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Capt. Z

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Everything posted by Capt. Z

  1. me thoughts the movie would 'ave been lame, but it turned out to be really greats
  2. ye be gettin it, dont worry
  4. yea dude, they found 'is bell as well.
  6. WHY GOD WHY! im the only won withouts it?
  7. dude, tha DuckFoot kickes ass!
  8. thad be so helpful
  9. hey, cheer up lass! me bets he has good reasons, an' sides ye may be worth more
  10. hmmm, i'll be takins a look
  11. Cheesey ick up line from TLAPD.com The don't call me long john cuz me head is so big HARHAR! sorry thats the only one i remember, lol
  12. *quietly tries to sneak away*
  13. wouldn't it tho?
  14. sounds like fun!
  15. #1 m'lady, I use what language i want, when i want #2 i wont use me tongue in front of the women, whenever possible
  16. no one understands me speak a lot! What i said was that charmed isn't my kinda show
  17. i delt wif an annoying lass once, and well knowin me i trieds to be nice constantly ta her, she turned out ta love me, well that toughts me a lesson
  18. shake and bake, whatever it takes!
  19. whats wrong wif golf? other than it's : lame boring stupid why would ye hit the ball, only to walk over and hit it again? stupid exersize dumb absentminded nah im j/k but u know what! putput golf is the bomb!!!! get ta hit tha sucker as hard as ye can an try to hit somebody er sumtin, an then not get blamed fer a thing!!! its great!
  20. ah thats so easy to come back on, what about one he jus be like shocked, an wonder away
  21. almost at the end!
  22. well, yea! but that wont stop pyrates! sides they put it on sale, they makes a fortune, but then lots ppl have the same hat.... so i geuss all in all, its not good
  23. i respect that they do what they feel, just as i do what i feel
  24. why is it they never get Capt. Sparrow's hat just right? ....OH i cant wait tills me gets me Straw hat!
  25. looks like ye need another one! remember, this ship runs on happy faces -Donald Duck
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