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Gentleman of Fortune

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Everything posted by Gentleman of Fortune

  1. Wow... you guys are good! I am usually too busy counting my own stitches to actually think up an authentic scenario! See, there is plenty of room for everybody! Greg aka GoF
  2. As the Gunner says... The kits IMHO are targeting the first time builder, and are almost completely done. Its the best way to get your feet wet, and cheapest way to get a "period" flintlock. The only one on the page you sent, however, that is good for GAoP is the Queen Anne (QA) styled one: http://tinyurl.com/yjnqor I have seen several of these and they can be as nice as you want to make it. As a side note, the cannon barrel QA (the type that you load from the muzzle... the barrel does not screw off) seems to definitely be in the minority, though they did exist. That is, the normal "style" for this pistol was that you could unscrew the barrel (also known as a turn-off) to load it. You can usualy see a little nub underneath the barrel where a little key like thing could get purchase to "turn-off" the barrel for loading. Here is an example of a "Queen Anne" style (with the little thingy underneath) More info at my website... take a LOOK HERE! Greg
  3. No... it was "sold when I got to it. Anyone venture a guess? I'll say the parts alone were probably $350-400. Sooooooooo....... $1250 Greg
  4. Was it somebody on this forum? http://www.trackofthewolf.com/(S(ktchil55u...partNum=AAC-853 Greg
  5. Thanks! This is just the kind of thing I like to read... since I can't be there myself. Its seems like you guys had a lot of fun and cemented some friendships... Can't wait to see the pictures! Greg
  6. I like your design! What did you make it out of? greg aka gof
  7. Ok... somebody has to be back home. Give us the details... who was there, what happend etc, etc.... and illustrate with pictures if possible! Greg aka GoF
  8. Akkkk! To me, the Montero is one ugly hat. Too bad its not sexy, like, say... the Thrum! Greg
  9. Midnight... Your Montero Cap went out today... let me know when you get it! Greg
  10. Did i read this wrong Pat? Are you saying that it cost you $5.40 MORE to make it out of incorrect cotton first????!!!!???? So it would have been cheaper to make it out of linen first? I know what you are saying though... For me, I would rather make the first one out of the cheapest correct materials that i can. because.... I do not have a sewing machine, so everything I do is hand sewn. I hate putting hand sewn "hours" into something that I know I will never use. If it turns out ok, than I have a shirt to use or loan out to a noob, if it doesn't, then I have a little bit more expensive mistake. But for your shirt example, for a difference of $6 bucks (or even $10-20), you figure your time alone is worth $6 an hour.... right? And Lastly Living history is more addictive than crack... you can quit crack anytime AND there will be groups around to help you break the addiction. With re-enacting, there is always one more coat (or jacket, or pair of socks, or whole other period) that you will want. I personally have a 25 year addiction (to living history) going.... Greg
  11. uhhhmmm... Yeah.. I don't see this ending well. Kersey anyone? Greg
  12. Resurrecting this thread from the dead.... As I was saying in a much earlier post... Every time I try to get on a physical fitness program, some injury happens and I am on my ass for an extended period. I had lost about 15 lbs had a muscle tear, recovered (after about 3 months) then fell into a pit (literally) and broke my ankle. Well that was May 20th. My ankle still hurts, and Dr says it could be another 3-6 months before it "might" be back to normal.... But fortunately, i have only gained back about 3 lbs. So.... I am starting my diet exercise program up again... to beat the new years resolution crowd. Anyone have any experience with an elliptical trainer? Greg aka GoF
  13. Schmoos????? Silly Silkie Its Bing and Bong from Tiny Planets! Greg aka GOF
  14. here is mine..... gof
  15. For me, I am just "into" the female form. I like them tall & thin to small and curvy and just about anything in between. Not a boob man, but I won't throw the baby out with the bath water mind you.... I like legs, hips and butts... and if I'm "people watching" and see a pretty woman come by, I usually position myself so that I can look at them walking away.... I once went out with a woman that was almost as tall as me (I am a little over 6'2"). That was an experience. Most of the women I have shared a bed with were between 5'6"-5'10', so having a 6'+ woman on board certainly was interesting...... mmmmmmm.... tall women.... GoF
  16. Anybody have a picture of this cutlass (the Museum Rep Dutch Cutlass) Ooppps... never mind http://www.myarmoury.com/review_mrl_dutch.html Greg
