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Pirate Petee

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Everything posted by Pirate Petee

  1. Cutlass's They are not period, nor questionably period. But they are damn cool.
  2. Photoshop. How you saving and what resolution?
  3. It just takes a couple of graphics programs. I can try an make ya one.
  4. I can never tell the difference between the different types of coats, justacorps to frock coats, its like pepsi and coke, both different and yet both really close, it takes a connoisseur to tell the difference. But looking at the coat, waistcoat, knee breeches and hat (minus leather) it all looks close to etchings I have seen. Don’t get me started on boots.
  5. I would say its pretty close, with a bit of artistic license.
  6. Thanks Dorian.
  7. Also looks like he got dropped on his head while he was a baby. Look at those eyes. No offense to anyone who was dropped while a baby or who has dropped a baby.
  8. Ok, so I am looking to buy a pair of knee breeches, I don't want to make them, I'm just too lazy right now and have to much other stuff going on. So I have narrowed it down to either Jas Town or The Flying Canoe Traders. Any opinions?
  9. My goodness thats a loud coat.
  10. Lookin forward to seein ya and your demonstration at the LORE out here in Carona, Cascabel.
  11. Somebody call 911, I think I smell fire.
  12. Good eye Mr. Eye, thank you all for your help.
  13. People, people, people. We all need to just chill. There are a couple of things we need to take into concideration. First thing first is understand that everyones reality is relative. What someone digs is not what others dig, you dig? There is alot of grey area between both groups, some like the full authentic look, down to hand sewn button holes while others get costumes from a party store, and there are a lot in between. One thing that I know is that we are all here because we dig pirates. I do appreciate the the historical dudes that have helped me out, like black john, he helped me with my slops, and others that will remain nameless that helped me with my defense of the bucket boot. . My kit or kits I should say are pretty historicaly accurate, with a bit of artistic license, and thats cool for me. I have friends whose kits arn't as acurate and we go to faire and they some times get told so. And after getting told this awhile from different people, it gets old and they get pissed. Even if that wan't the persons intentions. I understand their side, as I also understand they people who really put a lot of effort into being accurate and seeing someone that went to party city and got a costume and people thought that they were a really cool lookin pirate. Any way we all need to easy up on each other a bit. And if I have ever offended anyone, with my joking, I am sorry, please belive me that was not my intentions. I just joke alot. Also please forgive the spelling I'm a bit high in spirits.
  14. Gotcha, thanks.
  15. when did the play Pirates of Penzance come to be. And no I'm not askin just cause he has boots on.
  16. I don't think that you could get that kind of money from a 7-11. Just kiddin.
  17. I love better of dead.
  18. Forgive me if I am wrong, but they kinda look like wool beanies. Is there something that I am missing?
  19. As much as I do love zombies, I really would like to see a more realistic movie. I mean there are still quit a lot of great stories about pirates. It is a movie and it is still supposed to be entertaining, you don’t have to go 100% true to life. Look at a Treasure Island, far from reality, but not fantasy. There were no ghosts or sea monsters. But that could have happened.
  20. Depends, are the spines on their back hard or soft?
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