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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. There are a couple, don't know them off hand. One page the where also showing ya how to make a small tall ship.
  2. Sure ye can keep it. Why wouldn't ya be. Every pirate be needin a cannon.
  3. Thats what I be hopin fer mate.
  4. http://www.hevanet.com/stuartp/WebPages/Ca...uccessStory.htm http://www.hevanet.com/stuartp/WebPages/Ca...rbideCannon.htm Ya can get an idea of what they can look like and how the work from these sites. Mine looks better, The cannon itself is a different shape and I put some sand in the flat black paint to give it an aged texture look and used some pewter hammered spray paint in spots to make it look a bit more like metal. I also added handles on the top. I havn't started the carrige yet, but mine will look more like a naval gun carrige, with the elevaton notches on the side brass fittings and rope. I will also stain the wood. That project is for this weekend. And yes william ya be knowin me to well Im a tease. I promise I'll post pics of the cannon as well as me new hat.
  5. This be a carbide cannon. Not black powder. You can be making one fer less than a hundred dubloons from bits from your local hardware store. Looks pretty good too.
  6. So I’ve been building a cannon and the barrel is completed. Well yesterday them ammo came in the mail. I should have waited until the carriage was built, but I couldn’t resist a test fire. I wasn’t sure how loud it would be or if it would actually work for that matter, or if it did work, would I blow myself up. I’ve been blown up before and I have to say I didn’t really like it all that much and wouldn’t recommend it, trust me its not as cool as it looks. But that’s a different story. So I really didn’t want it to happen again and I wasn’t really sure about this thing considering I got the plans of the internet. Well, I got it all set up to fire and when I lit it. KABOOM!!!! . A muzzle flash about the size of me shot out of the barrel and the blast left a ringing in my ear. I was so stoked that it actually worked and I didn’t end up killing myself. THIS THING IS THE COOLEST THING EVER AND ITS LOUD AS SHIT, HAHA I HAVE A CANNON, my neighbors are gonna hate me.
  7. Patience patience, HEHE. I wish I could wear the thing to work. Later this week I'll get some pics up.
  8. I just got my captain jack style hat from Captain Jacks Pirate Hats yesterday and I just had to say Oh My God. These hats are beautiful to be hold. The professionalism, quality and time that he must have put into these hats are phenomenal they truly are works of art. Every dubloon was well spent on this buy. I would recomened them to any of you out there. He has the last say when it comes to pirate style hats. I'll post pics later this week.
  9. On the forearm it will hardly do the beauty of such a ship justice. One of our sailors had a three mast full rigged ship across his chest. Now that was something! Its not gonna be the side veiw. Its an old traditional style tall ship frontal view. Something like these.
  10. Aye, served as an infantry soldier in the army.
  11. Almost hot enough, just gotta wait for this june gloom to burn off.
  12. Funny how this topic popped up. I was just thinkin about gettin some more work done. I have six already. Even though one is still not done. Next one is gona be a tall ship on me fore arm.
  13. My mate, Baran Von Red has a really crappy VHS copy. The kind that when ya put it in the VCR it breaks the VCR and smoke starts coming out of it. I dont think its on DVD yet is it?
  14. Mine was once Iron roger vain and now it says I be Captain Roger Flint.
  15. Most of me booty got spent on me boots.
  16. Thank you so much for all your advice.
  17. Diego, just ran across this post. Sorry I didn't see it time to have your back mate. Us So Cal pyrates must stick together. Besides all my family comes from europe. Well at least Sweden, Italy and the UK. LIVERPOOL> AAARRRRRR
  18. That be the place that I purchased them. I mean the buckets not all the way down to the ground, but they are starting to sag.
  19. Tis a beautifull picture. Shame its so small though. The picture I mean.
  20. Giant rubber bands. Hmmmm...... Could work. Or giant rubber bands to go from my boots and over my shoulders. That way when I walked the boots would look like they were bouncing. Thats IT!
  21. I've heard that the pirate captain, although elected, sometimes had to dress a little more proper on certain occasians. For example if they were ever to get boarded by a naval ship or to freely come aboard any other ship. Also as to what they wore. It would only make sense that they had a access to wide variety of clothes that they could acquire due to plunder and all the exotic portys that they may have visited. As for the etchings and portraits of famous captains, they probably had on their sunday best. So most likely they wore what was considered proper during that period like stockings and small heeled buckle shoes instead of slops, leather sandals and seafaring bucket boots.
  22. I just got some real nice tall black bucket boots. They are about knee level. Only problem is that they are starting to fall and get baggy. A little baggy is ok. Any advice on how to keep em up. Thanks
  23. I agree. :)
  24. What ever they bloody well pleased!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA!
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