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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. Nay Im running with Mary... Still your good at it..and as mary says Practice makes perfect...*grins angelically*
  2. Oh no...I could rip out..im a pro at ripping out stitches...
  3. Hmm Lady Alyx I saw you in, I do not have trouble getting in unless my phone lines are acting up as they have been because of all the flooding. As for that other link, I have used it and there are lots of kids in there because Parlay has it up for their members to use.
  4. I was in and got tossed overboard, locked up me whole computer..though my phone lines are still acting up I think...Will try it again..
  5. Sterling! That is cheating... And yes that would be a great idea..Another place to check for fabrics is Craigslist.com I bought a gorgeous Irish Linen that was made in Italy for 2.00 a yard..won't tell you what it retails for..but let us just say it was a steal. Recently had a bunch of European wool for i think it was 2-5.00 a yard...
  6. Don't tempt me Briar... Ohh Jill, they opened up this home Decor Fabric store about five miles from my house, I went Saturday, WOW! I so did not wish to leave, and trims..lots of trim..I'll have to sneak back when I can...
  7. Ransom..that sounds very awesome! I can only imagaine seeing such a storm..but to be on a boat..never done that..Your not in Texas are you????
  8. I agree. People all have their own prefrences to their mounts, and each has good and bad qualities. I would settle for a warlander. Im addicted to a good thunderstorm with a lightning show.
  9. Who said Im small? Have ye seen me pic? Hmm for Halloween I used to dress as Elvira, but that was when my hair was longer.. Had all the neighborhood boys at me house...
  10. oh I fell in love with an Arab once..gunmetal gray named Caliber..a real charmer he was, but his lip was messed up, had caught it in the gate. We have had a few arabs, They are very smart, but all the ones we had were clumsy. However the smartest horses I have seen so far have been the mustangs..my mother has adopted three so far and they are calm, very sure footed, thick bodies and very intelligent.. But still will stick with my andi's..only cause I cannot have one...
  11. It is believed that the forerunner of the Lipizzan was bred in Carthage, more than 2,000 years ago. The Carthaginian stock was bred to the Vilano, a sturdy Pyrenees horse, and with Arab and Barbary strains. The result became the fabled Andalusian of ancient Spain. Is he not gorgeous..I prefer the darker colors..bold and rich..
  12. So Cheeky...We should have a Halloween party..lol Sterling sorry these grand horses are too small for you..Truly magnificent horses...
  13. Andalusian horses.....Ice skating.......Halloween....Haburgers and swiss cheese....
  14. As Ciaran and herself were hailed she sent a speaking glance to Ciaran, then quickly tugged her forleock..’Aye!” she shouted back down. “Bloody blighters, just wot be ye up to eh?” She pulled her glass again and once more took in the deck and scoured the shadows but could not see the Captain, at least not yet. There was languid movement on the ship and as soon as their “guest” arrived back upon his own ship she took note of who made their way over to him then he quickly went down she assumed to report to his captain. It was apparent that Tudor had either been offended or had perceived the man's evilness..but either way she was glad he was gone off the Dog, movement aboard the Heron had her glancing briefly that way taking in Captain Dorian's return then back to the Navarra....there seemed to be nothing harried or hurried, ship life seemed the same there as it was on the Dog.
  15. Hmm me thinks I shall have to keep an eye on his purse since he seems long winded. But welcome to the Pub...
  16. Hey Jolliet and that would be helpful..as for the first site Cheeky I did find that one and have read some and smimmed the majority. The second site I have really been intrested in as well and always wondered how the women seemed to have so much air...Unfortunately, I would need Hair pieces as well. So Where does one find hair pieces and hot to add add them..
  17. I know someone here and I think it was Cheeky who was looking into more infor for makeup...I found this site because I was looking to make my own beauty patches. Makeup Anyone else have information..and while on the beauty patch how did they attach it to make it stick. Gee here I am struggling to not be anemic and look so pale and I find it's fashionable...
  18. Lacy Shoe I found these while looking for shoes yesterday..I found shoes that while not PC was hoping to still be able to use them and Im toying with the idea of adding lace since I found these. The caption below the shoe states...This shoe with lace trimming was worn by a Miss Langley during the reign of Charles II, made in pale yellow silk it is embroidered with flowers. Drawing from Greig's "Book of Illustrations of Collections of Ladies Old-Fashioned Shoes" And the info is found here... The costumers manifesto
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