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Everything posted by IvanHenry

  1. YEp - that's them. Discovery asked me for permission, but didn't tell me what for. Thanks for sharing, I'll have to try to watch it. I am humbled though that my piers recognized my photography / branding even without credit given. Thanks guys for sharing these!
  2. Here is a painting of Francisco Gómez de Quevedo y Santibáñez Villegas 14 September 1580 Madrid, Spain To add to the collection...
  3. sorry wrong thread
  4. Off topic but speaking of tricorns.... Whoa! and... Whoa!
  5. I was told (have not seen it myself) that they used one of my photographs in the episode. Can anyone confirm? Apparently this one:
  6. Not so sure i like this time line stuff....

  7. Let's see what I have.... These guys are Italian, but they are in a Harbor. 1650-1674. Check out the guy on the right. Wounded or sporting a kerchief?
  8. I believe they use one of Ivan Henry Trading Company's photos of the Mini Blunderbuss, though I haven't seen the clip yet.
  9. THis is cool! I am working on an impression of a chicken crier - so I have a bit of information on this subject! First off, I have a good bit of chicken coop reference here: http://www.ivanhenry.com/extras/16th_17th_18th_century_criers_market_vendors.html I purchased some fake chickens here: http://www.wildlifetreasures.com/chickens.htm They look great! As for the pens, I sourced a basket maker on Etsy who is excited to make them! I'll post pics when I'm done. Did I mention this impression is for my 75 year old father who wants to try reenactments!?
  10. Oh man, you had to go and open up that thread / topic again didn't ya?! Sailors / pirates did have parrots from time to time, ear rings are openly debatable but less likely during the GAOP and bucket boots.... Yeah! Here we go again!
  11. One of my Searle's Raid Buccaneer kits.
  12. Last night I noticed a store clerk taking his smoking break in front of the propane storage bin. The bin had a giant sign that said " no smoking".

    1. William Brand

      William Brand

      I had a roommate that would fish toast out of the toaster with a fork while it was plugged in. He did something like that almost every day.

  13. Pirate Happy Hour at The HMS F.U.C. this Thursday 7:00PM - then off to Gaspar's Grotto to see the Bawdy Boys play seafaring selections. Give me a note if ye are interested!

  14. Are there any GAOP events that are concerned about portraying pirates / sailors / townspeople historically accurate as possible? Searle's comes to mind, but it's just out of the GAOP - barely....

    1. Dutchman


      Hampton blackbeard on the reenactors side. the entertainment and street visitors dress all asort skew the public image though.

    2. Capt. Sterling

      Capt. Sterling

      Blackbeard's is certainly trying to bring things up a notch...as to other events there were a few that originally were trying hard but have died out... my backyard?

    3. Capt. Sterling

      Capt. Sterling

      If ye hear of any others please let me know...

  15. Buff coat sewn! Yoo hoo!

  16. Facebook just asked me if I "want to leave before finishing" that makes me giggle like Butthead...

  17. Just received a pair of Dutch Slops from Sykes Sutlery. At first glance, they look super!

  18. Michael - do you have my musket ready? I would like to pay you and pick it up. GIve me a yell.

  19. Trouser talk - I love it! Of course there is great info as always at http://www.gentlemenoffortune.com/basic_kit.htm And I have some good references at www.ivanhenry.com/extras look in the 18th century gallery
  20. MB is dead on - One other reason I've heard for sailors moving toward flinters is it is one less source of fire on a wooden ship.
  21. Mission - there is quote somewhere referencing Spanish sailors who knew for a fact that they were attacked by Englishmen because "they were wearing trousers" I have a pair in my kit - you would have seen them at PIP in 2009.
  22. SOunds great! Good idea on the Taverna!
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