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Laura Silver

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Everything posted by Laura Silver

  1. ::sticks her tongue out at Tito and downs her shot then scoops up some seaweed and plops it on his head before running... er... swimming away laughing::
  2. Ah, I see. Well... ::chuckles:: me mates claim tha' I have gaydar. An' I'm startin' ta believe tis true. Oh well, keeps me mates entertained.
  3. ::raises an eyebrow at Doc:: Who wants to get quietly plastered? I'd rather get plastered outloud! ::Comes up on to the beach and grabs two shots of whiskey and returns to the water, offering one to Tito::
  4. Toys R Us huh? Neat. Too bad there ain't one near where I live.
  5. Sweet! I want yer job!
  6. SCOOTER! hehe
  7. ::gets out to where she thought Siren was before realizing she's back on the beach:: How'd you... where.. but I... ::grins:: You're good.
  8. ::tackles Tito to get back at the tickling attack all while plotting a way to get back at Siren::
  9. ::tries to dive under the tidal wave Siren made but gets swept up in it anyways and carried to shore where she is deposited on the sand:: Hey! ::throws a handful of seaweed at Siren:: No fair! You have fins!
  10. YES! ::walks up to Tito, looks him in the eye and then hooks his feet out from under him and dunks him, then hurries off to splash Christine::
  11. And so begins the war of the water! ::splashes Christine a bunch and then with a evil grin turns on Tito, splashing him too::
  12. Oh Z ye know yer lovin' all this talk of bosoms. ::winks at Z:: Mary, a gay elf? Did ye get cheated in one o' yer "business transactions"?
  13. Aye! Go out and claim that man as yer own!
  14. Aye, bein' alone gets a bit frustratin' after a while. ::begins singing cheesy popular love songs twisted to a more piratical storyline::
  15. Aw poor Z, gettin' picked on. ::gives him a kiss on the cheek to cheer him up:: An' Mary, ye could always dump a pitcher of water on him.
  16. ::undoes her braid to pull the seaweed out of it and then throws the offending plants at Tito before grabbing his hand and pulling him back out into deeper water, jumping over the waves and splashing as she goes::
  17. ::returns fire with huge splashes:: This means war! ::then lets out a yelp as Tito picks her up and throws her arms around his neck and takes a deep breath::
  18. ::throws a friendly arm around Z's shoulder:: Aye, well, ye get plenty of attention when yer talkin' too.
  19. ::rests her chin on a hand and grins:: Z seems ta be gettin' quite a lot of attention from us lasses, despite the fact tha he's bein' so quiet. ::pats Z cheerfully on the head::
  20. ::accepts the necklace from Tito and slips it over her head:: It's lovely, thank ye Tito. ::Glances over a where Siren is swimming:: Me and Christine may be beautiful like mermaids, but she actually is one! ::ducks under a big wave and playfully splashes Tito before swimming farther out::
  21. metaphorical unics! I like that ::chuckles until she looks over and sees Z's sour look:: er... sorry Z. hehe
  22. Aye Christine, cyber swimmin' is tha best. the water's always tha perfect temperature and the weather is always fair. Poor Merry perhaps he IS a ghost... hmmm... Although he would be a rather solid one... but still! Tis a possibility! ::walks straight into the waves and dives below the surface::
  23. Nah, tis cold in my town too. Freezin' in fact. But I'm up for a dip on this fine night. ::stands up, brushing the sand off of her and heading towards the water removing layers as she goes:: Anyone else coming?
  24. Aye, tis time fer a reality check. Tha' lad's askin' fer a beatin'.
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