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Everything posted by IvanHenry

  1. Finally got the whole outfit together!
  2. I am thinking of repositioning Ivan Henry Trading Company. I would like to see if there is any interest in a store that carries, short run, unique to market flintlock and matchlock replicas that are 50% or more pre-ordered. For instance, I develop a 16th Century Arquebus or Caliver, take pre orders, manufacture 10-20, sell those and then move on to the next unique piece, like, oh, say a wheel lock musket... Any interest in this sort of business?

    1. William Brand

      William Brand

      A functional wheellock pistol would be wonderful.

  3. Just finished up aging a doglock blunderbuss. It came out really cool. I just might just offer it as an added service. Pictures coming...

  4. Ron Zacapa Centenario Rum Sistema Solera 23
  5. There it is! I forgot about the dancing Dutch Sailor! That's it exactly! I like how he has it attached with atwo buttons? and a tie of some sort. I think I'll do that with mine. Thanks for the reminder!
  6. Thanks Sterling. That's a good theory. From what I understand, he brought this outfit back from Europe. I could be wrong though.
  7. I have been working on developing this sailor's outfit that Peter The Great brought back from eastern Europe in the early 1700s. After chatting with a few people and checking my resources, I found out that his hat was not straw like I first thought. It appears to be a brimmed knit cap. I found a source and now have a great example of this hat. However, I am not certain that I have seen any references of this hat in application. Any help?
  8. The Hand Gonne is sold.
  9. Ivan Henry Trading Company odd ball items sale!!! I have two items that are odd balls and need a home. 1. 14th Century Hand Gonne. It's a cannon on a stick. Complete with linstock, instructions, a few wood balls you can shoot, powder measure and more. Hand made in the USA - $250. New - never used. Really sweet! 2. Rustic handmade serpentine 15th century style arquebuss. Rough but functional serpentine arquebuss size fireable (will pass safety inspections) musket. I saved this from a re enactor sale and had some work done to it to make it safe, useable and at least close to a few late 15th Century / early 16th style. $300.
  10. I am wondering if anyone has ever seen a source for the "sea boots" shown in this 1725 Spanish Sailor's equipment. I have seen extent examples as well, and as discussed here before, they are not the 17th Century style bucket style boots often seen. There is a series of i believe, 18th Century French Explorers wearing these sea boots. So anyone have a source for purchase of this style?
  11. As per the norm - I have a gallery on lanterns... :-) http://www.ivanhenry.com/extras/16th_17th_18th_century_lantern.html
  12. Ivan Henry Trading Company odd ball items sale!!! I have two items that are odd balls and need a home.1. 14th Century Hand Gonne. It's a cannon on a stick. Complete with linstock, instructions, a few wood balls you can shoot, powder measure and more. Hand made in the USA - $250. New - never used. Really sweet! 2. Rustic handmade serpentine 15th century style arquebuss. Rough but functional serpentine arquebuss size fireable (will pass safety inspections) musket. I saved this from a re enac...

  13. I don't have a resource at hand, but I wold say based on what i have seen, both were worn.
  14. I did one show and decided that since I don't run Ivan Henry for a source of income and have a day job, I would rather be playing at the event instead of working on the weekend that I was supposed to be off. That said, I did have a decent show and MIGHT do it again if I could do it for an event that would allow me to set up for a few hours instead of the entire time. It was fun to meet people. It took a good bit of wok building everything i wanted for the booth and it cost me a little in purchasing a pop up tent and other supplies.
  15. The Osprey pirates book I have has several guys in a jacket style I have never seen. It looks like a modified 17th century short coat. Also, more than one guy is wearing a belt that looks like it is holding up their trousers / slops. Overall, I like Osprey books a lot and own several, but for some reason, The GAOP pirate book looks really off. I do like the Buccaneer book and the English Sea Dog.
  16. Well, it's not period, it's not a tri but "The Bean Eater" 1590 has a straw hat.
  17. Can anyone tell what the "Short loose fitting white or red jacket/vest" is? I can't tell what the heck it is. It's always bothered me, a I was somewhat interested in reproducing these items.
  18. I be lookin for a new pair o boots. Gots me a hole in one now from last season. What size do you need?
  19. "We are all just playing" - sometimes that is the case, but when there is an educational element involved, it is my opinion that authenticity and an effort to conform to known norms is important. That said, you usually see me in a frock coat of some sort. :-)
  20. Does anyone have any documentation on the "short" sailor style waistcoat? I am looking for when it was introduced, was it a GAOP thing? Patterns, anything...

  21. Watched Casanova the other night - thought the costuming was very good.

  22. I built my sea chest based on that painting - it's amazing!
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