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Capt. Z

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Everything posted by Capt. Z

  1. great solution!
  2. damnit, meonly sacked 108 ships
  3. dude, that was awesome
  4. whoa, sure did get some cool pics, sounds like ye had great fun
  5. *shudders* the small world?
  6. HARHAR, a lass, be knowin how pretty she be, like tha in a girl good job
  7. b ut dont ye gotta see a doc in order ta order em?
  8. hell i lost bmeself too!
  9. shiver me timbers, shiver me soul yo ho heave ho!
  10. boy oh boy! if it be of pocket size, an in the mall, many be dissapearin, BY MEEee, HAR HAR
  11. stealing be what i do, but me be changing mine alls the time
  12. at least ye got all dem ships, right?
  13. Dobby be swabbin da deck, next is E
  14. Har! bravo lass
  15. hate such bad news. but what does that have to do wif the contacts hurtin ya, i mean it was the rubber, not the contacts
  16. U lucky SOB, wish i had all tha cool stuff!
  17. Be ment fer the country, overcoat, morelikely, says I
  18. AAAR, me's cannot see the pic!
  19. yea dude, little over board wif da safety acts, but thanks fer the info... *goes te eye doc, Reading to much*
  20. i bet id be fun!, but really trip them thar trigger, te get yer car painted lika ship....*thinks bout it* wait thats not cool
  21. gracias maties
  22. whoa, thas a good reputation!
  23. Yaar, me be reservin me tickets!
  24. Hehe, *quietly walks away*
  25. YAAR?! 400 Dubloons! Tha be fer the rich ole folks, but thad be a sight to see!
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