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Capt. Z

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Everything posted by Capt. Z

  1. me gots tha song on me MP3 playa
  2. BAYONETTTSSSSSS!!!!!! gettysburg
  3. Ivan the Insignificant has interfeared wif me interprecations *has no idea what any of what he said meant*
  4. pub! closed! noooooo!
  5. no?
  6. I feel so down, i really sorry lass
  7. im sorry, I was j/ playin
  8. I am a real modern day pirate I steal to live , like to sail and only bathe on Saturday nights (I also like large amounts of Rum and water)
  9. :angry: that name is the least creative name in the world! peg leg pete, BAH HUMBUG
  10. :angry: thry just dont stop coming and they just dont stop coming, lol
  11. :angry: "Dude, Where's My car?"
  12. wow lots of options, hmmmmm
  13. but ya had a good time tho right?
  14. dude, this sucks! I went to B&N to get a Floggin molly CD, but thar be only one, not the one me wanted
  15. lol now see how ya gettem started, lol nah im just kidding, yer all great
  16. hell, i would!
  17. to Shiela: thank god i didnt say innocent then*says sarcasticlly, but nice* To Mary: Hey, mary i bets thar be luck fer you, after all I'm surprised us guys dont chase ya around, ye being so "Wild" lol
  18. :) i have and still will heed yer advise
  19. i cant wait till i gets me hat, but it be different from every body elses, its a straw hat, no not fire wood...
  20. HO! i fergot bout the pints, that was a good line!
  21. peace? waht is this? just must a been retired right?
  22. bravo, the whole alferbet
  23. Sheila be a sweet girl,too. I can just tell, *winks*
  24. that ride was scary, lol
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