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Capt. Z

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Everything posted by Capt. Z

  1. right on brother!
  2. *accepts her hand*thanks. oh what wills I do wif ya, lass! ya know, 80's rock!!
  3. yea really coo fan art eh, me thinks it was uhm, pastel
  4. well it should involve the word lanlubber!
  5. ehem, geuss what i found! a whole sailor's alferbet song!
  6. THAT HURT*falls of chair* ah comeon laura lass, ya kno... Alice Cooper!!!
  7. whats about its personal value, like yer first stolen goods! well that was a loooong time ago but still
  8. Popeye be popin a can of Popular spinach, an' den start pillagin, if e does that,
  9. RRR!!! *in agrement*
  10. ....cookin, im a hungry man, but i dont want pizza. Gunna blow down ur house an then im gunna eatcha! FEED MY FRANKENSTIEN!!!! hey yea the pirate songs a good song, but i have this one stuck, Grrrr
  11. hohoho 'careful watcha say thar Skot,if yer dreams be like mine, ye be awfully confuse'ed!! TO HARBORMASTER: hehey! whuz wrong wif bitchin eh, lol
  12. me jus foud n irish drinkin song the other day, i'll post it another day tho
  13. ME TOO! so lets drink to hittin the stands!
  14. I likes ye already maggie!!! i mean what kinda pirate woud ya be if ye were to scured of sayin it aloud!! ya know?
  15. wonder if ye can strike up a conversation wif jus' R's
  16. thats cuz i was lying, I just was down thas all
  17. cant wench eh? bet ye could still find some lady
  18. really!.... kinda learned tha trick from me lass a loongtime go she called it the puppydog face
  19. I insist, i toast to Cap'n Sharkys ... Wellness of the huricane
  20. (doesn't count, but i gotta lass named JJ)
  21. heavy be always a good thing
  22. Holy smokes batman! I is nxt
  23. that be a beaut
  24. i noticed you 2 scared off all the others,*j/p*
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