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Laura Silver

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Everything posted by Laura Silver

  1. Oooooo haunted ship, that's a cool idea!
  2. ::gives Tito a hug as a tahnk you for tolerating her ramblingness then grabs a piece of chalk and sketches out her next possible tattoo design on a flat rock:: I thought of it last night, a flame that fades from red to orange to yellow. I prolly won't get it, but it's just a random design that I thought of. ::takes a deep breath and stands under the waterfall, letting the poundind water relax her poor abused muscles:: I need to find a new job. heh. Tha's cool Doc, Cornell has a lot of good courses, if I had tha money I'd go there.
  3. Congrats Rogue, I hope ye have a right fine time!
  4. Sorry about tha rough day Merry, seems to me alot of people are havin' them lately... ::perks up at Tito's suggestions:: Sounds like fun ta me, let's go!
  5. Ah the wonders of miscommunication. heh.
  6. ::gives a small smile and leans on Tito's shoulder sighing:: Ah, such is life. I'll jes' have ta do better on tha final. ::touches the flowers in her hair:: Thank ye Tito, they're lovely.
  7. ::returns from a quick run to class and slumps down dissapointed:: Well I thougt I knew what I was talking about, guess I didn't. ::Throws the test in the water, letting the C+ dissolve off the paper:: Thanks for the support though Tito.
  8. Boonville... ne'er 'eard of it, but I know tha area ye be talkin' about. ::leans over and watches the fish swimming in the water around her feet then grins nervously at Tito:: In fifteen minutes I find out what I got on me history test. Then I'll know if I really knew what I was talking about when I was writting about the Greeks.
  9. oh well. Glad you got your wallet back though! :)
  10. I be from Upstate NY, a town called Ithaca. It's about 4-5 hours from NYC. ::pulls her towel tighter around her:: Tis bloody cold up here. ::shivers::
  11. ::smiles at Tito and holds up the sharks tooth, now securly attached to the leather strip:: Will you tie this around me neck for me? I'd love ta meet ya sometime, an' yer fam. too, they sound like a crazy bunch. I'll look in to Alex Bay, perhaps I'll be able to get together an outfit and make it to the next one.
  12. Sorry about the wallet Mary, congrats about tha man, too bad tha' his friend is sulkin', he a cutie?
  13. ::emerges from her thoughts and looks over at Christine:: Aye, well, yer ahead o' me. I 'ave yet ta meet anyone from 'ere, although I 'ope to someday. ::stoops down and picks up a sharks tooth from the sand, unties a thin leather strap from around her wrist, and begins to bind the tooth to it::
  14. Congrats Rogue! ::raises her mug in the air::
  15. ::walks silently down the beach with Tito, looking out over the water, lost in her thoughts::
  16. My dear Pirata, single lads are ALWAYS welcome. Pull up a seat an' join us. ::slides a mug of rum towards Pirata::
  17. ::speaks up from where she's buried herself in the warm towel, her mug of rum clutched in her hands:: Aye, very lucky indeed, the young'ns too, I bet ye make a fine da' Tito.
  18. ::pulls the towel closer and smiles a thank you up at Tito, patting her done up hair::
  19. ::holds out her mug for Tito to fill:: Thank ye Tito, me dear.
  20. ::collapses in a helpless pile under Titos administration with the feather before finally pulling out of his hand and throwing it a safe distance away and scurries to the fire to warm up and get another drink:: Terribly sorry about tha' Doc, tis lucky ye both survived though. ::grabs a drink and shivering, scoots closer to the fire::
  21. Aye, I guess I could see tha rejection causin' it. In fact, I see it in my best mate and his shyness, all because of his last damn girlfriend. ::curses the woman who broke her dear sweet friends heart:: An' ye older men, I think what attracts us is yer confidence and experience in life. Ye've already gone through the shy clueless younger years an' now yer ripe fer tha pickin'.
  22. Thank ye Reddrake. A mug o' rum for ye, my treat.
  23. Aye, a shortage! ::looks around:: At least, everywhere but these pubs
  24. ::comes up gasping for air and tackles Tito, tickling him mercilessly::
  25. Aye, tis a cryin' shame that many a lad be too shy ta aproach ye. Why are ye lads shy? Tis not like us lasses don't enjoy tha attention.
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