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Hrothgar Addams

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Everything posted by Hrothgar Addams

  1. First thing I thought was : KOJACK FAMILY REUNION
  2. Well she said she was a congressman! And that's my story and I'm stickin with it!
  3. I knows Congress is th' official place ta go fer a Letter of Marque(I was the one quotin' th' Constitution). It just seems ta me since we're all one big party now --Legislative, Executive and Judicial--and that our Pres and VP have the right connections (see Haliburton et al) maybe it would help ta get a little help from the inside, before we go buyin' a congressman! Till then here is a place with a few models to chose from: http://www.piratedocuments.com/Pages/lette..._of_marque.html Only $20--cheaper than a Congressman!! And ifn ye don't mind playin' a Limey--lere is one ye can print off and fill in th blanks! http://www.chebucto.ns.ca/~jacktar/yourown.html Have Fun!
  4. I picked up a little POTC tie in th' other day--- Pirates Dice ("a game of High Seas Deception") Barnes and Noble had it fer about 20 bucks. It is well worth it. Supposedly it is "As seen in the Movie." Th' game consists of four Barnacle-encrusted cups and five pirate dice per cup. The object is to bluff yer oponents-- It is a blast! The dread Mrs Addams (cue scary music) Offspring from The Black Lagoon, and yers truly Spent the whole nite playin' it and havin' a great time. Check it out! BTW they also are sellin POTC Monopoly and Chess sets, but they be a bit more pricey---
  5. Ye are speakin' of the old Hays Office heavily censored movies, I assume... Not th' fiercely polite and PC GAOP Seriously--I gets a kick outa Robert Newton's over-th-top performance in the 1950 version. He was born in Dorsett, England, and his Long John Silver is almost pure Bristol--er as they say it "Bristle." Dunno 'bout that Heston feller--couldn't shake his wooden grimace a la Moses Omega Man Ben Hur on the Planet of the Apes. Still that beat the Jack Palance version. Since when did th' tropical Treasure Island get moved to what looks like th' southwest coast of England? The best part was Tyler from the BBC sitcom My Hero playin a pirate!
  6. Actually--the US Constitution allows for the issuance of letters of Marque and Reprisal. See Article 1 sections 10 and 11: Congress has the power to do the following: 10. To define and punish piracies and felonies committed on the high seas, and offences against the law of nations: 11. To declare war, grant letters of marque and reprisal, and make rules concerning captures on land and water: Maybe write to Yer Congressman or maybe the White House-- Pres.W and Congress has been privatizin' and outsourcin' all sortsa things of late--mebbee nows the chance fer some real plunderin'!
  7. Ye can buy used copies of Howard Pyles Book of Pirates on Amazon.com too, ye just don't get the chance ta bid low. Amazon also serves as brokers for used book sellers. Fer fun readin' I'd also recommend The Pyratesby George(?) Mcdonald Fraser. And for a lighter read about traditional pirates in the modern world, try Pirates of Pensacola by Keith Thomson.
  8. I t'inks it were thru No Quarter Given, an that was a link from the TLAPD website, and that was frum th column by Dave Barry. All I knows fer sure was that rum was involved. Before then I thot there was summat wrong wit me--- Thanks ta findin' all o' ye, I've come out of th' closet and am now a proud Bucaneer-American!
  9. That can only mean one thing-- EDWARD D WOOD JR LIVES! Whats next? Plan 9 From Tortuga? Gonna have to get me th' industrial size Mojito Mix and a copy of that movie!
  10. Just goes ta show ya-- Ye shoulda paid attention to Bilgemunky's advice in his review of this flick. http://www.bilgemunky.com/reviews/movies/j.../jollyroger.php I did an' after a few pints of Mojito, th' movie was then pretty good--not POTC or even Th Crimson Pirate, but pretty good!
  11. See, lad? All ye gots ta do is ask! Yar, that's what I love about this Pub!
  12. Well--it all depends on what ye're goin' for. If'n its a costume--there are lots of halloween store sites. If'n its more or less real piraty clothing or garb, ye've found the right section, just read the topics and look for some question you might like answered. Ye might also try Bilgemunky.com The purple primate has lots of reviews of good garb sources. When you find some promising sites, the key thing ta remember--at least in my experience--is shop around! Ye'll be surprised at the range of price and quality ye'll find! Have Fun
  13. Purty cool--I can see the next year's traveling ice show: "Buccaneers On Ice!" I'd go see it! Ya suppose if Tanya Harding dressed up as a Veloceraptor when she skated to the theme from Jurassic Park she would have got the gold?
