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Laura Silver

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Everything posted by Laura Silver

  1. Nah, no cheesy pick-up lines 'ere Cap'n Scarlett, although I do 'ave a few... ::chuckles:: But nah, I've yet ta hear one 'ere.
  2. ::stretches her hands out and warms them by the fire:: Thank ye Tito, yer quite tha gentleman. Anything I can do ta make up for yer kindness Cap'n??
  3. Thank ye for the hug Tito, I feel much better. 'Ow about you Siren? I'm sure we can find some way to cheer up. ::glances at Armorist and grins then gets up and plops down next to him in the sand:: Oh, lots o' ideas... a night like this is truly inspiring. ::gazes up at the full moon::
  4. ::sits up and crosses her legs, cradling the mug of Cider Tito topped off for her:: Thank ye Tito, tis delicious. An' o'course we remember ye Siren. At least I do... well, I already met the "new you" so I guess I don't count. ::sulks and goes back to her drink, staring into the fire as she drinks::
  5. ::winks at Armorist:: Oh I could think of a few...
  6. we'd be honored ta have ye in our midst captain Scarlett, grab a mug an' joi us! Aye Cap'n Z, I be a yankee through an' through An' I ain't complainin' about tha heat exactly, jes' sayin' compared to three feet of snow, tis a lot warmer! I have every intention of buyin' a boat an' sailin' around the carribean fer the rest o' me life, it'll jes take some... adjustin'.
  7. ::rolls on her back and waves a hand a the sky:: Well it tis a romantic night Armorist.
  8. ::gives an unladylike snort and then beguns to laugh outloud:: What a 'orribly bad, yet oddly hilarious joke. ::tries to look serious:: Although, perhaps the only reason I find it so amusin' is I've had a wee bit to drink. ::eyes her empty mug:: Speaking of drink...
  9. Don' worry Mary me dear, we're 'ere for ye. True tis not the same as 'avin a mate o' yer own, but do ye think we'll do till ye find someone worthy o' yer love? ::slides a glass of whiskey over to Mary:: Come on out o' the bottle and into ours an' drink with us!
  10. Naples, Fl, eh? Loverly area tha' is. I some o' me "crew" lives in Nokomis so I be visitin' tha area occasionally. Nice and warm, a little TOO warm in tha summer for a northerner like me though. Perhaps if I spent enough time down there it would melt the snow in me blood.
  11. mulled cider grog, eh? Sounds divine.
  12. I be located down near tha bottom of Cayuga Lake. In "Upstate NY" I guess ye could call it.
  13. ::happily accepts the smore from Tito:: No worries Madam Macaw, take yer time, I still be writing the end ta it! ::scowls at the fire:: I'm startin' ta git tha feelin' tis never goin' ta end. ::sighs:: Ah well, I enjoy workin' on it. ::licks the gooey marshmallow off her fingers anf lays back down in the sand:: Thank ye Tito, it was delicious.
  14. No no no! Come on now, no gloomy faces here, eh? Mary me dear, what can we do ta cheer ye up?
  15. ::accpets the bottle graciously from Scupper and savors the flavor as she takes a sip, before handing it back:: Thank ye. Tito me boy, thank ye fer tha massage. Would ye whip me up one o' those delicious lookin' smores o' yours fer me?
  16. Cheers!
  17. Thank ye Christine, Cap'n Morgan was bein' right stubborn 'bout cleanin' up! Lemme buy ye a drink.
  18. ::crosses arms and tries in vain to be serious:: Jes' because I know 80's music doesn't mean I know ALL tha 80's music. ::looks thoughtful:: I'll have ta ask me da' about hearin' some Alice Cooper, 'e has almost every band in existance in his collection.
  19. ::sighs contentedly and buries her face in her arms:: Thank ye Tito, I owe ye.
  20. ::rolls over and looks up at Scupper sitting nearby:: Scupper, me mate, may I steal a snippet 'o yer Jamersons?
  21. ::roars with laughter and then becomes serious:: Alice Cooper... tis a familiar name, bu' I don' think I ever 'eard tha music. ::holds out a hand to help Z back into his chair:: Gi' back up 'ere lad.
  22. ::pauses, deep in thought::...I don't believe I've 'eard o' tha' song. ::shrugs:: A while, tis a reason to 'ave a toast. ::Raises mug:: To tha' song I don' know!
  23. I'll keep tha' in mind, if ye end up wantin' ta read more. Me apologizws about yer provider.
  24. ::stretches out in the sand on her back next to the fire and sighs contentedly:: I wish I could live 'ere all tha time, an' nah in the North. Ah well. I be 'ere now. ::rests her head on her hands and digs her feet into the sand::
  25. Aye, Madam Macaw, if'n ye don' at least like what ye be drawin' tis no fun and ye won' put yer best inta it. An' I sent ye tha first chapta of me piece. Lemme know if'n ye prefer it in a different format...
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