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Hrothgar Addams

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Everything posted by Hrothgar Addams

  1. Aye, and now the New Yorker has a 2 volume book out with every cartoon fer the last 70 years or so. lotsa Addams cartoons there.
  2. Now why ye be draggin' my family into all this? I gotta admit cousin Gomez did get a little frisky at the sound of Aunt Morticia speakin French, but with the proper meds, that has passed. Now all the romance languages get him excited. Isn't modern science grand? BTW the cartoonin' Addams you were referrin' to would be Uncle Charles Addams. He used ta work fer the New Yorker. Pretty dab hand at the family portraits, he was.
  3. I don't think RumbaRue was thinkin' 'bout pockets--
  4. Wonder what the world would look like if Pirates really ruled? Worth1000.com, a photoshop contest site has asked just that.. Check it out! worth1000.com
  5. Well spoken Hurricane and Saber. Thems the attributes that really matter. Everything else is transient-- beauty fades; beer goggles wear off; and coyote-ugly is too often a reality the next morning. True attractiveness comes from deep within; and by the same token so does the opposite. I've seen some pretty wimmin become awfully ugly oncet you get to know them a little. It reall adds a new twist to the old saying: "Beauty is only skin-deep, but Ugly goes clear to the bone." BTW Kendra, I love your just-made-up old Irish saying! It sure sounds right in character
  6. Eyes (two) an' a smile (one) :) Well all that talk of nice butts and ample chestal acreage is well and good, but if the eyes are vacant and or she lacks a ready smile, she may as well come folded in thirds with a staple in her navel. (Remember the way all the girls in Dad's Playboy looked?) I may be a bit old fashioned--heck I'm at the half century mark--but I've always been a sucker for wimmin with a good personality--it wouldn't hurt ifn they look like Halle Berry--but looks can fade. My first crush was Loren Bacall. I never met her, but When I was about 12 I fell in love with her. Man was I ever jealous of Bogart. She still stirs me when I watch her old movies. The funny thing--even as she appears now-- those eyes and that smile slay me. Most beautifulwomen I've ever met also tended to be shallow. Often times they are more interested in the package than the contents. Beautiful women (in the Playboy or Cosmo sense) are kinda like elephants. I like to look at them, but I don't think I'd want one of them in my house. And as far as build or lack thereof--my old Grandpa, Ulysses S Addams, used to say "Bein' with a skinny girl is like ridin an English bicycle over railroad tracks. It can be done, but its damned uncomfortable, and you may break something in the process."
  7. Har! That's great! They looks like three o' me cousins Goop Addams, Gripe Addams and Nanook Frump (on me mothers side, ye know) They set about robbin' the farms and gold fields o' Antarctica. Geography was not their best subject. They did manage to hijack a load o snow tires, but by the time they got a buyer, they melted.
  8. Now woah there! All you wenches and pyrettes are startin ta sound like that Andy Rooney fellers column! Next thing --ye're gonna be bashin us guys with scurrilous truth!
  9. Well, next June, I'll be a quarter of a bicentennial! Growin' older is mandatory--growin' up aint When I get feelin' old and sorta past it, I just remind myself of the followin:' When Elvis was my age, he'd been dead fer eight years! Thenkyewverymuch!
  10. Cannon? There was a cannon ?
  11. Lessee--how many gigs does thispost have? No partiklar order Halloween Jamie Lee Curtis is great in this one Friday the 13th original one only Nosferatu 1927 Max Shrek is Dracula Night of the Living Dead Original is great; remake is pretty good. Shadow of the Vampire Was Nosferatu a documentary? Evil DeadAnyone can die at any time for no reason. Dementia 13 best no budget movie made by a future big time director Dog Soldiers good werewolf flick from Scotland usually overlooked Texas Chainsaw Massacre Original version is best--gritty. The Shining. The Omen From Hell Dracula 1930s Bela Lugosi Frankenstein 1930s Karloff Fer Fun: Return of the Living deadPunks are toast great punk soundtrack Elvira Mistress of the DarkI'm a guy--she has enormous talents Ed WoodJohnny Depp as the world's worst director Plan Nine from Outer Space by the real Ed Wood Repo Man not halloween, but odd enough, great punk soundtrack Rocky Horror Picture Show
  12. Yar. When I was a young pup, I knowed Capn' Bleckbeard real well. We usta raid th Carolina coast and we was on the same bowlin' team. His real name weren't Teach, Thatch, Drummond, or Teague--it were Ustinov. H. Addams , Godolphin College, class a 68.
