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Laura Silver

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Everything posted by Laura Silver

  1. ::shakes off the cold water, ducking under the waterfall to warm up before swimming swiftly over to Tito and Christine and sprawling out on a rock to dry off, unbraiding her hair and shaking it out as she lays down:: Oo, can I have one?
  2. Aye, Z, story! Nice ta see ye've decided to join us again!
  3. broken jaw? Oh my! Sounds like a good story ::grabs a mug of rum and settles in:: Please continue!
  4. ::grins and slips out of Tito's grasp as the waterballon hits him:: Aye, well yer not tha only pirate! ::tackles him, tickling him mercilously:: Thanks for tha help Merry!
  5. No fair! No fair! ::tries desperatly to fight back but it laughing too hard::
  6. Tha's what we're 'ere for Mary. :)
  7. Aye, tis a good one, jes' not expeect any complex plot twists or tha likes, just creepy kids.
  8. We went to see the movie The Grudge, eek! No plotline whatsoever but still creepy as hell. Prefect date movie. heh. I hope the promise is kept too Rogue, if not, some ass whoopin' will be needed, but hopefully that won't happen.
  9. I absolutly know tha feeling. Tis frustrating isn't it?
  10. Aye, it definitly made me weekend
  11. ::defends herself with huge splashes, while laughing and trying not to get a mouth full of water. Finally she gets close enough to Tito to sweep his feet out from under him and putting a hand on each of his shoulders she dunks him under the water:: I win! :)
  12. ::blushes:: Um, salads? Gimme a break, I'm all mushy cause me best crewmate, jes' asked me out.
  13. ::loops an arm around Tito's neck so he isn't carrying all her weight and enjoys being carried around:: I wish there were places like this where I live. ::looks thoughtful:: Well, there is, but it's restricted because of contamination. Ne'er 'eard of it, but it sounds interesting.
  14. Ah, well I was jes comin' up with things on the fly, twas the first thing that came to mind.
  15. Oh, well in that case... a er... carrot of yer own? hamburger? Whatever ye like.
  16. There's that smile! An' aye there are plenty of things choclate can't do that men can, but chocolate will help ye survive till ye snag that fine fish ta call yer own an' hang on your wall. ::grins::
  17. ::gives Mary a big hug:: Perhaps I should rephrase what I said. Chocolate, the poor substatute for a man that tastes delicious, doesn't judge you, and listens to whatever you have to say without interupting. ::hands Mary a tissue:: Now let's see a small smile and an "All men are scum". ::glances at Z:: Well, most men.
  18. ::passes Mary an' extra large tankard of Rum:: I'm sorry yer weekend was so bad Mary. ::pats her supportivly on the back and produces a box of truffles from her satchel for the distraught Mary and grins:: Chocolate, the cure for everything.
  19. thank ye very much Reddrake, tis right kind o' you ta be askin' around for me. I'm not surprised that people have nah heard of it, I don't think it's a big event in the whole pirate, ren. scene. Although I might be mistaken. An' the rum was my pleasure. Care ta try some o' this fine whiskey I... er... aquired while "visiting" some ports in Conn.?
  20. What is tha program called, Doc? I may 'ave 'eard of it, ::hangs head in shame:: but tis not likely, I be embarrasingly clueless of me 'ome port. Tis a cryin' shame tha' all those wonderful little spots be dissapearing. Has anyone gone to London? All around that grand 'ole city are little towns and pubs with some very interesing and funny characters. Everyone over there was so friendly, and tha best part is, even if yer under age ye can go hang out in tha pubs if ye want, so I got ta chat with all tha old english guys who were there for a glass o' ale. ::stares dreamily off into space:: I am determined ta go back there someday, no matter what it takes.
  21. Why Z, do ye mean tha' yer rum had acohol in it?! Goodness me! Because I had such a wonderful weekend the next THREE rounds are on me! So drink up!
  22. Aye, it tis like a whole town itself, we call it collegetown actually, not a very creative name, but it works. Why thank ye Tito, I try. Me mate (tha one who's coming to visit this weekend) found out and now he is begging me to design his I managed to come up with a couple ideas before he comes though. More fun the water? Abso-bloody-lutly! ::stands up on a rock and grinning from ear to ear does a dive into the water, resurfacing near the others with the smile still plastered on her face::
  23. ::grins and catches Z before he falls out of his chair, pushing him back into an upright position:: There's no thinkin' about Z, I KNOW ye've been srinkin'.
  24. Aye Mary, tha's for sure!
  25. ::pulls Z into a chair before he hurts himself:: 'ow much 'ave ye had ta drink there Z?
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