were established in our characters (strange how that happens) that something big is going to be missing this year. at least i wil have my 'faire family' to lean on. okay - back to your posts
  21. oh, william! everything looks so yummy that i'll some of everything and don't skimp on any especially the dessert! i'll be right over here at my table if anyone wants to jion me! mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
  22. i know a lot of songs on this site from faire!
  23. ^ at this point in time it would be to elizabethan times to sail with grace o'malley (my heroine) < went to lunch with an old friend today and felt good just to be me for me for a while \/ favorite time in history
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