  17. But if I may be so bold.... The pirate authenticity "movement" is kind of in its infancy. Not there there haven't been some groups or some individuals who had been striving for authenticity in the past, but as a cohesive movement, its still pretty young. So though you are in Texas, I wouldn't let that dissuade you from attempting, or even starting your own authentic group there. As to weapons. There is a dearth of authentic pirate stuff, because the market for it is just a budding one. Right now, if you want to have an authentic period cutlass... about the closest I have seen is one of the German style hunting hangers or the 1742 pattern brass sword repoped in India and being sold by various vendors. The other route is the custom made sword.... A lot of websites claim to be able to make authentic blades but I haven't see their attempts so I can't say if they are worth the money. The ones that do good work have looooooong waiting list. I have been on the Old Dominion Forges list for some time now http://www.myarmoury.com/review_odf_hanger.html and I also have a slot with E.B. Erickson http://www.myarmoury.com/review_ebe_hanger.html but he is not slated to start till the summer of 2007. On the East Coast, there is also a sub movement of folks that are trying to get combat ready swords that look as period as possible. Basically, they want the ability to fence with one another using as swords as close as possible to the GAoP as they can. Unfortunately, a sword that is good for repeated theatrical bouts with another pirate is inherently going to have some very unauthentic features as safety trumps authenticity in a situation like that. I have more info on guns and swords at my website, you are welcome to take a look (see link in sig). Good luck Greg aka GoF
  18. I am curious as to whether Pat Hands Has a digital camera. He is always making stuff and talking about it... but we rarely get to see the results unless someone ELSE catches him at an event. Does your Pirate Santa need to send you a digital camera? just asking Greg aka GoF
  19. False Ransom I understand what you are saying... But at the same time, whenever one posts a question to a forum, as soon as you press "submit", it takes on a life of its own. And, considering where the question was asked, i find it hard to believe that someone would not expect a range of answers that agreed and disagreed. What often happens is a "question" that is asked, sparks debate amongst folks that have researched or have thought about privately before (and just possibly come to different conclusions). I might add that there are very few completed works that cover 1680-1720 clothing for sailors in detail, and most of what is written is ancillary to another era of fashion or another "class" of clothing. So, while the "intent" of the original question may be surpassed, the spirit of research and debate moves it to another level, which may bore the the original poster to tears. Plus, if you noticed, i move the shirt debate away from the original question of the red shirt so that we could continue the discussion without boring folks to tears. And finally I have a REAL hard time coming out and saying something is shit. What I would rather do, is surround the item in question with original references and let the poster come to his own conclusion whether the item is authentic or inauthentic. It makes better reading, and a better learning experience than, "That shirt is a piece of shit." Greg aka GoF aka 7th Level Asshole
  20. Foxe Is that the Kersey you got at Torm? If so, DAMN, you are a fast sewer! Looks good! And by the way, what are the dates for your South West Pirate Festival again? I am trying to convince the warden to let me have some time off for good behavior! Greg
  21. Wow Hurricane... that is pretty cool! Greg
  22. *snicker* Hats of to you Rats! Greg
  23. Black John posted this link on another site... you may find it useful http://nautarch.tamu.edu/class/313/ceramic...cs/period-2.htm Greg
  24. I think that this is a neat concept. That is, moving from being "just a bunch" of pirates", to being able to portray a swath of 18th Century society, from beggars to the upper classes. This really moves the ball forward to real living history. No one of course is "stuck" doing any one particular thing. As this event shows, during one moment you could be called on to be a coffee house patron, the next, observers at a hanging, and then raiding pirates... Interesting. It will be interesting watching this progress. Greg
  25. Well.... Its completed, but I haven't picked it up yet (I live in Germany and will be visiting the states for Thanksgiving and will get it then). Anyway. I was going to do this as my first kit build. But life and lack of skills got in the way, so I sent it off to John Buck and he got it done for me. (photo by J Macek) More info on Hand Mortars Here!
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