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Laura Silver

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Everything posted by Laura Silver

  1. ::peeks over the pile of drift wood in her arms:: Could I be gittin' one o' those backrubs next mate?
  2. Aye, a fire ta warm us up. ::Climbs out of the water and throws on a bit of clothing before helpin Scuppers gather wood::
  3. Well perhaps this'll cheer ye up. I love those songs ye sent me! They're great! Especially tha pirate song! Tis me new theme song!! ::does a little jig to the song, which is playing in the background::
  4. Aye, I know tha face, an' it usually does nah work on me. But fer some reason ye managed ta get ta me. ::offers Cap'n Z a drink::
  5. Aw, I can nah resist tha' face. C'mere an lemme buy ye a drink.
  6. ::glares at Cap'n Z and then pointedly ignores him, turning to Madam Macaw:: Those be right fine drawin's Madam, ye be a skilled artist. Me writin' be on this devil of a device, I'll send ye a PM...
  7. ::sits down with Siren and props her feet on a table:: Aye, Ye got a lot ta clean up mate. ::grins::
  8. I LOVE that keyboard!!
  9. Well in that case, I agree with you completly.
  10. Aye, ye do 'ave a point. But some of the drivel is people getting to know each other, so don't go excludin' it all, just the REALLY usless stuff.
  11. I agree about the ranks. While it is fun to see yourself climb higher in the ranks it also makes it very tempting to just post lots of messages to move up a slot. Luckily there is no real reward for moving up in rank, if there was, I fear it would be a much larger problem than it is now. Such is life that everything has a good and a bad side. Besides, if we didn't have people posting random meaningless stuff, would we appreciate the important posts as much?
  12. ::looks relieved that she has received indirect permission to stay and joins the other intelligent sea dogs:: I agree with Darkthing that those who are doing it just to chat will loose interest quickly or their conversations may move onto AIM where they can occur faster. One can also avoid those conversations as they tend to stay within the same topic, and generally in the introduction forum. I understand that this is a place to gain knowledge and information on piracy and I am forever gratful that it exists, being a passionate pirate with limited access to information, but you must also remember that not only is this a site to provide information but also a site to meet people with similar interests as yourself. While I would like to think that everyone loves pirates as much as I do, there are different levels of interest on and off this site. Let those with minimal interest in the true facts find each other, perhaps someday, thanks to this site, they too will become a true pirate scurge of the seas.
  13. The drawin' in me profile tis a mate o' mines work, the ava drawin' tis me own work. I would be honored ta let ye read me writin', but I must warn ye, the one I be referin to be 70 pages (18 chapters) long so far. But I'd happily send ye the first chapter as a sample before ye commit yerself.
  14. Thank ye Blackjohn, those sites be exactly what I be lookin' for. Tis much appreciated, I owe ye.
  15. I'll try ta keep tha' quiet! No good fer the lads ta catch on to 'ow to snag such a fine lass as the two of us!
  16. Ye, now this is betta'. Three 'appy souls! Madam Macaw, yer a lass afta me own 'eart! ::winks::
  17. Cheers to Madam Macaw fer speakin' tha truth! ::passes Madam Macaw a glass of fine wine:: Now let's all cheer up a bit, eh? This be a single's bar, not a hangin'! Drinks on me!
  18. I be hopin' there's a sailor out there willin' ta help a lass with a mission. I be writting a historical novel, but I have a problem. No matter where I be searchin' I cannot find an exchange rate for 1700's currency (dubloons, pounds, etc.) to current american money (dollars and cents). I be needen this information soI can be sure the prices and bounties be accurate to the time. Can any of ye help me out?
  19. Well thats no good. Come on, cheer up. Drinks on me. ::signals the barwench for a round of drinks:: I be determined ta get you people outta yer funk.
  20. ::looks insulted at the term gnat:: I admit, there be some young'ns in here that don't 'ave the true passion for piracy that you older sea dogs do, but don't assume it be true of all of us. I be 19, so I be on the outside edge o' that "gnat gathering" but I hold this time period close to me heart. ::looks surprised she made such a speach and sits down and sulkily drinks a root beer:: My apologizes fer the speech, just thought I should say somethin'.
  21. ::swims to shore and grabs a shot of whiskey:: Aye, to a better weekend. ::salutes with the glass, downs the shot and dives back into the water::
  22. Wow, sounds like ye had a rough week. I feel for ya. ::strips down and dives into the calm water:: Ahhh, much better. ::floats on her back and looks up at the sky::
  23. ::digs her bare feet into the sand and stretches:: 'Ello everyone, mind if I join ye in a swim?
  24. ::Walks into the room and manages to jump aside right before a bucket of chocolate falls on her head:: What the bloody-!? ::looks around at the mess of a room:: What 'appened here? It looks like an ice cream sundae exploded! ::sees Cap'n Morgan hiding on the patio and raises an eyebrow:: Never mind, I know what happened. ::grins:: So! What's new?
  25. ::strides in and grabs a mug of rum, joining the crowd:: 'ello 'ello. ::looks around:: Gah, ya'll look so bloody lonely. Ye need some cheerin' up!
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