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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. A collection of terms that every beer drinker should know. Bait-and-switch - When an attractive person invites you to his or her table then steers you to a less attractive friend. Barley sandwich - Beer for lunch. Also called a slurp sandwich. Bayonetting the wounded - Gamely drinking the half-finished beers the morning after a party. Booze coupons - Money. Bedspins - The variety of spins that occur while lying prone. Putting one foot on the floor usually helps. If you are already on the floor, may God have mercy on your soul. Beer bitch - The person sitting closest to the cooler or refrigerator at a party whose sole purpose in life is to grab another beer for you whenever you go empty. Beer Buffet - Any bar with more than ten different beers on tap. Beer blinders (Beer goggles) - Ones perception when under the influence of alcohol. Often causes unattractive people to look hot, long distances to look jumpable, and also makes break dancing moves look easy. Beer Pressure - The tendency to drink what your friends drink. Beer queer - A straight man who will pretend to be gay in order to solicit free drinks from an unsuspecting homosexual. Blackout Brigade - A group of heavy drinkers. Booze compass - The instinct that leads you home when youre blackout drunk. Booze muscle - The increase in courage and combat abilities linked to heavy alcohol consumption. Booze snooze - A nap taken early in the afternoon after a morning of drinking, designed to prepare you for the evenings drinking. Boozgart - The person who, when he is supposed to be passing the bottle of liquor around, stops to reflect on the first time he got drunk, last time he got drunk, etc. A derivative of the stoner term bogart. Breaking the Seal - Urinating for the first time during a drinking session. Once the seal is broken, restroom trips become much more frequent. Britney Spears - Rhyming slang for light beer. As in, How can I take you seriously when youve been drinking Britney Spears all night? Buzzkill - That which destroys the buzz. Examples are fights with ones significant other while at the bar, boors who insist on telling that story one more time, your best friend admitting that he/she is sleeping with your significant other, horrible music after youve just heard three of your favorite songs in a row, or discovering that you actually have less than half of the money that you thought you had at the beginning of the evening. Date Rape - Nickname given to any of a number of alcoholic beverages that taste like they have no booze in them whatsoever. Refers to their effectiveness in helping a high school boy get his hands down the pants of a girl who doesn't like beer. De-boned - To become so drunk you appear not to have any skeletal structure to hold you up. Deep-dish olive pie - A martini. Deja booty - When a drunk inexplicably has sex with a person that he/she swore he/she would never speak to ever again, again. Deja booze - When an infrequently enjoyed drink reminds you of the last time you enjoyed it. As in, This margarita reminds me of when I was partying in Tijuana, just before I vomited on myself, picked a fight with the bartender and got thrown in the clink. Good times, good times. Deserter - A full beer, possibly hidden, found when cleaning up the next day after a party. Drink link - An ATM. Drink shrink - Those who, after a few drinks, discover they have the ability to psychoanalyze and offer solid personal advice to their friends and/or strangers. Drinking in stereo - Boozing with a drink in each hand. Driving by brail - Using the sound and feel of the road turtles to keep your car on the highway. Felony juice - Tequila. Flip wire - That fine, fuzzy line between buzzed and hammered. As in, That fucker aint driving, he tripped the flip wire three shots ago. Floored - When youre so drunk standing up just seems a silly waste of time. Frontloading - Getting drunk before going to a nightclub because the clubs drinks are expensive. FUBAR - Fucked Up Beyond All Recognition. Fugly bus - The mysterious bus that whisks away all the ugly people from the bar and replaces them with their beautiful cousins while youre in the bathroom draining your tenth pint. Get the fade on - Going out with intention of getting very, very drunk. Grog monster - The part of the brain that insists you keep drinking long after you should have went home and passed out. Gutter hugger - Drinkers who empty the contents of their stomach into a gutter or nearest trash can. "Hells Own Drag" Influence - As in, See the size of that shot? Ever since I started dating the bartender, Ive got hells own drag at this bar. Hooch hotel - The drunk tank. Housed - Moderately drunk. This term is particularly popular with those who listen to the Grateful Dead and smoke large amounts of marijuana. Jack and Jill - A shot of Jack Daniels and a beer. Joint of no return - A bar from which you are 86d. Juice card - Received on your 21st birthday. Jumping on the grenade - When two groups of the opposite sex meet, one member jumps on the grenade by talking to (or possibly sleeping with) the least attractive member of the other group so as to ensure the success of the rest of the group. Jumping strays - Stealing unattended or abandoned drinks at a bar or party. As in, Im so broke Ive been jumping strays all night. Kamikaze eyes - The look a drunk gets when he spies someone he always hated but never had the guts to fight. Until now. Keg commander - The boisterous chap who hovers around the keg so as to ensure everyone knows how to properly pour a beer. Keg sitter - Someone who stands next to the keg and drinks. Anyone who abandons social interaction for the sake of insuring that they get their proper share of the beer. Last call lothario - Someone whos shy until last call, at which point hell try to hook up with anything that has a pulse and/or booze at their home. Loudmouth soup - A shot of strong liquor. MDA - Mysterious Drinking Accident. When you wake up with bruises and cuts you have no recollection of receiving. Also called UPI (Unidentified Party Injury), UBB (Unidentified Beer Bruise) and drunk marks. NBR - No Beers Required. Someone sufficiently attractive enough to hit on while sober. One for the