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Hrothgar Addams

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Everything posted by Hrothgar Addams

  1. All I can say is : AMEN! We've been infested with a bunch of hopeless little dweebs ('lil buccaneers gives them too much credit) with too much time on their hands. They're kinda like gnats: annoyin' yet not amountin' ta much. They aint even mosquitos--those at least do some bitin.' Mebbee we need a better screen door on the Pub. **Pours a largish shot o grog for everyone in the Pub over 21--Cards 'em all--** Here's to a gnat-free Pub!
  2. Some considerations: Are ye lookin' for authenticity? Johnny Depp carried a real18 th century french pistol, while the rest of the cast used modern repros. A few thousand dubloons VS a few hunnert--and they all looked good ta me. Are ye plannin' on usin' it in another settin? Non Firin' replicas make good props when ye're just wanderin around th ren-faire. But there ain't nuthin quite like firin' a black powder piece. Its dirty, greasy, smoky, and smells like the fires o' hell. The flash in the pan--hesitation--then boom! And the heavy recoil of a 50 or 75 caliber musket-- Well, in short: ITS FUN!! How much muny ye gots ?? Non firin'props are usually cheaper. The main issue for attendin' any public event is do they organizers allow it. That has ta be checked with th' organizers. Be a good pirate lad and ask first. These days the Renaissance (and medieval eras) have gone into cyberspace so an E-mail to the faire's site is a simple matter.
  3. Who was criticisin? I was admirin' the caliber.
  4. What was that? A double barreled slingshot?
  5. Very impressive site. And congrats on yer new book
  6. Keep yer head down and save th' rum! As if you needed that advice, eh? Hang in there Mate.
  7. Cutlass in the right hand, Boarding Axe in the left. TWO HANDS! NO WAITING!! Now Ye'll be a Full Service Pirate!
  8. Rapiers were never intended for sea duty or military combat. The long blades were a townie affectation. The originals were rarely less than four feet long, and were called Espadas roperas or swords of the robe. Later it was shortened and anglicised to rapier. The narrow blades (less than 3/8 inch on average was only useful for thrusting. Okay for duelling, but not real combat. Cutlasses, hangers, cuttoes, short sabers, and the like were made for close quarters fighting, as on shipboard, or in particularly rowdy pubs. There's probably a reason the US Navy had official-issue cutlasses in its arsenal until after World War II, the last model being the M1917. The design must have worked. Rapiers look elegant, and noble, and in the hands of one of the Musketeers, may be capable of subtle feats of duelling. But none of the afore-mentioned adjectives really fit the piraty types I've ever met.
  9. Not quite , Mates. We fergot the letter I. Anyone willin to complete the alferbet? Caint think of nuffin meself.
  10. Ifn Pirates were anythin' like sailors in the 18th century Royal Navy, or in the early days of the US Navy--and I'm sure they were, Hawkyns has a very good point. Tricorns and Bicorns were usually worn by officers as a sign of rank. Usually, the bigger the Poo-bah, the bigger the hat. Those fellers never went aloft, or hauled onna line. The real woiking class sailors wore clothes that allowed for movement. Monmouth caps, bandannas , touques and the like were more likely headgear. Of course, Hollywood has given the impression that properly dressed Pirates had a Long John Silver autograph model hat on his noggin. What the moviegoers never saw was the wad of gaffers tape holding said tricorn in place.
  11. Yow! As me Viking half would say-- Yumpin yiminy! Yellin' Yaks on their Yellow Yamahas! (Pirate maps have X-rated Xybecs!? I've gotta change cartographers!)
  12. Never give up! Never surrender! Captain Peter Quincy Taggart (tim allen) Galaxy Quest
  13. Umpteen Undersized Ungulates Utilizin their Ukeleles. Phew! Anyone fer V?
  14. Nuttin by that name on the soundtrack album, nor in its liner notes.
  15. Crikey--How am I gonna explain a case o' the Pink Paisley Pox to me Third Ex Wife, the dread Mrs Addams. (cue the scary music!)
  16. Technically--not a party--We were at work so no rum was consumed. The plasma Center where I work managed to expand TLAPD into Pirate Week, With dress like a pirate day, drawings for Pirate movies , and lots of prizes for the donors. Here be the Plasma Pirates. That handsome fellow on the far right is not me. I'm the one Third from the left, next to Cap'n Redbeard I kinda resemble my avatar.
