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Hrothgar Addams

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Everything posted by Hrothgar Addams

  1. How bout thisun: A joke for English majors: A man is attending a convention in Boston. Being a lover of seafood, he gets into a cab and asks the cabbie, "Do you know where I can get scrod?" The cabdriver looks at him in the mirror and says, "You know, I've been asked that question a million times, but never before in the pluperfect subjunctive."
  2. Alive is good enuf sometimes-- Any day I wake up and find myself on the right side of the lawn (above) is a good day. And there is plenty of time ta be mellow when yer dead.
  3. Now this'll be waaay off topic, but---- Redd Oktober--ye ol scudder--where ye been? Its good ta have ye back in port! Okay--back ta movie Pirates. . . . .
  4. Even the Bushman in The Gods Must Be Crazy follows the hero archtype. And he could act circles around Keanu Ifn ye ain't the readin kind, I'd recommend the Bill Moyers Joseph Campbell series, the Power of Myth. Great series, and its available on video at some better video shops. And many libraries have it too.
  5. Wow! what a LID! Now --thats sumpin spectacular--That ain't no hat. That be a work of art! A sorta Pirates of Vegas look. Add that on top of yer frock coat and --well, clear the mantle for more awards! (BTW, is the glade an ingredient or just an accessory? just kiddin')
  6. Darned tootin! Capn' Taggart is the man!
  7. Well its gotta be a toss up-- either Burt Lancaster in the Crimson Pirate --or Peter Ustinov as Blackbeard's Ghost.
  8. Now here is a taste treat that's bound ta make some kinda impression! http://www.flickr.com/photos/blazenhoff/17172197/
  9. A few years ago, I was visitin' the Little Big Horn battle site in Montana, and I got to speakin' with a guide gussied up in a Indian Wars era cavalry uniform. He explained the green paisley bandanna he was wearin' as bein' one for the more popular colors and styles available through the sutlers on the frontier. It seems the yellow ones worn like a Boy Scout neckercheif in the movies was just that--movie costume. Probably a Edith Head original. Real soldiers on the frontier wore Paisley That brings us to the mid-1800s---anyone know sompin' earlier?
  10. Just finished yer book-- Danged fine tale! Ye done good, lad. Now, I'll have ta second Morgan's comment about illustrations. Harpooner Flarq's scrimshaws shoulda been scattered through th book highlightin the tale somewhat. Mebbee a special edition later on? Anyway--Congrats on a job well-done.
  11. What was the old punchline...? Two cannibals were eating a clown, and one sez ta th' other: "Does this taste funny to you?" Naw that wasn't it. . . Oh yeah-- So one cannibal looks into his Hot Dog bun, turns to his buddy and sez "what part did you get?"
  12. But ---shish-kebab is Middle Eastern!! Shouldn't they be using a Boucan rack? As far as Kosher--it depends on how you kill him---
  13. Round here in Spokane theyr'e in Suncoast Video, Hot Topic, Hastings Video, Spencer Gifts, and Sam Goody, not to mention several locally owned businesses. Two headed Will is kinda creepy though--maybe it helped that he was hangin' on th' wall between the House of 1000 Corpses and Hellraiser fugures.
  14. Of course Gaelic Storm did the best versions of Johnny Tarr and Johnny Jump Up. They wrote 'em! Johnny Tarr was written by the members of the band. Johnny Jump Up was a traditional tune arranged by Gaelic Storm.
  15. Congratulations ladies--ye done good. Beautiful work on th coat. And gettin the judges to make a new category--wow! WELL DONE!
  16. I think this is a case of tryin' ta separate th' fly-specks from th' pepper. Probl'y an exercise in futility. The more we split hares (sorry Chuck Jones!), the more confusin' things'll get. Too many choices make me braims hurt! I, fer one, post sumptin' where it seems best ta me, an ifn' the moderators wanna move it, that's their choice. Knowledge an'experience is cumulative--usually, and since I've been aboard less than a year, I'll bow to the judgement of those what been here longer. Yer doin' a good job, all ye moderators. Thanx, anna tip of th' Tricorn ta ye all.
  17. What about the Norweigan Blue? Beautiful plumage. But ye gotta nail 'em to th perch, or VOOM!
  18. What about the Norweigan Blue? Beautiful plumage. But ye gotta nail 'em to th perch, or VOOM!
  19. Now we're an ethnic Group? The cartoon is from a place selling tee shirts Check out their line. http://dieselsweeties.com/archive.php?s=148/
  20. Careful, Pete lad--ifn ye put too many dubloons down someone's liable to cut about a buck-seventy-five offn yer anatomy!
  21. By those standards, there hasn't been a conservative in office since Thomas Jefferson
  22. Lookin' at Jerry's Career (thanx, ta IMDB) Here's a partial list of his credits: Pirates of the Caribbean 2 "Amazing Race 5, The" (2004) Fearless (2004) (TV) "Amazing Race 6, The" (2004) National Treasure (2004) "C.S.I.: NY" (2004) TV Series King Arthur (2004) "Skin" (2003) TV Series "Cold Case" (2003) TV Series Bad Boys II (2003) (producer) Pirates of the Caribbean: The Curse of the Black Pearl (2003) "Amazing Race 4, The" (2003) TV Series Kangaroo Jack (2003) (producer) "Amazing Race 3, The" (2002) TV Series "Without a Trace" (2002) TV Series "CSI: Miami" (2002) TV Series Bad Company (2002) (producer) "Amazing Race 2, The" (2002) TV Series Black Hawk Down (2001) "Amazing Race, The" (2001) TV Series Pearl Harbor (2001) Rmember the Titans (2000) Coyote Ugly (2000) Gone in Sixty Seconds (2000) Enemy of the State (1998) Armageddon (1998) Con Air (1997) Rock, The (1996) Dangerous Minds (1995) Crimson Tide (1995) Bad Boys (1995) Ref, The (1994) Days of Thunder Beverly Hills Cop II (1987) Top Gun (1986) Thief of Hearts (1984) Beverly Hills Cop (1984) Flashdance (1983) Th' Moral? Reality is not in his dictionary-- Check yer brains at the door and enjoy the action. But then, I liked Spongebob the Movie--what do I know?
  23. Just got back from seein' Spongebob Squarepants The Movie--and boy am I tired. I haven'y laughed so hard and so much in a movie in many years. From the Pirates singing the theme song as they raid a movie house, to the David Hasslehoff rescuing the boys to the big rock-star ending, it is just flat-out funny. The adults were laughing as hard as the kids. Like the TV show, it operates on several levels at once. Take the kids and enjoy. If'n you don't have any kids, grab the nephiews and neices--or the neighbor kids and go.
  24. Even when new, I'll wager that was a clunky-lookin barge. From the looks of it in the pictures, I'd bet in an earlier life it was a 40 foot whale boat or captain's gig. USN surplus-- Most of the forecastle and stern cabin look to have been tacked on at some date later than the hull's original construction. It looks like a total waste of time and dubloons. Now, I have this bridge--in really good shape-- only used by old ladies in tennis shoes to cross from Brooklyn to New York on Sundays.....
  25. I'm takin me kids and nephiews to it on Friday. We've been plannin it since we heard the release date. Gotta love SpongeBob Squarepants!
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