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Black Syren

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Everything posted by Black Syren

  1. A Humble offering...Scallops with Bacon For four: 1 ½ pound dry pack large sea scallops 4 strips smoked bacon, preferably thick slices from a local smokehouse 2 tablespoons chopped shallots 1 cup dry white wine Kosher or sea salt and freshly ground pepper 2 tablespoons butter 3 tablespoons chopped fresh parsley (optional) Slice bacon strips lengthwise into ½ inch strips, then slice across to make ¼ x ½ inch squares. Heat a large sauté pan over medium heat and cook bacon until golden brown and slightly crispy. Remove with slotted spoon and set aside. Pour off bacon fat, add 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil and turn heat to high. Salt and pepper both sides of scallops, using less salt than usual because of the bacon. Place scallops in a single layer so that they are not touching and cook until nearly done and quite brown (3-4 minutes). Turn and finish cooking – middle is just opaque and scallops have a bouncy resistance. Remove from pan and set aside. Add chopped shallots and cook for a minute or two, stirring constantly. Add wine and scrape brown fond from pan. Boil until reduced by half, turn heat to low and return scallops and bacon to pan. Swirl in the butter, sprinkle with parsley if you have it and serve on warmed plates. We served the scallops with pasta sauced with sautéed leeks and artichokes, but rice or a small pasta with butter would go well.
  2. Hmm This year as all the neighbors have hedges I was thinking of taking some ping pong balls and cut them in half they spray paint them with glow in the dark paint and put them in the hedges like eyeballs..lol. Then will need to find some painters stilts for the Grim Raper to walk about. Not sure if I can pull it all together this year, but if not Ill add more every year..*grins*
  3. *Coughs* Im a big hallowwen fan myself, and it is disappointing to see all the wee ones out before sun down. However, I am working on an event that will include the neighbors on my street. We are going to try for a street Party. Glow in the dark footprints on the sidewalks, adults jumping out at the kids from the bushes, costume contests, food, music...It's time to put Hallowwen back on the map.
  4. Thanks and all of that has been very helpful. I have been working on making my own tassels with just regular crochet yarn as practice. Not perfect but each one does get better. As for the Kuchi jewelry tis very expensive and I have been raiding e-bay and found some good stuff though have not bought anything as of yet. If any have pics of theres I would be intrested in taking a look at them, and definitely the leather and skull one.. Thanks for all the advice, links and tips.
  5. My bad I was brought to attention..Therre is a diffrence between Ghosts and spirits..I believe in Spirits.. I know New Orleans before the hurricane had a Haunted ghost Pirate tour, supposedly where Pirates of the time had dealings and so forth and now haunted the areas.
  6. aye..agreed (um with a guy that is) But of course, then one can always soothe the sting..with more intresting diversions..
  7. Bumping back to the top so tis easier to find...
  8. Now Im itching to really go and explore..
  9. Morgan tis a good thing you did not break down. Actually that is a scary thing. Still I would proably be stupid enough to get out and explore.
  10. Yay! I would go and Cheeky we have some good ones here from the websites, have not been yet and no one is brave enough to go with me..may have to go it alone. Oh I have heard diffrent on the witching hour..but Deep Midnight is supposed to be another good time..exactly 13 minutes after midnight..*wicked grin*
  11. Eighteen miles out of Boulder is ElkHorn ghost town..you may be able to look it up on-line. Unfortunately there is a diffrence between imagining what it looked like than really seeing things that are not there or ghosts if you will. My personal belief is that there is something out there that what I would call a ghost, I have seen things all my life including a man standing in my home about two in the morning. He was all black and you could see through him, there was a really bad malovelant feeling about him and we finally had our house blessed. But that is just my thoughts and my run-ins with things that I cannot explain. And things iI cannot explain like shattering glass or men fighting and knocking things off the walls and breaking furniture and then stepping into that room and finding nothing amiss..Well I have to call them ghosts..not sure what another appropriate term would be. What a beautiful building Mission tis a shame to not restore it, I would love to go poking about in there with a metal detector and see if you can find old coins or newspapers...
  12. I spent a month in Montana. It is so beautiful up there, the month of summer luckily for us. From the time the sun came up till it went down we explored the mountains. There are so many mine shafts you have to watch where you walk. And the old ghost towns there..If you sit long enough and just listen you can almost imagine the people walking, the buckboards driving up and down..One of which we went to was known as The Hell Roaring Gulch and was kept up for tourists. But my favorite was lost in the mountains and it sat all alone and utterly abandoned..a step out of time...it was wonderful.