  14. Good on ye and your'n! May I also recommend a heavy treatment of the funniest movies ye can find. Besides bein great mood lighteners, there is something to the old sayin' that laughter is the best medicine.
  15. You scored as Serenity (Firefly). You like to live your own way and don’t enjoy when anyone but a friend tries to tell you should do different. Now if only the Reavers would quit trying to skin you. Serenity (Firefly) 94% Millennium Falcon (Star Wars)94% Galactica (Battlestar: Galactica)13% Enterprise D (Star Trek)6% Works for me--I wouldn't wanna hang with them boyscouts frum the Federation anyhows. BTW --where the heck does the NSEA Protector, NTE 3120, fit in? Thats what I wanna know!
  16. Here be the straightest poop from Leatherneck Magazine's web site, and I Quote . . . "leatherneck: A U.S. Marine. (The Marine uniform originally had a leather-lined collar.) Since the days of the Barbary pirates, U.S. Marines have called themselves "leathernecks." Legend and lore have it that the term leatherneck was derived from leather neckbands worn in the late 1700s to protect Marines from the slash of the cutlass. Another more likely reason is that the high stocks were worn for discipline to keep the Marines' heads high and straight. Neither explanation has ever been verified. Whatever the reason, the name leatherneck stuck and the distinctive dress blue uniform blouse still bears a high stock collar to remind Marines of the leatherneck legacy. Leatherneck: Magazine of the Marines." Pirates with leather neck stocks? Only If they're into that sorta thing.
  17. I found mine at a local independent bookstore. They'd ordered ten and sold em out in less than a week! They didn't know such an interest in pirates existed in Spokane
  18. Someone should call Homeland Security Its another Sicilian Salami Smuggler!
  19. Kinda reminds me of the episode of Seinfeld when George was the Hand Model. I hope they insure those hands....
  20. Porn star name: Flash Sheilds Not bad-- unless we're talkin super speedy performance. . . Romance Writer: Lloyd Bowdish Hmmm--I think my pen name needs a pen name. Pirate name: Pewter Ass Lloyd . . I think the generator needs more work
  21. Just after the Japanese attack at Pearl Harbor (12-7-41 fer you youngsters) The Navy had a lack of khaki uniforms. Everyone had tropical whites--makin them way too visible, especially if the Japanese invaded. They needed drab combat uniforms--fast! Then they started dyin' all the whites usin big vats of Navy Coffee. Probably a Marine idea--they have this affinity fer coffee. That drip coffee they sell at Starschmucks is dark and thick enough--maybe that would work--
  22. Well done! That's a fine lookin piece ye got there
  23. I be 50 and I can't tell ye how many Hot Topic frequent buyer cards I've cashed in. It's gotta be the closest thing to Pyrates-R-Us in anybody's local mall. Hrothgar sez "check 'em out!" :)
  24. Have ye heard this un? There were two Catholic boys, Timothy Murphy and Antonio Secola, whose lives paralleled each other in amazing ways. In the same year Timothy was born in Ireland, Antonio was born in Italy. Faithfully they attended parochial school from kindergarten through their senior year in high school. They took their vows to enter the priesthood early in college, and upon graduation, became priests. Their careers had come to amaze the world, but it was generally acknowledged that Antonio Secola was just a cut above Timothy Murphy in all respects. Their rise through the ranks of Bishop, Archbishop and finally Cardinal was swift to say the least, and the Catholic world knew that when the present Pope died, it would be one of the two who would become the next Pope. In time the Pope did die, and the College of Cardinals went to work. In less time than anyone had expected, white smoke rose from the chimney and the world waited to see whom they had chosen. The world, Catholic, Protestant and secular, was surprised to learn that Timothy Murphy had been elected Pope! Antonio Secola was beyond surprise. He was devastated, because even with all of Timothy's gifts, Antonio knew he was the better Qualified. With gall that shocked the Cardinals, Antonio Secola asked for a private session with them in which he candidly asked, "Why Timothy?" After a long silence, an old Cardinal took pity on the bewildered man and rose to reply. "We knew you were the better of the two, but we just could not bear the thought of the leader of the Roman Catholic Church being called Pope Secola."
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