  17. Pyratical Pit Bulls and their Pet Piranas-- Anyone fer Q Keep it clean, now! BTW , whahappen' ta I?
  18. Th' big difference I see with most pirates, is they're innit fer the fun. Ifn ye want authenticity, the Civil War may be the place ta be. Over the years I' ve met more than my share of reenactors, and some of the pickiest were Civil War buffs. No zippers, no cotton uniforms, no coolers, period eyeware only, the list can go on and on fer the "Hardcores." I knew a Japanese-American who was once refused membership in one CW group, because no Asians ever served in that Regiment durin the Late Unpleasantness between the states. The draw fer me is the Anarchy of the sweet trade. The only real requirement fer most of us is th' desire fer fun and what th old Bilgemunky calls Piratitude. Still that tune can get stuck in yer head..... Lets crack open anothe bottle of Rum and have a drink or three. Cheers, Mate!
  19. Huzzah fer th' APA!! I heard about them a while back--some purple monkey's website--an I thought to meself: "Meself, now them's some good kids!" They gives me hope fer th' future. I mean, here are some kids flouting convention and havin a bit of harmless fun. And when they gets in trouble, find a good way out, and gets the public behind them. One o' these guys ever run fer President, I'll vote fer em! BTW, pewter is just fine--looks good, is authentic material, and "easy" to use in a homemade project. Ifn' it were me, I't be proud to receive it.
  20. G for Godzilla Gargling with Grog Next is H Yer right--how can ye top F?
  21. Yarr, I know what ye mean. Not only is it not really a Golden Age of Piracy's greatest hits, it can be downright annoyin' No landlubber remembers anything beyond the first lines. It is sorta like Yankees tryin to sing "Oh Canada" at the opening of a hockey game. But it be part of our popular culture, just as much as how on Talk Like a Pirate Day most of us sound like we're Wallace Beery on a three day bender. OI KNOWS OI DO, ME BUCKO NOW, thanks to a certain fillum, we 'll all be hearin Yo Ho, a Pirates Life For Me, the very definition of anachronism. Ye wanna change th' genrl populashun, then teach em' some more or less authentic ones. Or lighten up all the way and throw on a Flogging Molly, or Capt Boggs an' Salty CD.
  22. ARE YE KIDDIN? Sandals are not built to provide support for two broken ankles. They'll protect th soles of yore feet an' nuthin else, what ye be needin is some sturdy boots, (or maybe high-top sneakers.)
  23. Here in Spokane, Waay upstream frum any ocean, sea , bay or strait. lives a place called "Boo Radley's," and its the kewlest store between Minneapolis and Seattle(with the exception of Wall Drug). Boo Radley's is the gift store for people into the slightly off center. They carry replica skulls (Javalena, coyote, monkey), Clerks Inaction figures (Jay and Silent Bob et al), Plastic Buddas and Plastic Sivas to sit on yore dashboard with yore plastic jesus (cover all bases, folks) They also sell 5 inch action figures of real off-beat action Heroes: Jesus, Freud, Shakspere, Einstein, Poe, Cleopatra, Pope InnnocentII, Rosie the Riveter, Librarian(w/shushhing action), Barista, and Male Nurse. They carry a whole line o' (as my kids called em,) Barbie Sized GI Joes. Not all by Hasbro. They carry the line of figures produced by the same company as is doing the Jack Sparrow. I asked the owner if he was gonna be carrying Jack Sparrow, and he said it was already on order. In Seattle, there is a place called Archie McPhee http://www.mcphee.com They are Like Boo radleys, but they also do online sales. maybe they'll have a few!
  24. Got it--Love It! Its the best since their last one. Queen Anne's Revenge should be the the theme song if they ever make a real movie about Blackbeard. BTW Dropkick Murphy's is workin on a "new" fight song to help the BOSOX win the World Series. A milder, yet energetic band ye may like is Gaelic Storm. More traditional than rock, but that don't stop them from kickin' some musical booty.
  25. Thanks fer the info--now my eyes hurt! Just the thought of contact lenses make this ol pirate queasy, but scratched corneas and eye surgery---ECCH! lets see--creepy costume addition or doin' th' Blind Pew act. Looks like a no brainer to me.
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