  13. Ciao Sebastien and welcome to the Pub, as ye know by lurking ye have to put out the coin for the drynks..at least the first round. *Grins* I hope you enjoy the Pub ! P.S. Nice profile, Rumba will aprreciate that. Cheers,
  14. Yep getting to be my fave time of year..but the Fort Zachary post in PiP got me to thinking..How many live near haunted places, what is the history behind such? My house is haunted and I have a pic with an orb in it as well. So im going to start this off with my town Round Rock, Texas, I live in the historical section close to Brushy Creek where the rocks in the creek still bear the tracks of the old conestoga wagons. Sam Bass the outlaw is buried very close to my house, there is also an unmarked slave cemetary there, and bad vibes when walks in. Most of the concrete over the places of the deceased are cracked open. I have only been there once and that in daylight. Round Rock does historical ghost walking tours. Though I have yet to go on one as no one will go with me..may go by myself.. And downtown Austin has another where a man actually murdered women in a Jack the Ripper fashion, the murders actually started before Jack came on the scene and the murders in Austin stopped shortly before the Jack the Ripper murders began to occur in England. Same person or merely coincidence. Whatever the case, nothing is built on these spots and nothing grows there either.
  15. That is incredible and I would do it...Though...I cannot run...
  16. Welcome Iron Jim and enjoy your stay, Plunder Me Cherry if ye don't mind *hoists tankard*
  17. She paused to look in a small shop window and as he said he would love to find a trustworthy soul to deliver his gift she frowned and as he continued on she turned back to face him, before words could flee her tongue Argus barked and wagged his tail. Sha gave a laugh and knelt by Argus and tugged lightly on one of his ears before rising again. "Well he seems to like the idea and truly that would be fine with me, beyond the stables they have trails, we could make our way up, I bet tis pretty as a picture from up there." She pointed towards the left and the stables that lay at the end of the street and to the paths clearly seen from where they stood. Already she could envision the ripe green grasses and the abundance of wildflowers, the view of the sea as they looked down upon it glistening in it's many shades of blue. "Argus would enjoy a good romp, as for your gift, have you talked to the Catpain? He knows other captains and could tell you who you could trust. Or mayhaps he would sail in that direction." She shrugged as they walked. "Though Im not sure he would do the last unless it were a good port or some such. But still you could ask him about the other Captains, and Im sure your lass would be thrilled with a gift and think you have not forgotten her after all." She moved ahead pushing through a crowd of bystanders and swept her hair back from her bruised cheek and shoved the tendrils behind her ear and then spun to walk backwards. "Hurry up you are walking to slow and the hills are calling." He laughed and motioned to the bruises "How did you come by those." Again her eyes grew shadowed, "A long story, and one not worthy to mar the day." Again she smiled and turned back around to walk back at his side now hiding her bruised cheek. As he pulled her to the side and went to lift her face she shied away and he released her as Argus grwoled with menace. "Argus saved me." she said softly. She knelt and reassured Argus that all was well "Shall we continue on?"
  18. *So far all is well* Quickly runs out before she is jinxed...
  19. However she did search the room and make sure it was clean, the window locked and then moving back to him she checked the lock on the door and satisifed with it she moved without and locked it. Then pocketing the key bent to rub Argus's head and as they moved downt he hall she wondered just what might they do. "What are your intrests? I mean, do you wish to seek a trinket for your lass, or perhaps a walk into the hills?" As they moved back down the stairs and towards the door she hid a yawn, though tired she was not sleepy and she was eager to find something to do. The tavern was dimly lit and a noisy affair and reaching outside the bright sunlight had her squinting till she could better focus on their surrounds. Several children raced through the streets, the smell of the sea mixing with the vegetation unique and much appreciated as it was diffrent than the salt of just that which she had grown accustomed. Though the sun was high it was not as humid as yesterday and the breeze was strong and cool. Again her gaze rove over everything with the enthusiasm of a child in a sweet shop, darting hither and yon and all the while Argus panting tagged at her side.
  20. She allowed Alan to order for them both and most especially on the wine as he explained he knew of such. As Argus lay across ehr feet she noticed several look at the size of the dog and raised laughing eyes to Alan. "Seems Argus has quite a prescence." The meal was indeed delicious, the wine even better and it relaxed her immensely, it had been long since she could just enjoy being herself around another, not having to be correct at all times, and not worry about motive. In fact it was great fun speaking with him of places he had been and things he had seen and done, her own experiences far to little to compare to his. When he asked of her family she looked down and away, tensing up. So he poured more wine and changed the subject. She sent him a smile of gratitude but shadows lay in her eyes. "I suppose I shall see about a room, if you like I can have our things sent up so they are safe as we explore." As his brow lifted she tilted her head and then blushed deep.."I meant.." He laughed "I know what ye meant, I but tease, you turn so many charming shades." Relieved she let loose a light laugh and moved off argus at her heels to the counter and had to wait to speak to the tavern owner for a room and paid extra for a bath later on. As the key was given she looked to Alan and waved the key, hoisitng her bag she pointed at his and waited to see what he wished to do.
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