ditch - A less optimistic version of One for the road. Pavement pizza - Vomit on the sidewalk, often found outside bars. Prole piss - Any cheap American lager. Prole piss poser - A yuppie who attempts to appear down with the working class by making a point of ordering only bottom shelf liquor and cheap beer. Mystery guest - The guy at the party no one seems to know. They usually lurk in the kitchen near the booze. Riding a rocking horse into battle - Getting drunk on 3.2% beer. Roadside olympics - Roadside sobriety test. Shelf jumper - Someone whose tastes improve from bottom to top shelf when someone offers to buy them a drink. Skinflint sprint - The fast walk a departing patron employs after hes left the cocktail waitress a less-than-generous tip on the table. Slop jaw - Someone who spills (unintentionally or otherwise) most of his shot down the side of his face. As in, Dont waste anymore money on Mike, he slopjawed the last three shots. Stout gout - The morning-after flatulence that often follows a night of drinking Guinness. Tart fuel - Bottled alcopops, e.g. Hooch, Sky Blue, etc., regularly consumed by young women. Thousand mile glare - The blank, vaguely hostile look a veteran bartender will give you when you ask a stupid question such as, Is the beer cold? Tip jar anxiety - The fear that an unobservant bartender wont notice you left a good tip. Trip dog - The invisible canine that starts getting underfoot around your tenth drink. Once he arrives he will trip you up the rest of the night. Trojan hooch - Bringing an empty bottle wrapped in a brown paper bag to a party so you wont appear a mooch. Twelve stepper - A reformed drinker or someone who wants to quit drinking early. As in, Hold on there, twelve stepper, the bouncer hasnt even threatened us yet. Two pint screamer - Someone who gets noticeably drunk after two drinks. Vodka vision A liquor specific brand of beer goggles. Wobbly pop - Any beverage containing alcohol. New Words for Drunk: Jagged up, boiled as an owl, mothered, curried and mashed, de-ossified, full tight, skinned, pie-eyed, gibbled, in the paint, pile-axed, rat-assed, stinko, torn off the frame, torqued, troll-eyed, wired to the tits, banjoed, chateaued, one over the eight, pixelated, swipey, wankered, zigzag, slaughtered, juice-looped, 12 gauged, Boris Yelstinned, cop-sluggin drunk, five winos gone, jackassed, liver-lubed, monkey assed, mullocked, paralytic, stolichnyed, ten feet tall and bulletproof, tore up from the floor up, Kennedied, wearing a big hat, shined up, wingdinged, off the leash, drunk uncled, picassoed, and finally, locked out of your mind.
  2. Pirates
  3. Too funny, when I got it to work.
  4. There is definatlly more than one "The One", the worlds an awfully big place.
  5. Also after you install the fonts, you have to restart the program that you are useing in order for it to update the new fonts.
  6. Had some questions. About the biggins forms, when do you need them filled out and with the fee. Also, out of me mates, whose e-mail do ya be needin, I'll hound them to get them out to ya. I also e-mailed the tent company and asked some questions, just to see if we could get a response.
  7. Iron Roger Vane A pirate's life isn't easy; it takes a tough person. That's okay with you, though, since you a tough person. You tend to blend into the background occaisionally, but that's okay, because it's much easier to sneak up on people and disembowel them that way. Arr!
  8. I'll try and make it out to help. I don't think I have anything planned, but I gotsta check with the parrot.
  9. Just copy their tyext of the page and print them yourselves. Then make the paper useing their process. I've tried this and it looks good. The only thing that I did different was soak the paper in tepentine then die it.
  10. * Gathering his thoughts he stood up and took a deep breath. Turning, he walked back down to where the captain was standing* Captain…..sir, I was wondering if it would be alright ifin I prepared a three gun salute fer each o our fallin brethren.
  11. * Mr. Youngblood took a couple of shaky steps back, then turned and made his way to the fore castle. His eyes were glazed over and red, either from the rum or the emotions that he was holding back, one couldn’t tell. He had seen death many a time, by his hand and the enemies, he had even witnessed fratricide, but never by his own hand. He braced himself as he sat down, pulling his pipe from his tri-corn, he lit the bowl and took a long drag. He grabbed the onion shaped bottle to his right and lifted it to his mouth. He wondered if the crew could ever forgive him for taking one of their best officers, for that matter he wondered if he could ever forgive himself. He set the bottle down and put his hand to his face as tears began to fall from his eyes.*
  12. That was good.
  13. Diego has a bag of them, you might want to ask him where he got his.
  14. Oh man, military pranks on newbie’s are the best. We would send them out to go get a box of grid squares, look for chem light batteries, go ask the platoon Sgt. For a prickE-7(a prick 77 is a radio, E-7 is the rank of the platoon sgt.) We had them check for soft spots in the armor of Bradley’s, by using a hammer and crawling under the Bradley and tapping on it. We would have them check the shocks by jumping on the Bradley, that was funny to watch. I think the best was having them get exhaust samples. The would sit there by the exhaust pipe of the Bradley with trash bags while someone started it and revved the engine. Any one who has ever seen the amount of exhaust that comes out of a Bradley when you first start it knows how much that has to suck. Then they would walk all over the motor pool with these trash bags trying to figure out where to take them, oh man that had me rolling.
  15. I did, but took it off because no one was joining Shows how much I pay attention, huh?
  16. I don't remember much at faire.
  17. Its a great way to keep in touch with friends. Silent has made a pyracy pub group on there.
  18. Totally forgot about that party. Go Broncos. Letherneck's isn't to far from Scarlets.
  19. Aye, Mr. Eye. We be neediin to set an agenda fer the meetin.
  20. Oh, sorry that was me. forgot to sign in. Usually it asks me to.
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