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Everything posted by IvanHenry

  1. Ivan Henry will be opening up shop at the Fisherman's Village Pirate Festival! Punta Gorda, Florida. August 26th - 28th! Come out and say hi and check out our show specials! It will be the first time Ivan Henry Trading Company sets up a physical shop! http://www.fishermensvillagepi​ratefest.com/
  2. Ivan Henry Ivan Henry will be opening up shop at the Fisherman's Village Pirate Festival! Punta Gorda, Florida. August 26th - 28th! Come out and say hi and check out our show specials! It will be the first time Ivan Henry Trading Company sets up a physical shop! http://www.fishermensvillagepi​ratefest.com/

  3. Ivan Henry Ivan Henry will be opening up shop at the Fisherman's Village Pirate Festival! Punta Gorda, Florida. August 26th - 28th! Come out and say hi and check out our show specials! It will be the first time Ivan Henry Trading Company sets up a physical shop! http://www.fishermensvillagepi​ratefest.com/

  4. Anyone out there know where to buy 17th Century buttons? I have a killer new kit that is in need of buttons...

  5. Working on my first sewing machine made garment. Making a fancy pair of petticoat breeches.

  6. Just updated my research galleries on the shop's site. 16th Century 17th Century 18th Century 16th - 18th Century Firearms and military 16th - 18th Century Drinking Vessels 15th - 18th Century Nautical 15th - 18th Century Encampment - Careening Camp
  7. I have some drinking vessel research posted in a gallery here: http://www.ivanhenry.com/extras/16th_17th_18th_century_drinking_vessel.html
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