  13. Or mebbe the act of clippin' Spanish 8Reale pieces into eighths makin' change. Whole coin=One Spanish dollar Half coin=Four bits=half dollar Quarter coin=Two Bits=quarter dollar.
  14. Yow! Nice piece there! Ifn its handled by Butterfield's, yer lookin at a quality antique. They have some of the best appraisers in the business. I worked alongside with a couple of them when I worked in a museum, and they know their stuff. That price range is pretty good too. I'll keep a weather eye out fer a similar replica and /or sword smith. Hang in there, them fancy Marinero swords look mighty fine with dress blues.
  15. Oh yeah, back to the topic at hand. Safety first, last and always. Losin a few fingers and/or body parts may be authentic, but it plays havoc with yer typin in these forums. Get er dulled before you start countin' in base 8
  16. Now ye be talkin 'bout a Gen-you-wine Gyreen Occifer's cutlass? Right hand or left hand thread?
  17. There was some discussion about disney's lack of licensing POTC stuff, and apparently, they will license the snot outta animated movies, popular or not (hence the tons of Hunchback of Notredame stuff in th dollar stores), but will not sell live-action film-related stuff. Somebody missed the boat there, eh? Sooo, everyone with access to cheap pirate hats will be sellin' them as POTC hats. official or not. Then there's that jerk--Pirates R US on E-bay. Don't get us started on his "authentic" props. But then who really wants a perfect Jack Sparrow Hat? Piratitude is all about individuality, isn't it? :)
  18. Ifn' it be lame, boring, stupid, etc, etc, ye're probly not playin' it right. "Cow pasture pool" can be a lot of fun if ye gots the right attitude. Remember: Its another creation from the fine folks who gave us Scotch whiskey!
  19. Just outta curiosity, whatcha doin' wit a modern cutlass? The 1917 was selected by th' US Navy and was standard issue until after World War II. That's right--The Navy was standin' by to repel boarders wit' cutlasses right into th Atomic Age! Doncha just love tradition?!
  20. Jest be careful how ye pick yer fights-- A man appeared before St. Peter at the pearly gates. "Have you ever done anything of particular merit?" St. Peter asked. "Well, I can think of one thing," the man offered. "Once, upon a trip to the Black Hills out in South Dakota, I came upon a gang of high-testosterone bikers, who were threatening a young woman. I directed them to leave her alone, but they wouldn't listen. "So, I approached the largest and most heavily tattooed biker and smacked him on the head, kicked his bike over, ripped out his nose ring, and threw it on the ground." I yelled, "Now, back! off!! Or you'll answer to me!" St. Peter was impressed: "When did this happen?" "Just a couple minutes ago."
  21. Blotto Buccaneers Bowlin' in th' Bilges Who'l be fer C?
  22. That'd kill most of them off real fast.
  23. On the Bright Side yer only a day drive away from Portland and or Seattle. And if yore really desperate for some sea air, Pullman-Moscow airport has shuttle flights. The lower Columbia is almost sea-like. And there be a few good pubs in Spokane--taint much of a waterfront along the riverpark square, but the Viking and O'Doherty's pour a fine pint.
  24. Yes ye, can. Smoothbores, like Brown Bess muskets and the more piraty blunderbuss can be loaded with wadding and bird shot, and make pretty good shotguns. I have a 12 ga double barreled percussion shotgun that does wonders on ducks and upland game birds. The main problems with trap and skeet shootin' (aside from them nor bein' really good eatin') is that muzzle loaders are very ssslllooowww to reload safely at a skeet range. And all the white sulphury smoke annoys lots of modern gunners downwind. Mary's packin only one 38?? I coulda sworn it was double barreled? *removes non 17th century bifocals to clean them*
  25. "unfortunately Inland Northwest?" Where ye be lass? Plunderin' the Palouse? Lurkin' in the bays of Coer d' Alene? Hangin out in the pub across from the Expo 74?
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